Opinion Time: The Iranian Supreme Leader’s Supreme Fuck-Up

February 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Bash here…

Down through history, whenever leaders of religious cults felt they needed to grab better control of a situation, whenever they were afraid that their followers may be lending an ear to the voices of dissent, whenever they felt the god-like power and control of their followers threatened…whenever it became absolutely clear to them that the reins of their power were slipping from their grip, and that they may completely lose the omnipotence they had once wielded over their followers for a given period of time, they would pull the “I am speaking for God” card out, and lay it on the table.

So today Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei tells the Iranian people that Allah will punish those who do not rise up in support of their nuclear ambitions.

When a religious leader has to tell his followers that the “Will of God” is Divine punishment for those who do not support the decisions of the human leadership, they officially fall into the same category as all of the Jim Jones’s and the David Koresh’s and all of the other false prophets and false messiahs that have reared the ugly head of oppression and domination in the name of “God” throughout human history.

Such declarations are followed by the sometimes swift, and sometimes not-so-swift downfall and demise of such leadership.

It is utter lunacy. It is completely ridiculous.

It is the ultimate human betrayal.

He has officially eaten the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

God asked Adam and Eve, “Who told you that you were naked?”

He didn’t ask it seeking information…

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9 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    The Iranian hard liners just “Cut Off Their Own Heads” so to speak. Man can NOT force the wrath of God on anyone. I have to agree, when man does this, God gets them in the end, every time.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    “Such declarations are followed by the sometimes swift, and sometimes not-so-swift downfall and demise of such leadership”.

    Absolutely. Nothing makes the REAL God more angry than anyone who intentionally deceives large groups of people. Not to mention the whole ‘thou shalt have no other gods before me’ command. which is the 1st of 10 commandments. you think he would spare the rod against the Iranian regime? I dont

    Good post Bash

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    False prophets and anti-Christs abound. Nothing new about that. Read I John sometime. They even existed in his time.

    Anyone who enslaves a people in the name of God is no saint.

    God ain’t interested in owning slaves. Only volunteers are allowed. It’s the reason why people have a free-will in the first place.

    You can say God wants this or that, as long as you actually know God and are able to correctly articulate his Word. But nowhere does God demand murder, suicide, lies or chaos from anyone in a leadership position.

    This fool is anti-Christ and anti-God. He’s the perfect antithesis to God and a willing servant of his real master: Satan…same as Jim Jones…same as David Koresh.

    It isn’t religion that’s his problem. He has no religion. His is a social and political philosophy in which God is a second thought. If he knew the real God, he’d be shaking in his sandles at the thought of what is waiting for his fool ass at the end of his life.

    Truth is that anyone who claims to know God and preaches like the devil with so much sympathy for same is a liar and a thief.

    Few can pick out the wheat from the chaff, unless the problem is as simple as this guy. So they paint all religions with a broad brush.

    Nope. Sorry. They are NOT the same. When this guy tries to wear the moniker of a “religious” person he’s being disingenuous. He lies.

    But that’s to be expected of a follower of the false prophet.

  4. LftBhndAgn

    I have one question.

    Did Mohamed have visions of Nuclear weapons and are they also worshiped in the Koran?

    I rest my case.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    “Did Mohamed have visions of Nuclear weapons and are they also worshiped in the Koran?”

    Nah. But they fall in line with Muhammed’s vision of Muslim supremacy and world conquest which are the things that he really worshipped…

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Did Mohamed have visions of Nuclear weapons and are they also worshiped in the Koran?

    If he were around today I guarantee he would want to have his hands on these weapons. tactics of deception and the how to manual of killing is clearly written within the koran.

  7. drillanwr

    See, Bash,

    I was brought up Catholic … Took the Sacraments … Went to Catholic grade school for seven years. And during that time I witnessed some “unChrist-like” behavior from those who were in constant “I’m G-d’s eyes and ears” judgement of us kids, the Nuns and the Priests. No, I didn’t experience or see any of THAT kind of “priest misbehavior”, nor have I ever heard of any coming from the tiny Parish I attended.

