Raw Video: Full Version Of Infamous AZ Schoolbus Fight

February 23rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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17 Responses

  1. Texas Mom

    The bus driver should be given a medal for putting up with that little bitch - those two little bitches - as long as she did.

  2. drillanwr

    Hey! A great idea for a new reality TV show … There are enough school bus videos to keep it going for years …

    Texas Mom! Where’ve you been all week?

  3. Texas Mom

    Hey drill - flu from hell! - wrote you an email on the other side!

    Glad to be back to the real world - kinda - Did Obama, Hillary and McCain all drop out and Duncan Hunter is now in the lead for PRES or was that just a Theraflu induced dream ???

  4. drillanwr

    :arrow: Texas Mom

    I think you’re trippin’, babe … Sorry.

  5. Texas Mom

    Yep - drill - I am catchin’ up and it is all the same . . . Mexico is still running the United States and our military (and our country) is going to be in big trouble if/when Obama wins.

    I am going back to bed!


  6. T Double Dash

    She really did hit that bus driver first. That’s not the version I saw on the news. Bullsh!t

  7. T Double Dash


  8. FTL

    Cellphone jammer on the bus would have been a nice idea for starters…

  9. Kermit

    It is no surprise now that Obama has such wide appeal among the young voters.

    Quite frankly, this gal has never been over mom or dad’s knee ever, and should have been several times many years ago.

  10. Juan

    Bullshoot! I will sue you! :lol:

    If I really wanted to get off that bus I would have used that emergency door or just push that bitch of a bus driver down into her seat and turned the lever on for a manual opening of the door. :wink:

  11. Howie

    I see this kind of problem in my own thirteen year old already, the major difference is he would not call me from the bus because he would get his ass neck deep into trouble.

    :arrow: Your kind of thinking is one of the biggest problems that this country faces today. Code Pink thinking that they can violate other peoples rights if it fits their agenda, but God help anyone who infringes on their rights, or what they think that their rights are.

  12. Laura

    The bus driver was charged with aggravated assault? Wasn’t she the one left on the floor at the end?

  13. Big

    Could someone tell me what exactly caused this?

  14. JTS

    I would have just let her off the damn bus.

    can’t believe they have sound on those now, i watched many of my own fights in gradeschool on those types of videos.

  15. just posting

    How is that even called a fight…

  16. JonnyMordant

    Looks like a kidnapping and theft charge for the Bus driver to me, if she wasn’t doing a citizens arrest then she has no right to detain anyone or take their personal property!

    So what’s the Back story?

  17. mike3481


    All of you listen up!

    You get on a school bus and the ONLY places (by Law) you are allowed to get off at is at the school or a designated drop off point!

    Not the middle of downtown or anywhere else.

    Most Parents want to know where their kids are!

    PS- Kermit’s got it right.

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