Sharia Law Comes To Texas, Y’all

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Disturbing news from The Jawa Report.

The Second Court of Appeals of the State of Texas has rendered a ruling on the enforceability of shari’a judgments rendered by imams. According to the Texas appeals court, it’s all good.

The parties will ask the courts to refer the cases for arbitration to Texas Islamic court within “Seven Days” from the establishment of the Texas Islamic Court panel of Arbitrators. The assignment must include ALL cases, including those filed against or on behalf of other family members related to the parties. Each party will notify the other party, Texas Islamic Court, and their respective attorneys, in writing of the assignment of all the above Cause Numbers from the above appropriate District Court to Texas Islamic Court.

In general, private arbitration agreements are enforceable by government courts. Shari’a arbitration agreements are one type of private arbitration agreement. Without a theory as to why shari’a arbitration agreements shouldn’t be enforced by the courts, I’m not sure what else the appeals court could have done in this case. Still, this is not a welcome development.

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32 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    Ohhhh … Someone please pass me a crack pipe …

  2. Jeff


    No more slacking. My bomb shelter has priority over all else.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    This is complete horse shit! enablers! we hear about sleeper cells in this country and now our own court systems are paving the way for them to easily blend in among us.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Got news for the Mooslems and the Court of appeals. Constitutional law trumps all other laws and judgements. Something tells me that these clown’s decision will soon get shot down Texas style in an appeal.

    The appealers will cite the so-called exclusionary clause of the First amendment and the higher courts will back them up.

    Stay tuned.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    I think im gonna bring my crack pipe into my bomb shelter

  6. drillanwr

    :arrow: Dan (The Infidel)

    Got news for the Mooslems and the Court of appeals. Constitutional law trumps all other laws and judgements. Something tells me that these clown’s decision will soon get shot down Texas style in an appeal.

    The appealers will cite the so-called exclusionary clause of the First amendment and the higher courts will back them up.

    Stay tuned.



    `cause they REALLY don’t want me and Kurt going down there shooting guns after smoking on our crack pipes …

  7. Texas Mom

    I warned you guys . . . it is crazy down here. All kind of crap has flooded in - The University of Berkley at Austin was just waiting for the right mix of non-Texans to populate the state and now they are taking over . . .

  8. Kurt(the infidel)

    drill, thats what we’ll do. we can smoke a bunch of crack then jump in my chevy with the gun rack, take those suckas out! :mrgreen:

  9. drillanwr

    :arrow: Texas Mom

    Kurt and I are on our way down to restore Texas justice …

    Throw a steer on the spit for us, eh? :twisted:

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    Hey i would roll down there if Texas needed defended. in reality its probably close already. all i would need is plenty of steak. i have plenty of everything else we would need.

  11. Texas Mom


    We are herdin’ the steak in from the range right now (actually hubby is on the way to Wal-Mart) and the fire on the pit is being stoked. Icing down the Shiner right now. Oh, and Joe Horn is on his way over! We are ready for you guys!

    We need as many patriots as we can get down here because the libs and the greedy Republicans, who don’t respect our sovereignty, have taken over. I am rustlin’ up Sheriff Joe Arpaio to be President of the New United State of Texas.

    Don’t Mess With Texas . . .

  12. EDinTampa

    I used to have great repsect for Texas but right now I think Texas is just like Europe.

    Ya’ll better wake up, we are getting ready to appease the enemy like Europe does and we are getting ready to have a President Barack Hussein Obama.

    I guess we need to start diggin our own mass graves too so the millions who don’t convert or submit can be slaughtered (that would be the true conservatives).

  13. London Calling


    ” … appease the enemy like Europe does … ”

    What on earth could you mean?

  14. monkeysdad

    Texas Mom
    I got the Texas Border Covered( Brownsville to Laredo anyway). I take care of half the border patrols motorsicles.

  15. EDinTampa

    If you can’t answer your own question London Calling then you’ve made my point. It is simply a matter of time before you convert, submit or die.

    Of course we are following your lead, Islam first then the radicalization once shria has taken hold.

    This is the WAR that we used to talk about when we were kids (those of us that are 45-60). We knew it back then.

    We are in the battle for our very existence and just like the Jews in Germany, we’ll be put on that train to a concentration camp where we will await our death.

    Don’t think it could happen, well it is coming and it is coming quick.

