Sarkozy Marries Model After Two Months

February 2nd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


PARIS (AP) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy married model Carla Bruni on Saturday at the Elysee Palace, according to the official who performed the ceremony.

“The bride wore white, she was ravishing, as usual,” Francois Lebel, mayor of Paris’ eighth arrondissement, or neighborhood, told Europe-1 radio. “The groom wasn’t bad either.”

Sarkozy, 53, and Bruni, 40, reportedly met in late November, soon after his October divorce from Cecilia, his second wife. They went public with their relationship during a visit to Disneyland Paris, and they remained in the spotlight during trips to Egypt and Jordan.

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10 Responses

  1. franchie

    They got married ? gott sei dank !
    now they can go on honeymoon in Arabia :lol:

    more interesting, what I found in the figaro :
    (this is a google transation)

    The twenty-five students start university training. Purpose: integration Republican preachers Muslims.
    This is a first. Today, future imams begin training on the benches of the French university. After wiping the refusal of several universities, governments have turned to the Catholic Institute of Paris, the “Catholic” which hosts twenty-twenty five students whose future imams and chaplains for a first course of the curriculum “Religions, secularism, interculturality. ”

    The university degree in night courses give students the equivalent of a tray 2 in six months and 400 hours of lessons. For the rector, Pierre Cahné, head of the Catholic Institute, the goal is simple: “To provide students with the codes linguistic, cultural, legal or otherwise organizing the social framework in which they will be required to work.”

    Jean-Philippe Moinet, former secretary-general of the High Council for Integration and teacher, adds: “Secularism deserves a pedagogy and transmission, especially for those coming from countries where this principle flagship of the French culture is not a referee. “Five Pillars will focus its course:” Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, secularism and democracy. ”

    It took many months of work between the office of worship of the Interior Ministry and the management of the home, integration and citizenship’s Immigration Department advises that Mr. Moinet to organize with the Catholic training led by the sociologist of religion, Olivier Bobineau. “We want to promote social peace,” says President Cahné which emphasizes that the training “has absolutely nothing to do with a theological education.”

    “My only interlocutors, he said, are government, concerned integration.” Pierre said Cahné even had “never been contacted by the rector of the Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, or by one of its collaborators “. But this is the Mosque of Paris and its training institute imams who will benefit from this training. The Union of Islamic Organizations of France (UOIF) conservatives expressed reluctance to the idea that its managers are trained in a Catholic environment.

    Le Figaro

    so, we got it, our imams are educated by the “catholic institute” , that’s too funny :lol:

  2. Dan (the Infidel)

    Get some Sarkman. Ooops…he already did. LOL Then long life and a happy one…Sarkman… :beer:

  3. drillanwr

    Many Congrats to the couple! :beer: :beer:

  4. Brian H

    Doesn’t let any grass grow under his feet (or knees), does he? :lol: :beer:

    secularism as the bridge between Catholicism and Islam. Now, there’s a concept!

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Secularism between Catholics and Islam? Shows that someone doesn’t understand either religion. The two are exact opposites of one another. And no kafir will ever share in any kind of Islamic society. Never have. And never will.

    The Koran is a book of war. The Vulgate and the Bible are not.

  6. franchie

    not in pinehead mind, but it works here

  7. Dan (The Infidel)


    It doesn’t work dipshit. Study the Koran you fucking dumb bitch. They’re lulling you to sleep. You are kafir to them. They will never assimilate with non-muslims.

    But you keep on being ignorant about it.

  8. franchie

    your vocabulary is “concrete”, but not understandable ; you’ll never get people to accept what you shout with a lavatories vocabulary ; what I learnt here was with persons that have an open-mind ;
    anyway, your at least good for my training with rude vocabulary

  9. Dan (The Infidel)


    Yeah the world saw how good you all get along during the Muslim riots. And your rhetoric betrays your lack of understanding of both Christianity and Islam.

    Why would I bother pusuading some lib like you when I know damn well that wisdom is too hard for fools?

    I stand by my comments.

  10. franchie

    here, I have come across a better understanding of what a MS&L’s motto is :

    ” we have a new and higher purpose. We don’t just change perceptions, because perceptions can be fleeting. What we do - in every sense of the words - is this: Change Minds”

    and :

    “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.” Ayn Rand

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