Obamamania: What The Fuck Is With These Idiots?

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I swear, man…women are bawling at his speeches, people line up behind ropes in the freezing cold just in the hopes of shaking his hand, million-dollar starlets get on the phone and make campaign calls for him.

Oprah loves him.

Teddy Kennedy loves him.

But I’ll bet you my net worth that 90-95% of these people have no fucking clue where he stands on a given issue, or his plan to change the things he wants to change.

Joel Stein has an article in the LA Times regarding Obamamania:

You are embarrassing yourselves. With your “Yes We Can” music video, your “Fired Up, Ready to Go” song, your endless chatter about how he’s the first one to inspire you, to make you really feel something — it’s as if you’re tacking photos of Barack Obama to your locker, secretly slipping him little notes that read, “Do you like me? Check yes or no.” Some of you even cry at his speeches. If I were Obama, and you voted for me, I would so never call you again.

Obamaphilia has gotten creepy. I couldn’t figure out if the two canvassers who came to my door Sunday had taken Ecstasy or were just fantasizing about an Obama presidency, but I feared they were going to hug me. Scarlett Johansson called me twice, asking me to vote for him. She’d never even called me once about anything else. Not even to see “The Island.”

What the Cult of Obama doesn’t realize is that he’s a politician. Not a brave one taking risky positions like Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich, but a mainstream one. He has not been firing up the Senate with stirring Cross-of-Gold-type speeches to end the war. He’s a politician so soft and safe, Oprah likes him. There’s talk about his charisma and good looks, but I know a nerd when I see one. The dude is Urkel with a better tailor.

All of this is clear to me, and yet I have fallen victim. I was at an Obama rally in Las Vegas last month, hanging at the rope line afterward in the cold night desert air, just to see him up close, to make sure he was real. I’d never heard a politician talk so bluntly, calling U.S. immigration policy “scapegoating” and “demagoguery.” I’d never had even a history teacher argue that our nation’s history is a series of brave people changing others’ minds when things were on the verge of collapse. I want the man to hope all over me.

Still, I can’t help but feel incredibly embarrassed about my feelings. In the “Yes We Can” music video that will.i.am made of Obama’s Jan. 8 speech, I spotted Eric Christian Olsen, a very smart actor I know. (His line is “Yes we can.”) I called to see if he had gone all bobby-soxer for Obama, or if he was just shrewdly taking a part in a project that upped his Q rating.

Turns out Olsen not only contributed money, he volunteered in Iowa and California and made hundreds of calls. He also sent out a mass e-mail to his friends that contained these lines: “Nothing is more fundamentally powerful than how I felt when I met him. I stood, my hand embraced in his, and … I felt something … something that I can only describe as an overpowering sense of Hope.” That’s the gayest e-mail I’ve ever read, and I get notes from guys who’ve seen me on E!

When I started to make fun of Olsen, he said: “I get that it’s a movement. But it’s not like a movement for Nickelback. For the first time, we should feel justified in our passion. You don’t have to feel embarrassed about it, buddy.” It was a convincing argument until he told me he cried during an Obama speech. That did not help me feel less lame.

So to de-Romeo-ize, I called someone immune to Obama’s hottie dreaminess: a white suburban feminist baby boomer. To get two things done at once, I called my mother.

My mom, a passionate Hillary Clinton supporter, immediately attacked Obamamania. “Some part of me wants to say, ‘People wake up. He has no plans.’ I get frustrated listening to his speeches after awhile,” she said. She also said that the new vacation house in Key West is really great and her vertigo hasn’t been acting up.

I started to feel a little more grounded again. Did I want to be some dreamer hippie loser, or a person who understands that change emerges from hard work and conflict? “People are projecting an awful lot onto him,” Mom said. “Almost like what was that movie with, oh, the movie, oh God. That English actor, he practically said nothing. Oh shoot. He was the butler and everybody loved him and what he was thinking and feeling. Do you know the movie I’m talking about? You don’t.” Hers, of course, is the demographic most likely to vote.

