So, How Do We Deal With Communist Berkeley?

February 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Bash here:

I sat and watched the Berkeley City Council meeting last night, it was available via streaming video. Took me away from the flick I was going to watch with my wife…

I kept getting pissed off at all of the misinformation the looney lefties were regurgitating.

One guy said “Our troops are dying at a rate of 120 a week!”

Same old stupid bullshit.

My blood pressure went up and down up and down…

They either stacked the list of speakers with code pinkos and activist groups that I had never heard of, or the city of Berkeley really does feel the way these pseudo-hippies portrayed.

Code Pink was continuously warned to STFU or they would be evicted.

There were many there who supported our troops, Gold Star Moms and the like. I was proud to see them up there.

As the parade of speakers came up one by one and gave their little timed speeches, it became clear to me that the majority of the residents of Berkeley wants no part of the Marine Corps, the U.S. Military, or any U.S. Troops, past or present.

They claim they are supporting the troops by trying to bring them home, but make no mistake, these people would spit upon and call “murderers” the very troops they claim to support, as they have done in recent days on the streets and in the city government halls of Berkeley.

These anti-troop, anti-military, anti-war activists have absolutely no clue of the real and credible threat of radical islam which is seeking to grow and thrive in the Middle East so that it can export its jihad to the four corners of the earth.

They don’t understand that Jihadis declared war on us first. And they want to subdue the earth and establish a global caliphate governed by Sharia Law, not because of the foreign policy of the Bush Administration, but because they believe the false prophet they deify, and the false god they worship (Allah is not the biblical God who created everything) requires them to.

If we let off the pressure we are currently placing upon groups like Al Qaeda, and other jihadi splinter and sympathizing groups in the Middle East. They would find numerous sanctuaries, regroup, build up, and export their desire to eradicate any and all who refuse to bow to the Sword of Allah throughout the world.

These hypocritical people don’t get it. Out one side of their mouth they preach tolerance and unity, but the other side of their mouth says tolerate and be unified only with those whom you agree with. Spit on those you don’t.

They don’t understand. They would be amongst the first to be dealt with by a violent caliphate intent on enforcing Sharia Law upon the world.

I am saddened to say that probably the only thing that would snap these people out of their deranged and misguided movement would be another 9/11 attack on our soil. Even then, it would probably have to be upon the city of Berkeley itself, in order to drive home the truth of why we have taken an offensive stance in the Global War On Terror.

Even then, they might not get it.

Or they would probably just say the Government was behind it, like they have done with 9/11…that’s always the standard fallback position.

So what is your solution for Berkeley?

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42 Responses

  1. Bob USMC

    Give them reason to think what they want by blowing up the damn place. REPEATEDLY. Where’s the friggin’ button? I’ll do the honors.

  2. KBar

    PAVE IT ALL !!!!!!

  3. tedders

    Send them Cindy Sheenan!

  4. q_mech

    How do we “fix” them? Give them a dose of the real world somehow. Make them see that there are many, many more important things than their own comfort or domestic politics.

    Can’t say I know how to do that, other than to encourage them to get out more often.

    What I’d like to see is a statement by the Marines to the effect that they’re not worth defending, and if they want to stay in our country then they should understand that they are doing so as uninvited, unwelcome intruders.

    What comes around, goes around.

  5. scot

    I think we are on the right track. Eliminate the ear marks for their district. But we should go further All federal funding in the likes of road improvement, education and the like that comes from federal funds should be withdrawn. The Govt should come out and say that any catastraphy to hit Berkley would have to be dealt with without federal aid in Money or services be it the Guard, Fema or any other. The people of Berkley will have to fend for themselves. Make them an Island!!!!!!!

  6. Steve in NC

    Have Israel come over and build a wall around it. Without an opening.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    I say we either cut off all funding, and i mean all funding. no more money for roads or anything. or we call in an airstrike. dont think im joking.

    We dont need people like that in this country. we need to bring back the charge of Treason (or actually start using it i mean) We’re in a situation where the military is saving us all from destruction. It truly is UnAmerican to not support them.

  8. archinfidel

    Reinstate the draft, draft the entire city, than when they all dodge and move to Canada it’s not our problem anymore!

  9. trustme1013


    The Marines, the beauty of it all, is that they defend Americans regardless of whether or not someone wants them to, whether or not someone appreciates them, whether or not their elected official voted to invade … Such a statement should never and would never come officially from the US Marines.

    But … I think that pulling federal funding would be a good start… Then, I think putting all of them into a simulated situation where they’ve had to live the oppression of Sharia law (think what V did to Evie in V for Vendetta) just to break them until they beg to come back, until they’ve seen the error or their ways. That would be punishment enough, where you’re at risk of being executed for uncovering your head, or believing in a different God, or being able to read English. After weeks upon weeks of oppression and terror, then I might think they’d be allowed to be let go. Give them a reason to appreciate their freedom.

