Russia: Iran May Want To Build A Nuclear Bomb

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Ya don’t say…

MOSCOW, (AFP) Feb 07, 2008

A missile fired into space by Iran earlier this week raises “suspicions” over Tehran’s claims to have no ambitions to build a nuclear weapon, a Russian foreign ministry official told domestic news agencies Wednesday.

“Any movement on creating a weapon of such potential of course worries others too, and, in addition, raises suspicions concerning Iran over its possible desire to create a nuclear weapon,” Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losyukov was quoted as saying by Interfax and RIA Novosti.


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8 Responses

  1. Jeff

    “A missile fired into space by Iran earlier this week raises “suspicions” over Tehran’s claims to have no ambitions to build a nuclear weapon, a Russian foreign ministry official told domestic news agencies Wednesday.”

    Or maybe….it was that huge shipment of nuke power plant fuel you rooskie bastages delivered per Iran’s request.

    Or the statement that Iran wants to blow Israel off the map. A nuke would do that.

    Or maybe it’s those thousands of centrifuges possessed by Iran?

    I dunno why I ever worried about the Russians. Sometimes, they are even dumber than Democrats.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    The new czar is Russia is playing mind games again. And they’re playing both sides of the fence. Oh please spare me the statements of the obvious.

    You fucking Ruskies are doing everything in your power to aid and abet the Iraniacs. And now you want to express some sort of concern? What a fucking joke.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Anyone in here speak Russian? i need a translation for ‘No Shit Sherlock’

  4. Paslode

    Puke’n whispers in Iwannajobs ear, I give you the stuff, you make big bomb. We slow the process for sanctions. You get your surrogates weapons to give US bad time. We raise oil prices. You wipe Isreal off map. US reponds we have war. We win and we share the soils.

    It is all chin boggie from Puke’n.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    @Kurt (My brother Infidel)

    Try these:
    Мудило (m) [Mudilo]: Dickhead, idiot – a bit more offensive than “мудак”.

    Мудоёб [Mudoëb]: Idiot, bore.

    Мудак (m) [Mudak]: Bastard – Ex: “Послушай ты, мудак” - “Listen, shithead”.

    Russian ex: Ну что, доигрались, мудаки?

    English: So, dear arseholes, are we done playing?

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    @Dan(the russian translating infidel)

    Good job coming up with those. Its always more effective cussing at someone in their native language :lol:

    But seriously, who is dumb enough to believe Iran is creating a space program. You cant teach a 7th century moon god worshipper new tricks.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    @Kurt (My brother Infidel)

    “But seriously, who is dumb enough to believe Iran is creating a space program. You cant teach a 7th century moon god worshipper new tricks.”

    Me: ROFLMAO That’s too funny.

  8. Rob

    I don’t know, but it just seems to me that by helping Iran, the Russians are keeping us further ocuppied in the Mideast and keeping our eyes diverted away from them-It sure seems that they are returning to socialism and Putin is wanting to gain control/influence throughout the world.

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