Rasmussen: McCain And Romney Tied

February 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



In the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination, it’s John McCain at 30%, Mitt Romney at 30%, and Mike Huckabee at 21%. Ron Paul is supported by 5% of Likely Republican Primary Voters (see recent daily numbers). Romney leads by sixteen percentage points among conservatives while McCain has a two-to-one advantage among moderate Primary Voters.

In the political world, all eyes are now on the Super Tuesday states selecting delegates next week.

On the Republican side, Missouri and Tennessee are toss-ups while McCain leads in Alabama. McCain has a solid lead in the winner-take-all state of New Jersey and holds modest leads in California, Connecticut, and Illinois (see summary of Rasmussen Reports Super Tuesday polls).

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6 Responses

  1. Jeff

    I’m emailing/calling all my friends to…inform and enlighten them……concerning McCain’s positions.

    Amazing how many of my friends are on auto-pilot concerning McCain. They have no clue where he stands on issues or what he has tried to ram down our throats in recent years. If they still want to go with McCain after doing a little research, more power to them as I can’t tell them who to vote for. At least they’ll make an informed choice.

  2. Joe

    How amazing that everything you just said could easily be said for Romney.

  3. Texas Mom

    Jeff - I know what you mean - They think that just because he was a POW that he is without fault. There are so many uninformed voters out there that it is just frightening. I have been making calls, too.

    Oh, and when you get the crap like Joe posted . . . The difference:

    All of Romney’s liberal positions were made while he governed a extremely liberal Massachusettes. He changed his right to life position based on having to actually sign a bill on it.

    All of McCain’s liberal positions were made while he stuck it to the conservaties in his conservative home state of conservative Arizona while he had his head up Ted Kennedy’s ass.

    Also, Bush is pissed at Romney about his position on the border. Read that over at Free Republic . . . That says it all.


  4. Jeff

    :arrow: Joe

    I think Texas Mom covered it pretty well. No need to go any further than that.

    Hey, don’t sweat it Joe, my friends are all independant thinkers, they’ll do the right thing….I am sure of it. :twisted:

  5. Tampa Mike

    Let’s not forget how John McLame acted like a whiny democrat when he stabbed Bush in the back. This guy is a neurotic asshole. He considered waterboarding torture, he voted against the tax cuts, he even posted a welcome sign on his border…the last one is a stretch…but not by much


  6. jam

    McCain vows to close Gitmo and lock up all those enemy combatants in our prison system state side. That’s all I need.

    Go Mitt!

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