  10. Vanessa


    Reinstate the draft, draft the entire city, than when they all dodge and move to Canada it’s not our problem anymore!


    that is so funny what a great idea!

  11. mindy abraham

    Let’s not give them anymore earmarks for fancy lunches.

  12. A. S. Wise- VA

    Eminent domain all their property: to put a huge military installation & presence in the Bay Area again! What has Berkeley given the nation anyway?

  13. ArleighB

    I say transport Muslim immigrants in to Berserkly,build many Mosques,shouldn’t take long…

  14. CathyH

    I say send the berkelidiots to Iraq to replace the soldiers they want to return home.

  15. Kermit

    Tactical Nuclear Weapons, but then again are they not a bunch of mutants?

  16. just posting

    Step 1 Archinfidels plan . If it doesnt work
    Step 2 Kurt The infidels plan

  17. Tom in CO

    Pull their funding now! Never let them play in the Armed Forces Bowl ever again!

  18. bd


    First off, this article that you wrote cuts to the heart of the right/left disagreement, BDS syndrome, you name it.

    If another 9/11 happened, say a hijacked 747 crashed into the Empire State building and 1,000 people died. What you’d have to ask yourself is: in your heart of hearts, after all these years, seeing, hearing, and reading what these deranged feminist, nazi, socialist, communist, Islamists, whatever you want to call them (let’s just call them the ‘Extreme Democrats’ for an identifier, or ‘ED’), you and I know they will never, ever see the truth and always defend there position. Always.

    Search your gut… they want to overthrow the current form of government. McCain could be President now and it would be ‘McCain Derangement Syndrome’. Or ‘Thompson Derange Syndrome’, get the picture? They want to restrict Free Speech. Ban all guns. Ban all religions. Basically re-write the Constitution.

    But there’s more. Trying to ban civic displays of crosses, nativity displays. Schools banning anything to do with Christian religions, not necessarily Islamic. You all know the story.

    You and I Bash could go on and on and on. What I’m trying to get here, the crux of the matter is this:
    Half the country is fighting this war and wants to keep America under the Constitution.

    The other half, the ED’s, want to radically change America. They think they’re protesting for a socially-just, ‘feel-good’ America. A European-style America. An America WHERE THEY THINK they will be taken care of from ‘womb to tomb’. Between the both of us buddy, we could describe the detail of what they think they will get if they win versus what in reality they will get.

    Now let me get back what you were asking Bash, the solution for Berkeley, why they protest, etc, etc,.

    There not against war in Iraq. There against war. Period. And EVERYTHING THAT MAKES THIS COUNTRY GO TO WAR, HAVE A MILITARY, ETC, ETC. IT ISN’T THE COUNTRY THEY WANT. THEY DON’T WANT TO LEAVE THIS COUNTRY. THEY WANT TO REMAKE IT. The war isn’t there central issue. Remaking this country into a Euro style country is. So, the honor that our military has? They don’t care for it. The Christian traditions? Don’t care for it. Get it?

    They are using this war as a vehicle to drive into power, complete power in Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. We know who the drivers are. Just like they used Katrina, the bridge collapse in Minnesota, etc, etc,. All vehicles pointed in the same directions.

    So, to make them see the honor of our military will never, ever work. We could try to make them see WHY our Constitution guarantees our right. It may or may not work. But as far as a solution?

    A 747 into another building will not open there eyes. They will blame Bush, even when he is out of office.

    Multiple terrorist attacks in several cities with, let’s say 7,000 dead will not open there eyes. They will still blame Bush.

    A nuclear attack killing 25,000 people will honestly not open there eyes. Bush will be blamed.

    A multiple nuclear attack killing 150,000 people will open SOME eyes, but in an abstract way: Bush’s fault, but please protect us.

    If you’re looking for an event that would open there eyes, it would be this scenario:

    Armed invasion of the United States. The Government does not protect us because we want to negotiate, be peaceful. The why doesn’t matter. They’re here. Some of our military has just gone home, in futility that there government has abandoned the very people defending her. Some fight on, as our militia of old. They will be labeled terrorists. If the enemy on the streets, in control, are Islamic, and they are faced with beheadings, rapes, sharia law, etc, they will immediately open there eyes.

    However, most likely, it will not be an Islamic army. It would be a multi-national peacekeeping force. The ED’s would re-joice. America of old is over. Unless the multi-nationals murder, rape, and pillage so terribly or our new, let’s say ‘Provisional’ government rule’s so harshly, it would not open there eyes.