    However, while they sternly and often times cruelly stressed all levels of sins to us, they did not appear so obedient to the G-d they claimed to serve. I’ve documented on this site the nastiness, and downright hatefulness, the Nuns exposed us youngsters to everyday. They supposedly were emulating the Virgin Mary, but I for the young life of me could never imagine Christ’s Mother acting as if she were off her meds for several days.

    And then there was the whole “vow of chastity” thing for the Nuns and Priests …

    Okay, in grade school all things sexual were pretty much a foreign language to me (just ask my “public school educated” best friend of over 30 yrs. who I first met when I went off to public high school in the 8th grade … she was my translator in most things “sexual” for that first year, saving me from crushing embarrassment in casual hallway conversations of a sexual nature … cripes! I had been sheltered!) Anyhow, back to the vow of chastity, yeah, a girlfriend Mary in my seventh grade class didn’t come to school one day. I did notice the Nuns and Lay Teachers whispering outside the classroom doors all morning. One of the boys in my class leaned over to us girls and whispered, “I was supposed to serve early Mass with Fr. ***** this morning … but he wasn’t there … Wanna know where he’s at?”

    Here’s us, thinking he died or something. At worst, was found passed out under the alter with an empty wine decanter.

    “Last night he ran off with Mary’s divorced Mom!”

    Honest to G-d, “HOLY SHIT!” shot out of my mouth right there in the Catholic school 7th grade classroom.

    The son of a bitch who heard MY nervous, humiliating, and trivial confessions every damn Friday for the last five years, who sat in scolding judgement of my imperfections as a young human being behind that screen in that dark booth in the back of the church, and handing out blessed prayers as PUNISHMENT/penance to me … dangling MY absolution conditionally under MY nose because he thought he held that power over me … had been having an affair with the divorced mother of one of the girls in my class! THIS, on top of the super-Nazi Nuns inside the school walls … OH! That was it! What a scam! What a sham! What complete bullshit! THAT was when I figured out one very important thing I built the rest of my life on … Religion is man-made … Faith is the only truth. No human, man or woman, would EVER again hold power and judgement over what I did or didn’t believe … not even the Pope. I was still a Catholic, basically in name only … But damn it I was thinking for myself from there on out.

    But I had no choice. Had to stay with the pomp and circumstance of the Church through most of my high school years, until my parents finally stopped trying to kill each other and got a divorce the summer of my senior year. Then I refused to go, unless I felt moved to … and immediately after the seventh grade experience I absolutely refused to ever again “confess” to a Priest (and man, they missed out on some good shit during my high school years!). I’d go in but I’d just tell them “I can’t think of anything, Father”. What were they going to do? Stomp out of the confessional and demand in front of everyone I come up with something/anything??? I stopped completely going into the confessional when I turned 17. I decided the only real “confessor” already knew my faults and the nature of my heart.

    People forget one very important thing. We were given a simple set of rules to go along with our gift of free-will. We can choose to accept and abide by the rules, or not. But we are only responsible for our own faith and salvation, not that of anyone else. If relating our faith to non-believers moves them to join our faith, so be it. But forced conversion by the threat of the sword is as much of a sinful sham as what I witnessed in grade school by those who claimed to be my religious/faith mentors.

    If it IS true, that there will be a “Second Coming”, I don’t want to have to go running to some would be human “holy man” to ask for my free will back so I can follow the ‘true light’ off this fucking rock … and I’d better NOT trip over some damn hadji crawling after his Imam or Ayatollah on his bloody knees begging for a release from the contract they have on his soul.

    Anyhow, there’s my buck ninety-nine, Bash.

    Nuttin’ but love for ya …


  8. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: Bash That picture makes me thirsty!

    Q: Do you know what Socrates famous last words were?

    A: “I drank what?”!!!

  9. London Calling


    Thanks for your contribution.

    We should all be sceptical and question when someone tries to play the “loyalty” card to bring you into line. To keep you silent, to ignore your own judgement, to keep you on-message. It usually means they don’t think they have a sufficiently strong argument to persuade you otherwise.

    Religions, families and political parties all try it.

Respond now.

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