Radio Host: “McCain Threw Me Under The Straight Talk Express”

February 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I’m sure it was Bill Cunnigham’s introduction of John McCain at a rally yesterday and saying “Barack Hussein Obama” a few times when referencing Hussein that prompted Karl Rove to say what he said today.

Bill Cunningham, the Ohio talk radio host whose remarks about Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama were deemed too “caustic” by the nation’s media and John McCain is speaking out against the Arizona senator now.


“John McCain threw me under a bus — under the Straight Talk Express,” he told CNN in an interview, referring to McCain’s pretentiously named campaign bus.

Cunningham also said that he regretted the fact that McCain was on track to become the Republican nominee.

“I’ve had it up to here with John McCain. I’m joining Ann Coulter in supporting Hillary Rodham Clinton” over McCain since the latter “ought to attack Democrats and quit attacking conservatives like me.”

Cunningham also defended his decision to repeatedly reference Obama’s middle name Hussein:

“I have nothing but respect for my Muslim brothers and sisters,” he said. “The ones who oppose that particular name, they’re the ones with the problem, not me. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.”


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17 Responses

  1. Jewells

    I’ve seen this Cunningham on Hannity and Colmes and he does come off as a big mouth. That said, I can’t really blame him for being pissed. McCain is a namby pamby idiot who has crossed the aisle one too many times and this constant bullshit of getting along with the dems is why most people either won’t vote for him, or hold their nose. Not sure where I am yet. I’m so discouraged by what we have to pick from.

  2. BILL

    Well said! You so called conservatives that support McCain for any reason need to wake up!! He will back stab us the first chance he gets!

  3. mongo

    Willey is very well liked in Ohio. I have listened to him on WLW 700 am. Very very smart person. Simply tells it like it is, nothing more.

  4. kurt(the infidel)

    I have listened to Willy for years now. he is a very well liked personality here and he even gets results from Cincinnati council and from the mayor. Used to give Charlie Luken a hell of a time. Definitely tells it like it is

  5. EDinTampa

    I don’t have a problem with what Mr. Cunningham said and how he said it.

    Do you think liberals will refrain from calling conservatives racist rednecks?

    What is wrong with calling him his full name?

    Remember Richard Millhouse Nixon, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, John Quincy Adams.


  6. Texas Mom

    I listen to Cunningham on Sunday nights here in DFW and even before McCain was “it”, Cunningham was supporting him and saying nice things about him . . . I remember it very well . . .

    See what happens when you are nice to McCain . . .

  7. blastdad

    McCain is already groveling at the alter of political correctness. I stand by my prediction, McCain loses all 50 states in Nov. :mad: :mad: :mad:

  8. EDinTampa


    Do you think liberals will NOT refrain from calling conservatives racist rednecks?

  9. momps

    on NPR today he pretty much said that he’s going to endorse Hillary now

  10. momps

    Cunningham pretty much said that he was going to endorse Hillary on Talk of the Nation (NPR) today.

    And he does have a big mouth. sometimes I agree…sometimes I disagree. I’m not sure what to think at the moment…

    fuck political correctness

  11. pete

    Let McCain and Huck duke it out in a Lincoln Douglas-style debate. (Newt’s original idea)

    Let’s see what conservative leader emerges.

    It’s time to let the chips fall. It ain’t over till it’s over.

  12. Mark Tanberg

    :arrow: EDin tampa
    Remember Richard Millhouse Nixon, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, John Quincy Adams.


    I couldn’t stop laughing @ that one. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  13. Maggie

    I don’t know much about Bill Cunningham. That said, his behavior that night and this current outburst have me questioning his intelligence. McCain is trying to become President and juvenile name calling isn’t going to defeat Obama.

    The possibility of Obama becoming CINC is too horrible to comtemplate. We have to put our collective shoulders to the wheel if we are going to stop it. If Cunningham was making that intro, it stands to reason that he wants McCain to win (despite this crybaby stuff today). He should just admit that it was stupid and childish to say what he said.

    We can go round and round all day long about Obama and Islam and his name, but for Heaven’s sake admit it will do nothing to keep Obama out of the White House!

    Conservative Republicans aren’t going to vote for the Democratic nominee. Conservative Republicans aren’t who McCain needs to court. He needs to court the people who are to the right of Obama (i.e. 85% of Americans). If you bring up ten serious reasons to vote against Obama (and that’s not hard, there are hundreds) they all get swept aside when you taint them with this sophmoric “Hussein” business. When you bring that in, the undecided voters tunes out.

    I want McCain, I’ve always wanted McCain. But more importantly, I DON”T want Obama.

    If you don’t want Obama then tell the nitwits with the high school mentality to STFU about “Hussein” and “madrasas” and “Islam”.

    Bill Cunningham - Don’t go away mad…..just go away.

  14. Brian H

    Bill, it’s NOT all about YOU! Sorry to break the news …

  15. Texas Mom

    I guess Maggie thinks Pat & Bash should STFU . . . Maggie - How much does McCain pay you?

  16. Tom in CO


    I like how you want us to compare a populist with a Democrat-lite. Shows how conservative you are :mrgreen:

  17. Tom in CO

    oh and to Maggs:

    HUSSEIN HUSSEIN HUSSEIN. That IS his middle name, right? Yes or no? There’s no gray area in those questions, ok? Please answer Yes or No.

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