Palestinians: Global Jihad Is Against Jews, Europe, USA, & Iran…Iran?

February 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pictured: Palestinian Fatah piglet.

Seems to me they are making a clear distinction along Sunni/Shia lines…they even denounce Syria, and this is because, they say when you read between the lines, that those countries are not Caliphates.

Interesting, but not surprising. A year ago the Shia militias in Iraq told all Palestinians to leave that country or they would kill them.

MEMRI translated a recent Palestinian audio address…check it out:

An audio recording posted February 12, 2008 on the Islamist website Al-Hesba (hosted by NOC4Hosts Inc. in Florida, USA) featured a 21-minute address by Abu ‘Abd Al-Rahman Al-Ghazzawi, who, according to the accompanying message, is the commander of Fath Al-Islam in Palestine.

In his address, Al-Ghazzawi (whose name means “from Gaza”) urges the Palestinians to participate in the war against “the unbelievers, headed by the U.S., Europe and Iran” who are attacking Islam. He stresses that they must begin by fighting the Jews, who are their nearest enemies.

It should be noted that Al-Ghazzawi refers to the commander of Fath Al-Islam in Lebanon, Shaker Al-’Absi, as “our sheikh,” which suggests that the organization in Gaza is connected to Fath Al-Islam in Lebanon.

The following are excerpts from the address:

“We do not follow [the dictates] of the Shi’ite state [i.e. Iran] or the ‘Alawi state [i.e. Syria]. We reject tyrants… like those who adhere to democracy, socialism and secularism. Hence, we will begin our battle in Palestine, [with the help of both] the muhajirun [foreign fighters] and the ansar [the local fighters]… uniting our ranks and our opinions… in a war of faith… against the Jews. The war against the nearest enemy [i.e. the Jews] is the most urgent [one]…

“We say to our sheikh, Shaker [Al-’Absi], as well as to Osama [bin Laden], Ayman [Al-Zawahiri] and Abu Omar [Al-Baghdadi]: ‘Set forth with Allah’s blessing and fight – and we shall fight at your side. Oh Muslims [worldwide] and people of Gaza… you are our support, and through you we shall receive help from Allah… Borders should not come between us… Our God is one, our religion is one, and our enemy is one…”


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5 Responses

  1. DC

    Boy…..they’re just pissin everybody off!

  2. franchie

    a palestinian was arrested after the blown-up of Mughniyeh, seems someone is pulling the puppets strings… they going crazy, and that pleased everybody in the corner there

  3. Birdddog

    Yap yap. You are not going to make it through this war, let alone a war with Iran.

  4. Kufir Ken

    The more they fight amongst themselves the easier and less expensive it will be for us…

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    More blather from the so-called Mujahadeen…Yadda, yadda, yadda, STFU already…Come out and fight, if you think you can. Take off the mask so we can see your ugly face. On second thought, keep it on. A bullet will go right through it anyways.

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