Obama’s Dirty Hands…

February 29th, 2008 Posted By Iggy.


And not just becasue he wipes his ass with his bare hands..

This came out of the Washington Times…may be old news, but this is just another good reminder that Obamna’s Fairytale Politics is just a big fat lie. I would’t trust this guy to mow my lawn, let alone be my “Commander in Chief”.

Auchi connection

New attention is being focused on indirect connections between Iraqi-British billionaire Nadhmi Auchi, who has been tied to illegal activities in Iraq and France, and Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama.

Auchi gave at least $10.5 million to Obama fundraiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko, including a payment of $3.5 million that coincided with Mr. Obama’s purchase in 2005 of a $1.65 million Chicago house, the London Times reported Tuesday. The newspaper said the timing of the payment and the house purchase, along with the purchase of land next door by Mr. Rezko’s wife Rita from the same seller, raise questions about whether Auchi helped buy the house.

Bill Burton, a spokesman for Mr. Obama, would not answer when asked if Auchi helped buy the senator’s house. He said the senator did not recall ever meeting Auchi, who was convicted of corruption charges in France in 2003.

A lawyer for Auchi told the London Times that his client is not aware that the money from a company linked to Auchi was used to buy Mr. Obama’s house. The newspaper stated that Auchi and Mr. Obama had a brief encounter in 2004 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago.

A 2004 Pentagon report obtained by The Washington Times identified Auchi as a global arms dealer and Iraqi billionaire “who, behind the facade of legitimate business, served as Saddam Hussein’s principle international financial manipulator and bag man.”

The report to the Pentagon inspector general stated that “significant and credible evidence was developed that a conspiracy was organized by Nadhmi Auchi to offer bribes to ‘fix’ the awarding of cellular licensing contracts covering three geographic areas of Iraq” under the U.S. Coalition Provisional Authority.

“Additionally, significant and credible evidence has been developed that Nadhmi Auchi has engaged in unlawful activities working closely with Iraqi intelligence operatives to:

*”Bribe foreign governments and individuals prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom to turn opinion against the American-led mission to remove Saddam Hussein.

*”Arrange for significant theft from the U.N. Oil-for-Food Program to smuggle weapons and dual-use technology into Iraq ….

*”Organize an elaborate scheme to take over and control the post-war cellular phone system in Iraq.”

The report suggests Auchi has ties to British intelligence through a 2002 association with a former British intelligence chief, and that British telecommunications companies may have used Auchi to gain access to cellular phone markets in post-invasion Iraq.

Auchi has denied accusations over the cell phone contract.

The London Times reported that Auchi gave a $3.5 million loan to Mr. Rezko in May 2005 through a Panamanian company linked to the Iraqi expatriate called Fintrade Services SA.

Several weeks after the loan, Mr. Obama purchased a house on Chicago’s South Side and Mr. Rezko’s wife bought an expensive plot of land next to the house from the same seller on the same day. Mr. Rezko’s wife later sold a 10-foot section of the property to Mr. Obama, to add to the Illinois Democrat’s garden. Mr. Obama has called the land purchase a mistake.

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11 Responses

  1. Chad

    Obama and his wife are both racist, American hating, tool bags.

  2. ticticboom

    The Daly Machine is even more corrupt and vicious than the Kennedy and Clinton Machines. You could accuse them of human sacrifice and I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Osama the Magic Negro is all talk and no walk. He’s all about rhetoric over substance. He’s a douche bag.

  4. mike3481

    Iggy, I’ve never heard about this before, if “The one whose name shall not be mentioned”, “ears” or “The big H” (You choose) has to answer for this between now and Nov., it could be the beginning of the end, he might be finished. :razz:

  5. Bustoff

    Hussein is just another in a long line of sleazy Chicago Democrats.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    What are we going to do about this guy…

    Too much dirt is coming up but it doesnt seem to change this “Obama-mania”. are people really that stupid?? well that might actually be a stupid question.

  7. ticticboom


    I prefer “He Who Must Not Be Middle-Named”.

  8. Brian H

    Yeah, has a great cadence to it.

    Just to contrast with the humourless viciousness of B&M, and their spirit-guides J&L, here’s a reprint of Texan ex-gubernatorial candidate and Jewish wit Kinky Friedman’s “Jews Like Jesus”.

    Well, a redneck nerd
    In a bowling shirt
    Was a-guzzlin’ Lone Star Beer;
    Talking religion and-uh
    For all the world to hear.
    “They oughta send
    You back to Russia, boy,
    Or New York City One
    You just want to doodle
    A Christian girl
    And you killed God’s only son!”

    I said, “Has it occurred
    To you, you nerd,
    That that’s not very nice?
    We Jews believe
    It was Santa Claus
    That killed Jesus Christ!”
    “You know, you don’t
    Look Jewish,” he said,
    “Near as I could figger
    I had you lamped
    For a slightly anemic,
    Well-dressed country nigger!”

