Punk’d?Lots Of Celebs Need Hep-A Shots, Kutcher Party Bartender Infected

February 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I was going to say “Good thing I quit drinking in ‘87, but then realized I probably would have had the guy getting me Haake Becks or Rockstars…

Remind me to cancel my date with Hayek.

Celebrities Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Madonna are among hundreds of patrons of a New York bar being urged by New York health officials on Thursday to get a Hepatitis A vaccination after a bartender was found to be infected.

The city health department issued a statement, warning anyone who visited Socialista in Manhattan’s West Village on February 7, 8 or 11 to get a vaccination.

Local media reports said Moore hosted a 30th birthday bash for her husband Kutcher at the venue on February 7 after a star-studded dinner at Gemma restaurant.

Entertainment photo agency WireImage showed guests at the Socialista event, including Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ivanka Trump, Liv Tyler, Catherine Keener, Lucy Liu and Salma Hayek.

Other celebrities reported at Socialista were Javier Bardem, nominated for a best supporting actor Oscar, Eric Dane, Rebecca Gayheart and fashion designer Roberto Cavalli.

Socialista was not immediately available for comment, nor were representatives of Moore, Kutcher or Madonna.

“Any patron who visited the establishment after 8 p.m. on February 7th or 8th, or after 10 p.m. on February 11th (the times the infected person worked after becoming infectious), is considered to be at risk and needs a preventive shot,” the health department said.

It said the bar owners were cooperating fully and estimated between 700 and 800 people had visited the bar on those nights, but added that no cases of illness had yet been identified.

Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by a virus and is spread from person to person by putting something in the mouth that has been contaminated with traces of fecal matter from an infected person, the department said.

Symptoms include jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea, and diarrhea.


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8 Responses

  1. ticticboom

    I’d never go to a bar called “Socialista” and it sounds like most of the patrons are the kind of people I wouldn’t mind seeing in agony.

    Although given that I grew up on dirty-water hot dogs from pushcart vendors, I doubt Hep-A has a chance with my immune system. It’s had too much practice.

  2. drillanwr

    Bash -

    I dunno … I’ve never thought the same (not having thought much about her in the first place) about Salma since she played uni-brow Frida Kahlo …

    “Socialista” ???

    Sounds like a great new name for today’s “demcrat” party …

  3. just posting

    Just gotta say Salma Hayek is the hottest girl i’ve ever seen. I now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast. :cool:

  4. KBar

    Was the gay bartender stirring drinks with his dick?

  5. Marc

    Well it couldn’t have happened to nicer bunch of pretentious twats that flock to A-hole, I mean A-List Glory Holes, I mean watering holes.

    Well at least they aren’t dealing with the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) that is spreading like wildfire amongst the gay male community, which they might have been if the bartender was stirring drinks with his pecker.

  6. drillanwr

    :arrow: KBar and Marc …

    Guess that’s why James Bond always asked for his Martini, “Shaken, not stirred …” :shock:

  7. Mark Tanberg

    I wonder how much longer “socialista” will be in business?

  8. mike3481

    Did the last paragraph give anyone else an OMG moment? Fecal matter!!! Always wondered why some celebrities resembled a petri dish.

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