Rove Busts Hussein On Past Support Of Iraq War

February 27th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

What’s most important about this, (and from what Rove has to say, it appears that this is a story that is going to be breaking much bigger in the days ahead) is that Hussein has repeatedly said that he has ALWAYS been against the war. Catching him in this lie is not important as a “gotcha” moment, but important in that it cuts to the truth about Hussein, who is riding on a wave of being the Great Ethical One Who Shall Bring Change. But it shows he is just another poltician without any policies who will say whatever, whenever, to get elected. O’Reilly misses the point here, and says that Hussein is entitled to change his mind. However the biggest plank in Hussein’s campaign platform is that he has opposed being in Iraq since day one, and that we should leave immediately. Yet here he is caught saying a couple of years ago “it would be a slap in the face to the troops if we left early” and more. This is almost as bad as his contradicting positions on Iraq, as Rove also brings up. Hussein says if Al Qaeda has a base in Iraq we should be there, but at the same time he says we should leave Iraq NOW, knowing that Al Qaeda has a base there. Makes absolutely no sense.

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6 Responses

  1. Brian H

    That 2004 speech will be a great resource.

    And people need to hear that the logical base for all the Dems’ positions is that it would be so much better if Saddam were still in charge. That’s a really soft target to demolish.

  2. drillanwr

    Between yesterday’s Obamanation campaign ad about taking an IED to our national defense budget and military, and now this “revelation” of “listen to me now, hear me later” I have come to the conclusion those who will follow Hussein into the voting booth will, in every sense of the word, be signing a suicide pact with the man …

  3. Jarhead68

    To plagiarize from another esteemed poster on this blog:

    “Rove, you magnificent bastard.”

    He nails Obamanation to the wall. :gun: :sad:

  4. LftBhndAgn

    :mrgreen: Pat:

    I believe this belongs with your video.

    Al-Qaida in Iraq leader believed dead
    Just a snip:

    “Security experts say he became a terrorist in 1982 when he joined Ayman al-Zawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad. He probably entered Iraq in 2002, before al-Zarqawi, and may have helped establish the first al-Qaida cell in the Baghdad area”

    Huh? What? 2002?

  5. GROM

    He’s on the smartest plp in Politics on both side of the isle.
    Extremely well spoken guy. Maybe he should run fro the president in 2012?

  6. newhumandesign

    When I saw this on TV my jaw practically dropped to the floor. Though I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised. :gun:

    Man, Rove sure did look like one smart guy in that bit.

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