    No, they ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    They don’t turn
    The other cheek,
    The way they done before.
    He started in
    To shoutin’ and
    A-spittin’ on the floor,
    “Lord, they ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    He says, “I ain’t a racist
    But Aristitle Onassis
    Is one Greek we don’t need
    And them niggers,
    Jews and Sigma Nus,
    All they ever do is breed.
    And wops ‘n micks
    ‘N slopes ‘n spics
    ‘N spooks are on my list
    And there’s one little hebe
    From the heart of Texas —
    Is there anyone I missed?”

    Well, I hits him
    With everything I had
    Right square
    Between the eyes.
    I says, “I’m gonna gitcha,
    You son of a bitch ya,
    For spoutin’ that pack of lies.

    If there’s one thing
    I can’t abide,
    It’s an ethnocentric racist;
    Now you take back
    That thing you said
    ‘Bout Aristitle Onassis!”

    No, they ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    We don’t turn
    The other cheek
    The way we done before.
    You could hear
    That honky holler
    As he hit that hardwood floor
    “Lord, they sho’
    Ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    All right!

    No, they ain’t
    Makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    We don’t turn
    The other cheek
    The way they done before.
    You could hear
    That honky holler
    As he hit
    That hardwood floor,
    “Lord, they ain’t
    Makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    They ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    They ain’t makin’
    Who know what nails are for.
    Well, the whole damn place
    Was singin’
    As I strolled
    Right out the door:
    “Lord, they ain’t
    Makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    No, we ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore,
    We don’t turn the other cheek
    The way they done before.
    Well, the whole damn place
    Was singin’
    As I strolled
    Right out the door
    “Lord, they ain’t makin’ Jews
    Like Jesus anymore!”

    :razz: :lol:

  9. TRUTH

    {This is NO rumor; it’s just not in mainstream media. You can google everything to see it’s true. This is not even half of it}


    Obama–>Rezko–>Auchi–>Saddam Hussein & Muammar al-Gaddafi

    -Obama got his money from Tony Rezko who got his 3.5 million from Nadhmi Auchi:

    -Rezko described his friendship with Auchi as “close”

    -Nadhmi Auchi is an Iraqi-born billionaire who was charged along with Saddam Hussein for conspiring to assassinate Prime minister (president) Abdul Karim Qasim and stood trial in 1959. (Auchi gave fellow Baath Party members machine guns from his home for Saddam Hussein.)

    -Auchi protected secret money for Saddam Hussein AND Muammar al-Gaddafi.

    (Remember, Obama’s Trinity church Pastor Wright went with Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan in 1993 to visit Libyan socialist leader Gaddafi.)

    -Auchi also financially backed Saddam Hussein’s plan for a pipeline from Iraq to Saudi Arabia.

    -Rezko was also a business partner with Nation of Islam Founder’s son: Jabir Herbert Muhammad.

    Why isn’t the media talking about all of Barack Obama’s scary friends who have ties to the worst people in history?

    *Don’t forget William (Bill) Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn of the Weather Underground.

    *Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga who just became co-President of Kenya this week (after nearly 1,000 Christians were set on fire in churches and machete in the streets) whom Obama is said to be close to: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7176683.stm –calling Odinga a few times a day and even during the New Hampshire primary is a major problem.

    -Odinga signed a secret pact with Muslim jihadists who were to ethnically cleanse Christians in order to enforce Sharia law (Muslim law: ban booze, ban pork, Muslim dress for women, Islamic courts, etc). Portions of NAMLEF agreement is right on the internet. There is also an under the table pact that is worse.

    *Obama’s cousin Raila Odinga was educated in communist E. Germany, and his father, Oginga Odinga led the communist opposition during the Cold War.

    And why does Raila Odinga use Obama’s exact same campaign slogan: CHANGE….Vote for CHANGE: Look at his website:


  10. Johnbeck success stories

    Volume was very high for the last two days. I would probably wait for an entry point now.


  11. E Howard Bailey

    Go here to learn what the MSM hides:
    The Obama File
    This massive file, written by a retired, widely respected college professor is the ultimate Obama sourse of accurate information.
    The information is backed up by links to Obama’s own books, speeches, news articles and matters of record.
    It covers his history from his African ancestors to the present with daily updates under ‘Latest News’ button at the bottom of the page.
    It is easy to read and research. (’search’ box)
    If the MSM would get out of the tank for Obama and report just half of this information he would be not only taken out of the presidential race but impeached from the Senate.

    Obama went overseas to promise the “people of the world” that he would end the divide between rich and poor nations, and said, “people of the world, this is our moment, this is our time.”
    Obama is running for a hostile takeover of the US on behalf of the anti-American international community. His plan is quite plainly to rape and pillage America’s wealth, and redistribute it to the rest of the world. His speech was brazenly candid about this.
    He has already put forth this very plan in the S.2433 Global Poverty Act of 2007, which he authored in the Senate.This bill, in fact will stick the U.S for 845 BILLION dollars.
    Thats $2500 dollars for every man, woman and child in America.
    That’s in addition to the BILLIONS we already funnel into third world countries who hate us. It’s coming up for vote, and I urge all to contact their representatives to stop this Obama atrocity.

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