Pelosi Calls Iraq “A Failure”

February 10th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said twice Sunday that Iraq “is a failure,” adding that President Bush’s troop surge has “not produced the desired effect.”

“The purpose of the surge was to create a secure time for the government of Iraq to make the political change to bring reconciliation to Iraq,” Pelosi said on CNN’s “Late Edition.” “They have not done that.”

The speaker hastened to add: “The troops have succeeded, God bless them.”

Pelosi’s harsh verdict is a reminder of the dilemma for Democrats as they head into this fall’s presidential and congressional elections:

They need to make the case that the country needs to depart from the direction set by Bush. Yet they don’t want to look like naysayers at a time when Iraq has become more stable, albeit still violent.

Republican strategists say one of their few chances to avoid a blowout in November is to paint Democrats as defeatists.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) sparked a furious response from the right last year when he said the Iraq war “is lost.”

Bush announced in September that the surge policy of additional troops would allow a gradual reduction in forces as a “return on success.” Improvements in Iraq helped revive the presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), now the front-runner for the Republican nomination.

Shortly after Pelosi spoke on Sunday with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in Iraq, a suicide bomber killed more than 20 civilians at a checkpoint north of Baghdad, the U.S. military reported.

Pelosi’s comment came during a discussion of her call for “the redeployment of our troops out of Iraq.”

Anchor Wolf Blitzer asked: “Are you not worried, though, that all the gains that have been achieved over the past year might be lost?”

“There haven’t been gains, Wolf,” the speaker replied. “The gains have not produced the desired effect, which is the reconciliation of Iraq. This is a failure. This is a failure. The troops have succeeded, God bless them. We owe them the greatest debt of gratitude for their sacrifice, their patriotism, and for their courage and to their families as well.

“But they deserve better than the policy of a war without end, a war that could be 20 years or longer. And Secretary Gates just testified in the last 24 hours to Congress that this next year in Iraq and Afghanistan are going to cost $170 billion.

“Afghanistan is not settled because the president took his eye off the ball and took the full attention that should have been in Afghanistan, and shifted some of that to Iraq, a war without end, without a plan, without a reason to go in, without a plan to win, without a strategy to leave. This is a disaster … we cannot perpetuate.”

On other issues, the speaker said a Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton ticket would produce great enthusiasm, but she declined to take the bait on whether she would like such a so-called dream ticket to emerge.

“The decision as to who is the running mate of the nominee of the party is the decision of the nominee of the party,” Pelosi said. “If someone would ask my advice in that capacity, however great you are, Wolf, in that capacity as nominee I might have a suggestion. But right now, let the democracy continue and see how this plays out. And there are a lot of people who would be very enthusiastic about it. I’ll agree with you on that.”

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29 Responses

  1. danielle

    Deluded, as usual.

  2. POD1

    And I suppose the war on poverty is a success.

    FFFucken liberals. :roll:

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    I agree, it’s time for the Federal Government to admit defeat, and withdraw from the “War on Poverty.” Of course that’ll never happen, unless someone gets a pair of huge cajones, and takes down the welfare state. Doubt even Ron Paul would be able or willing to pull that off.

    …When Pelosi hastened to add, “The troops have succeeded, God bless them,” you know she wasn’t being honest.

    The GOP should and must portray the Dems for what they are, a buncha socialist surrender monkeys.

  4. CJW

    Well, at least she supports the troops. tic

  5. warrior1

    Yyyyyyyeeeaaahh. Iraq is a complete and total failure, so it’s time to run. What’s that? There’s a bomb on her doorstep and someone outside chanting “Allah Akba!” Guess Pelosi should have thought about that one.

  6. Ang

    Ok I hear it all the time ” I support the troops but not the war” That does not make a lick of sense to me. How can you support someone but not the job they do?? So you support them looking good in their uniforms?? Or you support them sacrificing their lives, family time and general comfort? But feel it was all for nothing?

    Pelosi = Can’t Understand Normal Thinking

  7. mshatto

    “Shortly after Pelosi spoke on Sunday with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in Iraq, a suicide bomber killed more than 20 civilians at a checkpoint north of Baghdad, the U.S. military reported.”

    Think she coordinated this with AQI?

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Dear Stretch (Peloski):

    Failure? LOL. Are you refering to all your attempts to defund the war? Because if you are, you’re right.

    Or are you referring to your latest platic surgery? You still got crows feet, your tits droop, and the pain meds appear to have affected your little mind.

    In that respect, yes you are an absymal failure.

    Oh, almost forgot, you failed in one other thing. You claimed that you came to Washington to drain the swamp. But when you did so, you found yourself at the bottom and have since re-hydrated it.

    Nice try at rhetoric Nasti. But you have failed to forward your code-pinko views into the mainstream of American opinion.

    Perhaps you need to pray a little harder to your gods.
    Perhaps if you pray harder they might get off the shitter and help you out. Maybe you could cast a spell? We all know you are a witch???

    By the way, you look better in a scarf. Bet you’d look stunning in a burqua or hijab. You certainly have a future….in Syria.

    Have a nice day.

    Dan (The Infidel)

  9. PhilNBlanx

    Pelosi is bitter because President Bush and the Iraqi Congress’ poll ratings are better than the American House under her leadership(?).

    ““The purpose of the surge was to create a secure time for the government of Iraq to make the political change to bring reconciliation to Iraq,” Pelosi said…”

    Hmmmm. That’s not what the President (who actually authorized/supported the surge) said the purpose of the surge was — “Bush announced in September that the surge policy of additional troops would allow a gradual reduction in forces as a “return on success.”” And those reductions have already begun.

