Sewage Workers Terror: Zombie-Like Figure Stalking Underground Tunnels

February 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I shit you not…

It sounds like something out of a Hollywood blockbuster.

But staff at a sewage works have called in a ghostbuster because they are being stalked by a zombie-like figure who roams the underground tunnels.

Workers at Southern Water’s treatment plant in Eastbourne, East Sussex, said they have been scared to enter tunnels after being followed about by a “humanoid figure” as they went about their jobs.

Mark Wey, a sewage treatment worker, got permission from his bosses to hire a paranormal investigator to launch an investigation into the sewage spirits.

Mr Wey hired parapsychologist Michael Kingscote who paid the tunnels a visit.

The clairvoyant said: “There seems to be one particular area where people have seen and felt things.”

Mr Wey said: “Michael instantly detected someone standing there and he was suspicious there was something quite unusual there.

“A lot of people don’t like going in there. You can hear voices in the tunnels.”

Mr Wey said the figure, which followed workers about often laughed at them and staff could hear “muffled conversations” coming from behind the tunnel walls.

“It’s not funny going to work and worrying that a zombie might be around the corner.”

(Daily Mail)

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11 Responses

  1. Ivan the Kafir

    Was the zombie speaking in Arabic, perchance?

  2. PhilNBlanx

    Anybody seen schizo girl lately?

  3. ticticboom

    We sometimes have to deal with ‘The Mole People’ in NYC. My boss didn’t believe me when I told her one of the reasons we never work alone in the subways and tunnels is because of them.

  4. John Cunningham

    Hopefully it will turn out to be homeless people that have taken up residence in the tunnels playing mind-fuck games with the workers. There’s all kinds of abandoned tunnels under Manhattan and there have been documentaries about them over the years. Voices from the wall could be people in a basement of a building right on the other side of the wall. They send social workers and health workers into the tunnels to get them into city shelters and they don’t want to go. English cities are even older and may even have tunnels left over from the Roman Empire.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Nah…It’s the crab people…. :mrgreen:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    I believe there is some unexplained things, such a large world. but zombies in the sewer system lol i might think differently if i was asked to walk down there though :mrgreen:

  7. ticticboom

    Between the hard living and layers of dirt and grime, most of the Mole People barely look human anymore. You can’t tell their age, race, or even gender sometimes.

    Some of them will turn a spot into something looking like a furnished apartment, some live like an animal rolling in it’s own shit, most fall somewhere in between.

    Many will attack anyone who moves into ‘their’ territory. When we have to work somewhere we might run into them, guys like me usually get the job. Unless you have a moron for a manager. Fortunately, we don’t need to go into the tunnels very often.

    When we work in the worst housing projects, to do a job one guy can do, we send at least four guys plus a cop.

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: ticticboom

    sounds like some shady stuff. Never heard of anything like that before. being from Ohio and having no subway system. I think i would always keep a cop or some armed personnel with me because anyone who lives underground must be crazy

  9. IP727

    Damned morlocks again.

  10. A. S. Wise- VA

    ManBearPig, is that you?! :???:

  11. JonnyMordant


    Or maybe one of these?

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