Protesters To Hit Berkeley City Council

February 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Move America Forward:

BERKELEY – Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates, convicted of stealing 1,000 free newspapers from the Daily Californian newsstands in 2002, is at it again.

The Mayor is attempting to steal the free speech rights of the United States Marine Corps by harassing the recruiting center into abandoning its lease.

Move America Forward has launched a petition drive denouncing the Mayor and the Council, while demanding an apology to the USMC at its website

The response was so overwhelming it crashed the site within minutes after launching, fueled by intense coverage from bloggers, talk radio, Internet, television reports and pro-troops organizations like the American Legion, Vets for Freedom, Gathering of Eagles and EaglesUp.

Move America Forward plans to deliver the protest petitions at the Berkeley City Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting on February 12th.

“We are looking at all options to stop Berkeley from issuing gifts of public funds, such as free parking spaces, and violating the Constitution,” said Catherine Moy, Executive Director of Move America Forward. “We have contacted all branches of our government to redress these issues, and will explore all legal, legislative and executive avenues to stop the injustice perpetrated by the Berkeley City Council.”

A national backlash erupted last week over Berkeley’s attack on Marines. Mayor Tom Bates was forced to reconsider resolutions telling America’s heroes they are “intruders.”

However, Bates has taken a further steps to shutter the doors of the Marine’s recruiting station.

Bates told the Contra Costa Times that he would broker a deal to release the Marine’s from their building lease. But the Marines said they will stay.

“Mayor Bates, in his arrogance, has crossed the line by trying to steal the Marine’s First Amendment Rights, and we will not stand for this treasonous behavior. His stunning offer to “broker a deal” to release the Marine’s from its building lease shows the depth of his contempt for our military men and women,” said Melanie Morgan, chairman of Move America Forward. “Our group will stand with the Marines until their attackers stop.”

The Berkeley council on Tuesday passed two resolutions condemning the Marines as part of a campaign by anti-war activists to shut down the recruiting center. The council also gave Code Pink, a leftist group that daily harasses the Marines with hate speech, a free parking place and noise permit.

Move America Forward (Move America Forward), initiated a campaign for people to call and email the rogue City Council. Thousands of e-mails, calls and letters of denunciation have poured into the offices of Bates and other council members who support the efforts to drive the USMC out of town.

Move America Forward applauds the proposed legislation by U.S. Senator Jim DeMint to strip Berkeley of all pork barrel spending, amounting to $2.1 million dollars.

A companion bill in Congress is now being prepared.

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9 Responses

  1. Texas Mom

    Could everyone please write your two Senators and House Rep and ask that the following PORK be stripped immediately from the ombudsmen bill as requested per Senator DeMint:

    — $975,000 for the University of California at Berkeley, for the Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service, which may include establishing an endowment, and for cataloguing the papers of Congressman Robert Matsui.

    — $750,000 for the Berkeley/Albana ferry service.

    — $243,000 for the Chez Panisse Foundation, for a school lunch initiative to integrate lessons about wellness, sustainability and nutrition into the academic curriculum.

    — $94,000 for a Berkeley public safety interoperability program.

    — $87,000 for the Berkeley Unified School District, nutrition education program.

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    These sacks of shit in Berkeley dont even deserve to live in this country. they can all piss off

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    This might get pretty good. Melanie Morgan kicks ass and she’s got the GOE to back her up. Not only that, but now she’s got thousands of other pissed-off Americans and a few legislators to also back her up.

    Nothing like a hard-charging, good-looking conservative woman to make my dick hard.

    You go girl….

  4. Barbara

    Watch out in sending emails to these idiots. Soon you’ll be covered with Viagra (etc) SPAM. They delight in giving your address away to these creeps. Act like twelve year olds. Aren’t they revolting?

  5. Snooper

    Nuke BERZERKeley…

  6. PhilNBlanx

    Excuse my failing memory but exactly why aren’t we allowed to question libs patriotism again?

    Again my memory — Doesn’t US Congressthing Barbara Lee and US Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein represent Bezerkley? Have they commented on this anti-military action by Bezerkley? If not….why? I would like to hear their “leadership” position on this important issue that has outraged so many Americans.

  7. JEC

    PhilNBlanx is right!

    Where exactly are Senators Boxer and Feinstein? (Are they cutting and running?)

    As for those earmarks: 1/4 million dollars to Chez Panisse for “gourmet school lunches”???

    Let them eat crow!

  8. terry mahony

    What a bunch of maggots,The Marines M/C will be there 2/12 and a run thru Berkeley 2/23. Semper Fi

  9. William

    Berkley brings back many memories from my return to the world in the late 60’s … Is Jane F. a council member ?
    Thank God for my Senator from SC and others like him !

    William from South Carolina

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