    Since when did our military become the State Department Nancy?
    Should Shia and Sunni reconcile their centuries old differences tomorrow, what will be the next complaint against the surge be by the dems — Iraqi streets aren’t paved with gold?

  10. Vanessa

    She is the perfect example of GWBs statement that Washington is an ugly town.
    These politicians are morally bankrupt and are destroying the country.
    I love what our forefathers set forth but I loathe the corruption and greed that is destroying America.

    obama clinton mccain they really are symbolic of the rot and decay….

  11. Mike

  12. Kurt(the infidel)

    She is probably on AQs payroll. or has some deal worked out that she will be beheaded last. This woman makes me sick and when i look at her all i see is a witch

  13. Steve in NC

    ok all you ‘conservatives’ who are gonna sit out the election because your heads are so far up your ass you can’t see reality, this is just some of what’s more to come in January 09. Hope you like it.

  14. John Cunningham

    There will always be crime in California so we should just throw in the towel. California lost. Now, California and Iraq are supposed to be of equal size, but I think California has double the population, 35 vs 17 million. So that would have to be factored in with researching crime in California and crime in Iraq. Now, sure they don’t have road side bombs and homicide bombers in California. But, I’m sure in Los Angeles, and the other major cities of California they have the “they shoot each other everyday” phenomenon. Is it possible that putting things in their proper perspective life in California isn’t all that different than Iraq? Is the government in San Jose all that different from that in Baghdad? One advantage the Iraqis don’t have Bela Pelosi living there, she lives in California. Iraq has Sadr city, California has Berkley.

  15. Bob

    The only failure I can see is that botched face lift that you call your mug!

  16. Sandy

    Nancy Pelosi can go fuck herself! The progress that has been made by our troops, the coalition forces, and the Iraqi people themselves is a success! She is a talking head who throws platitudes to our troops after undermining them EVERY STEP of the way. It takes time to get a country like Iraq to function smoothly after decades of suppression and mass murder. Pelosi and others think that the time it takes to strap on a girdle for the damn day they should be completley functional. I hate that bitch!

    This is a video that was made from a phone call. The first time I heard it there were no pictures there was only Mike’s voice. This video has been enhanced with pictures. It rips my heart out everytime. :cry:

    Vic was killed in a roadside bomb last July, his real name was Mike. These are his words to the American people, congress, and the F’n mainstream media:

    From an Army Rangers mouth about Iraq

    I don’t know how the hell anyone with an ounce of sense can hear words like this and the words of SO MANY others, countless mil-blogs - and think retreat, surrender are the way to go. My God. I pray so much everyday for this country to solidify and get behind our troops, win the war on terror, and keep our country safe and strong. There is only a winner and a loser in every war. To lose is not an option. The men and women who have been in the line of fire, fighting shoulder to shoulder, and paying the ultimate price because they know what is at stake are not to be ignored.

    I am sorry for my rant but I am absolutely anguished at what I see and hear every day. Year after year. They just do not get it and they have no idea of the concept of self- preservation. GD! :mad: I can barely read or comment anymore most days. :evil:

  17. Marti Mar

    For the last 6 months of 2007 “4″ IED’s found in haditha and 3 by civilians (things couldnt of been better, we were begging for insurgents to throw down with). Does anybody listen? Divided we fall, here’s to watching the leaders of this country bring it to the ground. Cheers

    Ohh ya and fuck Berkeley

  18. Sandy

    @Steve in NC

    “ok all you ‘conservatives’ who are gonna sit out the election because your heads are so far up your ass you can’t see reality, this is just some of what’s more to come in January 09. Hope you like it.”

    I don’t think anyone with a conscience will be able to sit out on this election. People will do what they have to do no matter what. Voting en mass! Hillary and especially Osama Obama HAVE to be kept out at any cost. I know that no matter how I feel I will be voting Republican.

    Nobody can just sit this one out. Like Bash always says: It’s a big shit sandwich and everyone gets to take a bite!

  19. Sandy

    @Dan (The Infidel)

    I swear - no matter how mad I am reading the latest bs from the usual suspects your comments always gets me to LMAO! :lol:

  20. (CAPT-DAX)

    they are a buncha socialist surrender monkeys.

    i like that :)

  21. drillanwr

    Funny how Crack effects people differently … Has little or no effect on me and Kurt. :twisted:

    And then, there’s Nancy …

    Guess Crack and Botox don’t mix.

  22. Dan (The Infidel)


    Thanks for the kind words. If the damned beer icon worked, I’d salute you with two beers. :lol:

  23. Tom in CO

    I guess having your head in the sand takes its toll on your face, isn’t that right nancy?

  24. Indy

    Peloser, of all the people to talk about failure. :lol:

  25. Goodbye Natalie

    Pelosi, Code Pink lite.

    I vote for more defunding of the greater San Francisco area. That seems to give the locals and their respective lowlife government a little greater look at reality.

  26. Brian H

    Look at it this way: isn’t it delicious to be proving her wrong? It’s happening, and accelerating, and her screams are starting to sound sweet. :razz: :twisted:

  27. Sandy

    @ Dan(TheInfidel)

    Thanks Dan. Cheers!

    @ BrianH

    So true!

  28. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :twisted: This woman is a disgrace to California and the nation.
    I wonder if she thinks that it is ok for her grand-children to watch that vile, obscene street fair (now that’s an oxyMORON if there ever was one) where all the pervs do their thing in public in front of anybody and everybody. She thinks it is ok for other peoples’ children to look on at this junk. That is the type of false, pretentious leadership we have these days in Washington.

  29. CJW

    Gates: Iraqis Showing Signs of Progress

    “They seem to have become energized over the last few weeks,” Gates told reporters who traveled with him from an international security conference in Germany.

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