Ron Paul Quietly Drops Out Of Race

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

and so does Ron Paul…

Too proud and too happy to keep collecting donations, Ron Paul has dropped out of the Presidential race in a way he hopes the media won’t notice…


Ron Paul appears to have had a Dennis Kucinich moment.

Just as the liberal Ohio congressman realized last month that his long-shot presidential campaign was imperiling his prospects for keeping his House seat, Paul appears to be choosing the comfort of incumbency over a continued effort to win a nomination that he has virtually no shot at capturing.

Last night, the libertarian-leaning Texas congressman sent a message to his supporters signaling that he was scaling back his presidential bid.

The most telling passage:

“I also have another priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot and will not let them down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.”

Same as Kucinich, Paul has seen a real primary threat emerge back home. In both cases — and see my colleague Josh Kraushaar’s piece as a primer — the challengers have made the case that the local congressman is gallivanting around the country on a quixotic quest, has lost touch with the folks back home and has taken stances out of line with the district.

The key difference, of course, is that Paul has millions of dollars socked away and could be a significant threat were he to run a third-party campaign in the fall.

But Paul reitereated in his message that that won’t happen.

“Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican Party, so there will be no third-party run,” Paul said. “I do not denigrate third parties — just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.”

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19 Responses

  1. Goodbye Natalie

    And to think there was a time I actually rooted for this man (some years back). Little did I know I was supporting a nut.

    Not one of my prouder moments. :oops:

  2. DC

    good riddance!

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    I guess Scotty decided to beam him up? :mrgreen:

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    @Dan, he was beamed up and not a moment too soon! ha :lol:

  5. KBoomr113

    I’ve decided who I want McCain to pick as his VP. Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska. She’s very Conservative, has run an anti corruption government in Juneau, and is pretty hot. Shes been an executive for 8-10 years I think, most as a mayor but 1 as Governor. That could be a negative, but hell, Hussein only has a little over 3 as a senator. She also has approximately 90% approval rating in Alaska. She would be a good opposite standing next to McCain, having strong conservative credentials, is a woman, and is young at only 42 years old.

    Sarah Palin for VP. Obviously she’s not well known so we’d need to get more info on her, but it seems like she’d be a step in the right direction. Did i mention she’s hot?

  6. John Cunningham


  7. EDinTampa

    He had his blimp here on the left coast of Florida. I had to follow the stupid thing from Clearwater to Tampa.

    I was ready to commit to him then thank goodness I made it home.

    I guess a lot of people stayed indoors to avoid the sublime of the blimp!

  8. jeff m

    Too bad … Ron Paul had the best ideas to get this country economically healthy again and the industrial giant it once was. His policies would benefit all Americans … not just the wealthy (which has occurred under Bush)

    To all who bad mouth him on here, I pity you. RP is an honest, noble man with the right vision on how to pull our country back on the right track. Most who dis him either haven’t taken the time to listen to his message or have a hidden agenda to promote another candidate (perhaps you are lobbyists who want to promote your own special interest at the expense of the country).

    I hope you all have your house in order … because this country is heading toward a lot of economic and social discord over the next 4 years as our currency, middle class, and national soveriegnty come under further attack. Expect it very likely that this country will be in even worse shape in 4 yrs. Ron Paul’s message was the only one I heard that consistently and logicaly addressed these very important issues … and sadly, the voters haven’t heeded it. But the message lives on … maybe more people will heed it next time, if its not too late.

  9. A. S. Wise- VA

    Good, now I won’t have to encounter their tables on the Drill Field anymore.

  10. ryan

    ron paul is awesome

  11. John Goodrow

    Sweet, I can only hope the Paul nuts will finally shut the fuck up.

  12. Grumpy

    Now I can go back to being a “libertarian” without people looking at me like I have a dick growing out of my forehead.

  13. trustme1013

    :arrow: Grumpy

    Another one bites the dust, thank god. Perhaps now people will start taking those ridiculous signs down. For Pete’s sake!

  14. Ryan

    Ron Paul’s ideas and views are hope for our future

    Following the constitution!

    Hey Neocons, isn’t that a crazy idea?!? :roll:

  15. Jay

    As a conservative I will NOT vote in Nov.
    Did u hear about the website!!!! YIKES!!!

  16. deathstar

    see ya and fuck off wothless coward excuse for a human being

  17. deathstar

    {As a conservative I will NOT vote in Nov.}

    You like shitlarry and yomama I see.

  18. deathstar

    “Ron Paul’s ideas and views are hope for our future”

    How exactly is sucking islamo-fascist cock hope for our future because thats what that fucking weirdo paul was all about, him and all his, ahem, conservative supporters (by which I mean all his liberal, leftist, troofer, fag, democrat supporters.)

  19. John H

    I like Ron Paul for one thing…..I always wondered where the crazy people around my neighborhood lived, and thanks to his signs, now I know.

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