But she’s right. Obama is Peter Sellers in “Being There.” As a therapist, she’s seen the danger of ungrounded expectations. “You feel young again. You feel like everything is possible. He helps you feel that way and you want to feel that way; it’s a great marriage. Unfortunately, the divorce will happen very quickly.” Mom is the kind of realistic tough-talker who isn’t afraid to make divorce analogies to a child of divorce.

“We want what he represents,” she said. “A young, idealistic person who really believes it. And he believes it. He believes he can change the world. I just don’t think he can.”

Thing is, I’ve watched too many movies and read too many novels; I can’t root against a person who believes he can change the world. The best we Obamaphiles can do is to refrain from embarrassing ourselves. And I do believe that we can resist making more “We Are the World”-type videos. We can resist crying jags. We can resist, in every dinner argument and every e-mail, the word “inspiration.” Yes, we can.

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21 Responses

  1. EDinTampa

    The MSM, Hollywood, Europe, Islamofascists and the Democrat leadership are all going to make this a stark clash between McCain & Obama.

    I say Obama because I believe that he is going to take Hillary down and Kerry is going to be his running mate.

    Obama is an empty suit, touchy feely, tax monger and the young people will turn out in droves for him. He has accomplished NOTHING to my knowledge and gives Islamofascism name recognition.


    I heard Obama say in a clip on O’Reilly that Mitts speech was fear mongering regarding the war. That alone tells me what side he is on. If you don’t want to call the enemy “the enemy”, that is just kissy face mongering to me and we don’t need a POTUS like that.

    That alone should mobilize every American to the cause of defeating radical islam.

    A President John McCain is the most resounding message we could send to our enemy worldwide that we will defend our homeland and our friends around the world.

  2. (CAPT-DAX)

    I think he’s more Dangerous than Hillary.

  3. deathstar

    The guys a rascist idiot.

  4. Gerund

    I agree, Dax. He’s way more dangerous than Hillary.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Ok my girlfriends mom is voting for him. She said the 2 of us arent voting for him “because hes black”. I explained to her why i wasnt voting for him. then I asked do you know anything about the issues he is running on? she had no idea. i asked again, what is your favorite issue he has been talking about? she ended getting mad because she honestly had no answer even after saying i wasnt voting for him “because hes black”. figure that one out and let me know because i dont have an answer for that question Bash

  6. brian

    i really dont believe that obama is, but he sure does have all the traits of the anti-christ that is described in the bible.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    @Brian, Since it only describes the anti-christs traits and gives no real clues where he will be coming from you never know. But you’re right, fits the description and im sure you’re not the only person who has ever thought that.

  8. Mike3 Swann

    @ EDinTampa:

    I saw the same speech. It gave me the feeling that he would try to be friends with people that want to kill western civilization. I figure its a behavioral trait of a self centered person with no respect for past history and lack of understanding of foreign cultures. Wasn’t it just 6 months ago on the campain trial that he was going advocate a big, blind pull out?

    He needs to be pressed hard about his post Bush middle east policy if he becomes president. I have a feeling if he were president, his legacy woudl be the first administration to have nuke detonated on american soil.

    Sorry to be so dark, but the guy really bother’s me. People either deny or take a cavilier additude about the dangers of nukes in extremists hands.

  9. Arthuraria

    the great deceiver maybe?

  10. John Cunningham

    “I stood, my hand embraced in his…and I felt something” Are you sure it was his hand? As for stopping embarrassing yourselves you might want to think of the rest of the country and not embarrass us. You remind me of those little girls screaming over the Bay City Rollers.

    Gag me with a spoon.

  11. CathyH

    Can we compare Obama to Martin Luther King, Jr (who was before my time)? I get the impression that just like King, Obama can give an inspiring speech, yet King had people fired up about something important — civil rights — and Obama is getting people fired up to — what?!? Touch his hand and never again wash the hand that was touched?

    All Obama is doing is making himself accessible to the people as if he is a celebrity marketing the latest movie he starred in. And just like celebritries (reminds me of Paris Hilton), he talks good (thanks to his speechwriters-who aren’t participating in Hollywood’s writer’s strike) but just doesn’t have anything between his ears.