    Wait until the US is no longer able to hold back the tide. Wait until Iran gets their nuclear bomb, all this waiting equals appeasment, submission, death.

    Just what are we waiting for? Radical Islam to tone down their war on the west? Not going to happen and you know it.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    When Texicans decide to start the war against the Mosselems, count me in. I got my own ruck, and a mighty-fine sharia-killer.

  17. nodhimmi

    Dang… now I’m really bummed. I was hoping Texas would be my refuge to go to get away from these Brattleboro types up here. Guess we got the rot coming from all sides. Gotta agree with EDinTampa…We need the next John Brown and fast!

  18. Paslode

    Looks like some folks in Tennessee are having issues with the mooslims,2933,330216,00.html

  19. USMC_Dad

    What a crying shame…and of all places, Texas :mad:

    Texas Mom

    Sorry, Sheriff Joe stays Here. Unless we merge Tx., N.M. and Az. Then he can be President :wink:

  20. London Calling

    Hello Cross Bunnies …

    Don’t you think that you can find equally bloodthirsty passages in the Bible as the Koran?

    Lev.24:16 “He that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.”

    Are you going to bomb the Bible Belt as well?

  21. drillanwr

    :arrow: London Calling

    Hello Cross Bunnies …


    Heh! Yeah, that’s a good one … Not enough time now, but I’ll put it on my list of “Things to Laugh About Later”. Hey, fella, you’re a regular friggin’ Benny Hill …

    But, hey, you watch your neck over there across the pond … And remember, a turtle neck ain’t enough protection against the jihadi sword.

    Just say, “Hey!’ if/when you need US(A) …

  22. Dan (The Infidel)

    London Calling:

    Hello appeaser. Cross bunnies? So you plan on being the hot water in this discussion?

    Your problem you fucking English tourist is that hole you’re lookinhg into is no “bunny hole”. That’s a fire ant hill.

    Welcome to the mound tourist. Don’t be surprised if you get stung.

    Look stupid ass, you obviously do not read the Bible, so why attempt to discuss the subject? Your ignorance of the subject is bloody obvious.

    How about citing some passages shitforbrains to prove your point instead of talking libshit nonsense. But be warned, there are many of us in here who’ve read both the Koran and the Bible…

    “But, hey, you watch your neck over there across the pond … And remember, a turtle neck ain’t enough protection against the jihadi sword.”

    We don’t do turtle necks idiot. We do guns and ammo.
    Rock beats paper and scissors.

  23. Dan (The Infidel)


    Here’s the joke. What do you get when you pour boiling water down a rabbit hole? Answer: Hot crossed-bunnies.

    Kind of gay if you ask me. Works great around little kids though. :mrgreen:

  24. London Calling


    The crazies that want to kill you (and kill me, for that matter) are Al-Qaeda. Save your guns and ammo for them - go wild - have a field day.

    The serious danger is if your War on Terror becomes a de facto War on Islam. This plays right into the hands of the Al-Qaeda recruiters who portray it like that to impressionable minds.

    In the 70s the Brits had no problem distinguishing between the IRA and the Irish and that’s how it should be now between Al-Qaeda and Islam.

    Target the crazies, for the sake of everybody.

  25. Dan (The Infidel)

    London Calling:

    The muj aren’t the IRA. And trying to distinguish one muj from another is impossible.

    My war is against all Mooselems until they can prove to me with certitude, that they are less like OBL and more like Tashbih Sayyed.

    Anything a Mooslem says can be tagyiya, or kitma. They say in public what they do not say in private to each other. And they’ll tell westerners whatever they want them to hear in both public and private conversations.

    I trust none of them. I make exceptions for the few Mooslem writers and ordinary people who have dared to defy mainstream Islam.

    But if I was in line to get on an airplane, I wouldn’t be trying to find jihadis in a sea of Mooselems…I would look at them ALL as a threat and pounce on the first one that did anything to indicate a threat. I would be joined by every non-Muslim passenger.

    Scrutinize them all. That’s the only way to be safe.

    These people are not the IRA; they’re Nazis on steroids.

  26. drillanwr

    :arrow: The serious danger is if your War on Terror becomes a de facto War on Islam. This plays right into the hands of the Al-Qaeda recruiters who portray it like that to impressionable minds.


    I suspect, from your postings here, that you may perhaps be of the Muslim persuasion?

