Pat Dollard.Com Readers Quoted In Guardian U.K.

February 5th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


A few of you have just been immortalized on the Guardian U.K.’s website, which has done a story and quoted your responses to the Prince Andrew post below. For some background, the Guardian U.K. is pretty much England’s furthest-left major newspaper. They’ve also linked the post, describing this site as the “Crusading neocon site of Pat Dollard”.

Here’s the link

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30 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    OMG! …

    Well, Sweetie, you have made it. Not only is your web site being cited and quoted in a foreign newspaper, but you have been labeled a “Neocon” … and a “crusading” one at that!

    You’re a friggin’ Joan of Arc, ye are! Congrats, you sick twisted freak!

    And kudoes to those posters quoted … Guess Dollard Nation is officially on a Crusade, and we are the the troops … HEH!

    Loosen your tie, Andy. I believe you need a little O2 after that barrage of Yank punches.

  2. John Cunningham

    If Britain had all that experience we’d still be colonists. I guess England has been irrelevant since 1776.

  3. franchie

    is a neocon a neocunt ? uh, litteral translation I am afraid :idea: :mrgreen:

  4. Uncle Sam

    F**k thos Brits and their Goddamn Gay Royal Pussy Posse! Those runaway Basra bastards now maybe how to play soccer but dont know how to fight.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hell yeah Pat! The more hate articles you get written from people like that just shows you’re doing something right.

  6. John Cunningham

    Patrick, you’re going to have to tell us what they did with this hacking stuff.

    Speaking of the British. For a couple of hundred years before we kicked them out of the new US they had been paying tolls to the Barbary Pirates. It wasn’t until President Jefferson came along and solved the problem by killing the Barbary Pirates. So, we kicked your ass in the Revolution, again in 1812, killed the Barbary Pirates and rescued you dumb “superior Brit” asses in WW1 and 2.

  7. LftBhndAgn

    Here ya go Pat. So appropriate for the situation.

    “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” — Winston Churchill

  8. A. S. Wise- VA

    That inbred wanker, SOB, thank God my ancestors left England in 1635 for DelMarVa! Boy I’d hate to be a constituent of the UK Government nowadays. Congrats on getting your voice out there, and shocking the insufferable pricks.

  9. Tony

    There is one thing you have to remember. It wasn’t the British soldiers that ran away. It was the government. Micheal Yon has the best blog on the 4 Rifles and it is a must read. It is called Men of Valor.

  10. Goodbye Natalie

    If I were a U.K. resident, I would be more worried about the following than I would us neocons:

    (1) Londonistan
    (2) Why Posh Spice is our most famous citizen
    (3) Why are we the only European country that can’t even field a decent tennis player? My Gawd, even the French can do that!

  11. Goodbye Natalie

    Best Political Bumper Sticker I’ve seen:

    REPUBLICAN - because not everybody can be on welfare

  12. drillanwr

    Goodbye Natalie

    All 3 points well taken …

    But special kudoes for # 2 :beer:

  13. Richard Quinn

    Damn! After clicking on the link, the “old country” is more senile than I could have possibly imagined.

  14. LftBhndAgn

    Goodbye Natalie

    Best Political Bumper Sticker I’ve seen:

    REPUBLICAN - because not everybody can be on welfare


    LMFAO! High 5 and YES that is a keeper. :beer:

  15. David Marcoe

    Well, ain’t that a kicker. I knew using my real name would come in handy for something. :smile:

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    When the liberal loonies in Europe start calling you names…you know you’re on the right track. Too bad they don’t know what a neocon is? Stupid twits.

    Listen up liberals a neocon is a “new Conservative”. This is waht liberal (old school) democrat conservatives called themselves in the late 60’s when they saw the Dhimi party abandoning them. All of these traditional Democrats were at that time “New Conservatives”.

    In here, lefties, there are very few “New Conservatives”.
    So you neo-libbies might want to rethink your rhetoric a tad. Stupid socialist twits.

  17. franchie

    well… I guess : con, twit, cunt, deep-shit… ist just calling fucking names from a right part of the pond :mrgreen:

  18. Jim

    “deep-shit”…you mean “Dip-Shit”

  19. Ranger

    Hahaha that’s great.

  20. Gary in Midwest

    What the hell happened to England since the Nazis’ bombed ‘em? I used to have respect for those people who had to live through some of the worst bombings in history. Now they’ve gone 180. WTF???

  21. Ranger

    lol the best part is definitely that it’s described as “the Crusading neo-con site of Pat Dollard”

  22. POD!

    How’s that old saying go?
    It dosen’t matter what they say about you, as long as they spell your name right.

    :beer: to you Pat.

  23. John

  24. cclezel

    Ain’t life grand when you are singled out by the European press. Let’s all thank the British press for putting this site on the map of so many who were simply not aware of it.
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  25. deathstar

    It was interesting to poke around the guardian web site. What an uneducated bunch of buffoons. Seems like a certain segment of the UK population has lost its nuts and its brains. Oh well, while they suck jihadi cock it will hopefully give the rest of the brits time to organise a defense.

  26. Dave M

    Hey! Great! I was famous for fifteen minutes.
    But here is some more background on UK newspaper The Guardian
    that you might want to know.
    I gathered this information by reading UK business publications.
    The Guardian has a very small circulation and does not earn a profit.
    The only reason it can continue to publish is because it owns a
    far more profitable weekly mag, “Auto Trader” used to buy and sell
    second hand cars in Britain. That mag is immensely profitable
    and has made arrangements to keep The Guardian alive indefinitely.

    I don’t know how many remember the 2004 campaign that the Guardian
    ran to try and influence the vote in Ohio. They asked British
    readers to write letters to voters in Ohio, which the Guardian
    got from the electoral roles, asking them, to please vote Bush out
    of office for the sake of the world.

    After two weeks they abandoned the campaign. **** *** limey was
    a typical response.

    Yeah they hate us. But they have no power over us.

    And you can quote that !!

    (Doubt ya will)

  27. TedB

    So what if the royal shirtlifter merely echoes “popular opinion”, the monarchy there has gone out of their way to make themselves irrelevant since the 70’s.

  28. Indy

    Leave it to a Brit to call an American Conservative and veteran a coward because he supports the effort in Iraq. It’s the same disrespect my Father faced in WW2. Even when we saved their ass they were jealous. What was it the Brit soldiers used to say? American soldiers are over paid over sexed, and over here.Thanks Brits, once again you show your lack of gratitude for the American soldiers who sacrificed their lives for your freedom.

  29. London Calling

    Hello cross bunnies!

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry reading some of these outstandingly ignorant opinions that you have of the British and Europe in general.

    Can you PLEASE get over yourselves and stick to stuff that you know something about!

  30. Paslode

    @London Calling

    Maybe you should capitulate…..I mean reciprocate.

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