    So there you have it. Basically Bash, it would have to be a nightmare so terrible, that the ED’s would be ‘willing’ to ‘accept’ a US military back in there lives. Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense at all. But that’s where we’re at in America, 2008AD.

    We’re in the tipping point, could go either way.

    Thank you for encouraging discussion Bash, and you and Pat keep it up.

    Pat Dollard readers. Please discuss and post. This must be talked, debated, argued, whatever. I fear America may not sustain the Constitution for long.

    Post your thoughts, everyone.

  19. ticticboom

    Find an empty, but fertile, part of Afghanistan and airlift them all there, along with 18th century farming equipment (hey, they blame all the evils of the world on industrialization). Even though they claim to be pacifist, allow them access to enough small arms to protect themselves. Tell them they can either defend themselves or try to negotiate with anyone who attacks them.

    Then, let everyone know that they are no longer citizens of the United States, or under it’s protection. Make sure there are plenty of surveillance cameras to film the fun when the Taliban shows up.

  20. q_mech

    trustme1013, I was going for irony, there, not a serious answer.

    But seriously, as a former Marine myself I don’t think they’re worth defending. If you’ll pardon me as I cobble together some of the answers here, I’d say that we should build a seamless wall around the place, toss in some Muslim extremists, and make sure there are plenty of surveillance cameras on hand to film the result.

  21. drillanwr

    Everybody remember “Escape From New York?”

    Pull the Berkeley funding … Use the money to build a very tall, inescapable wall rigged with razor-wire and explosive charges and plenty of surveillance cameras around it … Have the Marines stand guard on that wall … and empty Gitmo into Berkeley proper/population. Any other terrorists we capture can be dumped there also. NO supplies are to be dropped inside the perimeter. The damn hippies must grow their own food. Allow the Islamic “detainees” to set up their own government/rules within …

    Then see which TV network bids the highest for the video(s) for a new reality TV show.



    In the time it took me to put my plan down in words you had the same idea!

  22. Dan (The Infidel)

    Jerkley is just a micocosm of the school system. Here, check this story out of the teacher who couldn’t read and write!!! WTF??

  23. ticticboom

    Here’s my problem with walling off Berkely:

    Do you have any idea how valuable land on the coast is? We could turn Berkely into an amphibious training center/vacation spot.

    Just imagine, relaxing on a bluff overlooking the bay, drinking with your significant other, watching LCAC’s and amtracks running to the shore. Doesn’t get much more romantic than that. :twisted:

  24. JS

    Take a fucking flamethrower to the entire damn town and burn it to the ground.

  25. LftBhndAgn

    Dan (The Infidel)
    WTF indeed!

    Got to love that California public school system.

  26. Laura

    An anonymous hold has been placed on the Semper Fi act (S.2596) which denies Berkeley some earmarks. More on that at Hot Air, and I’m tracking the Senator’s responses here.

  27. Gary in Midwest

    Tell them their political savvy is needed in Darfur. See a guy named Ali Kushayb. He’ll help them out.

  28. Kevin M

    Option 1: Ship them all to Saudi Arabia.

    Option 2: Designate Berkeley as legal property of the government of Saudi Arabia, and let them all take it in the ass for a few months. Maybe then they’ll have some clue what we’re trying to stop. (On second thought, these cunts probably like it in the ass…maybe we should just DRAFT THEM ALL INTO THE MILITARY and ship them off to North Korea).

  29. Jeff

    I think we as a country should vote Berkeley out of the Union. Let them fend for themselves.

    I am headed up to join our side if this continues into the weekend. I’ll bring everything I need so I won’t have to spend a dime in any of Berkeley’s stores.

  30. Lone Wolf

    To be effective you need to identify and attack the assumptions that they build their arguments on, not just the arguments themselves.

  31. PhilNBlanx

    Vote. These Bezerkeley pukes would take a hit in the pocketbook if not for a dem controlled congress.

  32. Vanessa

    ” If the enemy on the streets, in control, are Islamic, and they are faced with beheadings, rapes, sharia law, etc, they will immediately open there eyes.”

    I agree with your assesment here, and what a sack of shit they truly are because we all know they would be screaming bloody murder for the USMC to save them.
    This is what makes all of these weirdos crap because they spout off crap in a free country and spit on their freedoms and trash them but they do nothing truly of usefulness in this world to change anything for anyone truly less fortunate than themselves because they are all about themselves (how vain is that and not unexpected), and grabbing power so they can become the next tyrants/incompetents written into history as nothing more than a bunch of bully losers who were eventually run out of office in disgrace.

  33. Mike F.

    I’d like to see the Marines bring a platoon of troops fresh back from Iraq down there every Wednesday to March down the sidewalk and stand in front of the recruiting station. Let these assholes show THEM how much they “support” them.