    That’s fine. That’s great, as a matter of fact, because you also sound as if you might NOT be of the radical persuasion. Hey, my family has at least three fantastic doctors (Muslims) who provide wonderful and kind care in their specialized fields for us.

    As with ANY other [group] it IS up to “Muslims” of a moderate and civil nature to stand up and slap down the radicals within their society(ies) that are endangering the whole [group] … THIS is one of the biggest problems we have with Saudi Arabia. They play both ends (the Western World and the radical Islam world) to justify their means.

    I would say, not only our President, but our military has MORE than gone out of its way to NOT just paint Islam/Muslims with a broad stroke of the “bombs”, but to be as understanding and sensitive to the religion and culture as possible in an ongoing war situation … beyond the safety and lives of our military MANY MANY times.

    As for the treatment of Islam/Muslims within our own country … They’ve got it pretty damn good, compared to the way they are treated in their native countries.

  27. London Calling


    Maybe you live somewhere where you don’t come across Muslims, but here in London they work alongside you in the office, serve you in shops, they are your customers. I’ve also spent a little time in the Middle East working with companies there, and I simply cannot understand your attitude. The whole Islam=Terrorist thing strikes me as bone-headedly ignorant.

    Pretend to be Rambo if you like, just so long as your government has a more grown up attitude.

  28. London Calling

    Hi drillanwr

    No, I’m not a Muslim. Agnostic actually - if that’s any clearer - just straight-forward English.

    I broadly agree with most of what you say, especially the part about the military valiantly putting their own lives in danger in an effort to protect civilians.

  29. Dan (The Infidel)

    @London Calling

    Got news for you. I run into them all the time. Got my best class on Islam from a former member of the PLO in college. He was my best friend who fled the West Bank to escape a fatwa placed on him because he converted to Christianity.

    I got my next best class on Islam from a salifist ME Studies teacher.

    I got them at work too.

    Sounds like you’ve never studied their playbooks London?
    I have. All of them and their history.

    I have the information that I need and the experience with Muslims and ex-Muslims alike to back up my conclusions.

    I also met 5 of the 9-11 hijackers who lived in the flat above mine in 1998.

    I know exactly what the threat is and where the threat is comming from. It ain’t the Jews, Buddists, Atheists, Deists or Agnosticsor Christians…its the Mooselems.

    You handle your Mooslems your way and I’ll continue to stand guard against ours in America. I trust none of them, with the afformentioned exception (see previous comments).

  30. Dan (The Infidel)

    My comments disappeared. Maybe they’ll show up later. If not, I’ll answer your question London in a few mikes.

  31. London Calling


    Well I can see how knowing five of the 9/11 hijackers would colour you opinion. Not the easiest thing to live with, I’m sure.

    But I can’t see how you make the giant leap to “Islam=Terrorist” as you put it in one of your posts.

    For instance, the 7/7 London bombers sited the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as a motivation. The failed 21/7 London bombers - who also sited Afghanistan and Iraq - were not exactly fired up with fervour for Islamic fundamentalism as they all backtracked completely and tried to get off in their trials, saying it was just a stunt, they didn’t intend to hurt anyone. More likely they were just small men who wanted the fame of martyrdom like one of those idiots who goes on a shooting spree in a shopping mall. The Islam connection is correlation and not causation, otherwise there would be 1.2 billion heavily armed people marching towards the west.

    Also … So why now?

    Islam has been around since the 7th century. What part of the Koran tells them to wait until the 21st century before arming themselves for a war on non-believers?

    It doesn’t add up mate, like your made up statistics.

  32. StahrtT

    Hello Texas

    I knew if I searched out a Texas site I would get some worthy information. Atlanta Georgia Here. We lived in Texas for many years, Dad had a company in Dallas. They moved to Texas full time after all of us brats graduated.

    So tell me about this Sharia law garbage. I knew it had hit England. I lived there for 5 years in The USAF. It has breached Canada. Now the USA. Why the hell Texas of all dam places? Is Ron Paul Big in that Area or is that a myth. He has some great ideas, and I supported him. Now he seems to have vanished. Also we keep hearing about the NAFTA super highway. If you investigate it you see some folks saying this, and that then the government comes out with a fact myth paper. So Texas :?: weigh in on my several concerns if you will. I take your word over the assholes in Washington anyday.

Respond now.

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