    But I would guess he can’t hear his critics over all the Beatles-esque screaming he’s getting.

  12. JJIrons

    Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He’s a dangerous person that would certainly harm our country if he were elected. He did indeed go to a Muslim school when he was younger for a couple of years even though he says he is not a Muslim himself. I just have a hunch (duh!) that he is sympathetic to Muslims and I doubt he would do what is necessary to protect our country if he were in office. He has so much as said so just by stating he would pull our troops out of Iraq a.s.a.p. Anti-Christ? No. Predecessor paving the way? Yup. He does seem to get “help” from the dark side.

  13. PhilNBlanx

    All “the rising star” needs to further enhance his empty resume is a weekend in rehab and he’s a shoe-in. We do’t need no steenkin’ positions…Oprah says we should vote for the mimbo.

  14. John Cunningham

    JJirons, “help” from the dark side? That would be the farrakhan NOIse makers.

  15. Paslode

    Obama the Antichirst….I half jokingly say that all the time. Which is half based on those Apocolypse, Edgar Casey and Nostradomas shows I always find interet in. The other half of my basis is a gut feeling I get when people are trying to blow smoke up my ass. That gut feeling is 99.99999% accurate and I go with it.

    My daughter likes Obama as do many friends and customers. Why? No real reason, they just feel all warm and fuzzy about him…..more like an ectasy party if you ask me. When I hear them my first thought is that scene in Independence Day where all the people are atop the skyscraper awaiting, partying, cheering, dancing in blindly welcoming something they know nothing about.

    Once my friend Rob and I were approached by a couple guys selling a top of the line Sony VCR, new in the box for $100. It looked really sweet and Rob was sold, but I had some reservations! Rob went home got the money, met the guys and excitedly made the purchase. Rob brought the box into the office and excitedly opened the box only to find out he had just paid $100 for a nice looking package containing 4 bricks.

    My daughter and many others have focused on and been sold a good looking package without much thought to what inside.

    My gut tells me the package contains 4 bricks at best.

  16. Irish Gal

    The left is perception, the right is substance… But yeah, anti-christ has been crossing my mind in the last few weeks. Scary…

  17. EDinTampa

    A while back I saw a you tube transformation of very handsome picture of Obama transformed into a hideous looking Demon and then back to Obama while some crazy music played in the background. I will try to find it again.

    Interesting thought that he could be the anti-Christ.

    Of course the liberals said W was the anti-Christ too.

    I know we better wake up or Obama will be our President.

  18. drillanwr

    The dude is Urkel with a better tailor.

    Funny line … However, as I recall, Steve Urkel was a bit of a “wiz-kid” … BHO ain’t.

    These Obsama-ites think they’re voting for Homecoming King! He ain’t a rockstar … and THIS ain’t the friggin’ Grammy Awards!

    I don’t want a “warm and fuzzy” Prez. that the rest of the world fawns over. I want the rest of the world to respectfully fear him.

    I want a PRESIDENT who knows/understands/accepts the difficult enemy we face in this millennium … not promise to hook-up the lazy-assed masses of this country to a government I.V. for everything they could possibly need or want.

    I want a real “Good, Bad and Ugly” gun-slinging cowboy … Not a manicured prettyboy rhinestone cowboy the “brokeback mountain” crowd can slobber over.

  19. Paslode

    A few intersting links on the Obama AC





  20. trustme1013

    Wow, Paslode,

    Those are some of the most ill-formed and absolutely ridiculous websites I’ve ever seen. I’m no Obama fan, don’t get me wrong, but I think that’s crossing the line a bit much.

    What is frightening is the suggestion that someone’d take John Kerry as a running mate. (EdinTampa) This is altogether possible, because he had such success 4 years ago … What’s scarier is that Kerry’d then probably end up president, because whackos (like the ones who write websites like the ones linked above) will take care of Obama for us.

  21. Paslode

    LMAO! like I said ‘interesting’ I just didn’t mention it was more Alex Jones than believable. :lol:

    I enjoyed Al Sharpton as Secretary of State. I wonder were the Rev-rend Jackson would fit in the mix. LOL

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