  34. Dirtman

    I say pull the Marines out of Berkeley, i’m sure the building owner will miss the rental income. Pull any other government offices out, including the postoffices, cut off all funding from the federal government for any programs there. Let them stand on their own without any government assistance what so ever.

  35. bd

    A lot of you think it’s amusing to ‘Nuke’ Berkeley. It is amusing. Can’t stand those commies. But jokes aside people, we have to come up with something. Or in 2009 say hello to:

    President Barack HUSSEIN Obama… and his finger on the NUCLEAR BUTTON.

  36. Kyrceck

    Kill every man, woman, and child. Start over.

  37. bd

    :arrow: Vanessa

    Thanks for reading it. I just wanted to spark some kind of thought about our country. It’s easy to say there losers, dictators, etc, but ya know what… it is half the country. Think of it… half the country. If Obama or Hill wins then in there administrations, you will see crackdowns first on Uber Christian fundamentalist groups. Serious Militia groups will be rounded up by the ATF. We, including conservatives, will say, ‘Oh, that’s ok, they were extreme.’ Then they will start going down line, rounding up more and arresting more, passing more hate laws until Freedom of Speech is dead, and The Right to Bear Arms is castrated.

    IF all this happens… then choices will have to be made. Families split apart, knock down drag out fights about what makes America… America. The new European style? Or old, Constitution style.

    Ya never know. 50 years from now there may be a United States of America, economically rundown, welfare burdened, with all manner of goods rationed and the people spoon fed ‘education’, as long as they’re allowed to get high… and have sex with 12 year olds. Because there are no more parents. Just the state.

    In the same continent, North America, at the same time, you might see another country, a new country, born not far off from now. Populated by people who are considered ‘Fundamentalists’, ‘Evangelicals’, downright brigands and criminals. These ‘Rednecks’ have brought with them an older, shrinking style of society, brought to them from there fundamentalist, evanglical, redneck… Scotch-Irish, English, German heritage. This older society prides itself on… well pride, independence, ruggedness, humbleness, hardwork, thriftiness, honesty, and honor.

    Sound familiar, circa 300-400 years ago?

    Maybe, I don’t know, after enough blood has been spilled, a new country will rise, to live besides the old USA in stark living contrast, something like a UFSA, United Free States of America. It would be confusing… but the new country would honestly and openly trace it’s heritage from the Old USA. The Constitution is mostly the same but updated and absolutely clear in its intent. Maybe the flag could be the Bennington Flag (OK, I do love that flag!)

    But start deciding now how you want to talk to people, debate people. You will never get them to agree to the war. But rights and freedoms… that might be the key.

  38. trustme1013


    Sorry, buddy — I was getting a bit serious there. :eek:

    Basically, they’re not fit to wipe the Marines’ boots. Their purpose is so much greater than anything a pinko commie could bring to this arena…

    I’ve daydreamed about leaving flaming bags of human shit on each one of their doorsteps as starters and then going down the ranks of having each of them living in extreme paranoia and fear until the point where they do the whole world a favor and off themselves … the more I read these posts, though, the more dropping them in Afghanistan or building a wall around them sounds so much more appealing.

  39. TJ (The kafir)

    since they insist that We are their enemy rather than islam, alqaeda and the like I suggest non-military civilians like ourselves start acting like that and challenge them to a good old fashioned ass whopping and see who comes to their defense: will it be the “neutral” berkely police , the marine corps? the FBI , who?

    lets kick their asses and see who they scream for? :lol:

  40. JonnyMordant


  41. JonnyMordant

    Bring in the U.S. Marshals as Civilian Enforcers if the State and Local Police will not do their jobs by keeping the entrance clear, enforcing order and protecting the Troops and their supporters from harassment/assaults. If the U.S.M.S. can’t control it then they have the military at their disposal upon request! Problem solved…

    ———U.S.M.S Nor/Cal District Contacts———-

    District HQ………………..(415) 436-7660
    Operations Supervisor….(415) 436-7674
    Administration……………(415) 436-7633

  42. lwssdd

    Brilliant points loved your post, but HUSSEIN would engage negotiations (giving up to the enemy) and never consider the nuclear option. Your post also helps explain the Left’s affection for Dictators. They wish they had a Hugo Chaves like dictator for America. As for an event that will open their eyes, I can only think a Conservative legislating body and a President with the guts to enact conservative values will get to them. As I am sure most of you have studied a little history, the more you learn the more you realize that the fight for true liberty is like Sisyphus pushing the boulder to the top of the hill. In light of recent defeats and looking forward to more, I can only give you the Great ones advice (Rush). Look at your local elected officials and support the one you most agree with and try not to compromise too many values. For those who can, I would encourage you to get into the race and be the leader we are looking for.

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