Roggio: Identities Of Killed Jihadis In Waziristan Coming - Hoping For Zawahiri

February 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Over at his Long War Journal, Bill Roggio has more information on that early-morning UAV strike that killed thirteen jihadis in Waziristan.

It is bellieved that an Egyptian Al Qaeda leader was killed in that strike.

Some are thinking Ayman Al Zawahiri, Al Qaeda’s #2 Piglet may have been amongst the hogs hunkered down in that rented house…

From The Long War Journal:

While the identities of those killed in the latest strike in South Waziristan are still being sorted out, the nationality of some of those killed is known. Anywhere from eight to 13 al Qaeda and Taliban were reported killed in the strike. Dawn reported four Arabs, two Turkmen, and two Pakistanis from Punjab province were killed. Local Taliban cordoned the area and immediately buried the bodies, which were said to have been badly burned and mutilated.

The presence of Arab al Qaeda operatives in Azam Warzak has led to speculation that a senior al Qaeda figure may have been killed. “An al Qaeda fugitive from Egypt” was reported to have been among those killed, The Nation reported. This has raised the hopes that Ayman al Zawahiri, the Egyptian-borne second in command of al Qaeda was among present during the strike.

But several senior Egyptian members of al Qaeda are known to operate in Pakistan’s tribal areas. These include Abu Khabab al Masri, Abu Ubaidah al Masri, Abdul Rahman al Masri al Maghribi, and Sheikh Essa. Abu Khabab, Abu Ubaidah, and Maghribi were believed to have been killed in the January 2006 Damadola airstrike but the reports were false.

We live in hope…

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9 Responses

  1. Reign in Blood

    Fingers crossed.

    Just look for his smashed eye glasses and that cheap digital Casio in the rubble. :idea:

    Adam Gahdan, Zawahiri, Saddam….the list continues to grow along with my smile. :mrgreen: Please, let us get confirmation the first two are truely dead!!

  2. dave

    I hope Allah’s goatfucker is dead!

  3. steve m

    I always did think The Lord put that little target on his forehead for a reason. Haji-pies for the rats tonight in Waziristan. Great news going into the weekend :beer: :beer: :beer:

  4. Birdddog

    :beer: :beer: :gun: :beer: :beer: AQ is vanishing. Just like Hamas is about to. :smile: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  5. Birdddog

    Wait a! There should have been 2 missle strikes if they knew the taliban buried them. That sucks. :beer:

  6. steve m


    good point! :gun:

  7. little target expert

    “The little target” is a mark found on many muslims including im pretty sure was on zarqawi (eaten by maggots)and i think binladen probably has it. it comes from when muslims pray (bowning on the ground)some of the pious (read: stupid) muslims grind there head against the floor thus causing this mark

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    God is getting tired of false prophets and the leading liars
    of that jive religion…Islamtard.

    Keep ranting on jihadi maggots…all of you will soon face judgement day. Yeah God is great all right; while the fake imposter Allah can’t even pick the goobers out of his own ass, let alone help the Islamotards murder more innocent people.

    Enjoy hades Mooseheads, you certainly earned it. And put another jihadi on the fire will you…there will be more joining you shortly. :mrgreen:

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :mad: :gun: BIG MISSELLS fired right between the freakin eyes you low-life.
    Have fun with your 72 year-old-virgin.

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