Romney Wins Maine Caucuses

February 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) - Mitt Romney won the presidential preference voting among Maine Republicans on Saturday in the party’s municipal caucuses, which were heavily attended across the state.

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, had a little over half of the vote with about two-thirds of the towns holding caucuses reporting. John McCain worked to keep his vote above 20 percent, trailed by Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee.

The nonbinding votes, the first step toward electing 18 Maine delegates to the Republican National Convention, were taking place in public schools, Grange halls, fire stations and town halls across the state.

Despite a sleet storm the night before that left much of the state coated with slush and ice Saturday morning, cars jammed the parking lot outside an Augusta elementary school where Kennebec County municipalities were caucusing.

Signs promoting the candidates were jabbed in snowbanks, and inside the school gym speeches were given on behalf of candidates as around 300 party members listened and occasionally broke into cheers.

Kim Pettengill, who has been a party activist for more than three decades, said Saturday’s was the largest Kennebec County caucus turnout since 1980, the year Ronald Reagan won his first GOP nomination for president.

Party Executive Director Julie O’Brien said other counties reported similarly heavy turnouts.

Republican caucuses were being held in about 410 Maine municipalities, most on Saturday. A few dozen towns, especially in northern Maine’s Aroostook County, held caucuses Friday, and a few more were set for Sunday and later this month.


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3 Responses

  1. TBinSTL

    Huh…I figured Maine to go all Ron Paul fevah! on us. The land of my birth is nothing if not unpredictable. Gonna have to call my remaining family up there and find out what’s going on there.

  2. CJW

    That’s a good trend for Romney.

  3. Rob

    FYI Pat, Maine was part of Mass at the founding of the republic just in case you forgot. Romney is not your great Conservative hope. He is just another loser who will get creamed in a General election. He won’t even win Mass in a General election. They know what a piece of lying crap he is. He gave them gay marriage and forced healthcare on them. He is dog crap.

    Let see he says McCain is unfit because he never ran a business. Well Romney is unfit for NEVER serving in the Military. How can he be Commander in Chief?? We were right back in 92 when we said Clinton was unfit for this reason and now you all are leaving me to support this COWARD???? Where was he during Vietnam??? I’ll tell you
    Laughing at those who served probably spitting on the when they came home, but he wasn’t helping them. I say this again what were his secret benchmarks??? I’ll tell you, troop withdraw! He used a weasel word so later if the surge failed he could say I was against just wanted them secret. Get over your problem with McCain He is the ONLY one who knows what we in the service need. Oh one more thing nothing else matter, not illegal’s, not the economy if we lose this world War against Radical Islam. Our choices will be convert, die of be slaves. You know this Romney doesn’t because he is ignorant or incompetent.

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