So How Does A Good Conservative Vote Come November?

February 27th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Note from Pat in advance of reading Bash’s post here: one thing all good Conservatives should do is watch this after reading this post.

Back to Bash:

Bill Cunningham tossed an interesting theory out there tonight. It’s not like it was a new theory, it has been batted around a bit lately, but lets bat it around here.

What’s a good conservative to do?

Go watch this short vid and come back.

So…what do we do? It is an interesting theory, basically, says if we had Ford instead of Carter in ‘76 then we’d (America) have never gotten fed up enough to vote in Reagan, or we’d have been so jaded by Ford that Reagan wouldn’t get in, and we’d be fucked.

This theory operates along the lines of John McCain, if elected, will fuck the Republican Party like a Taliban shepherd in Little Boy Blue’s fields. That if we allow Clinton or Hussein to get elected, they’ll fuck America (instead of their own Party) over so bad that everybody will welcome with open arms the next Reagan conservative that runs for President in 2012.

The theory also being that nobody would ever vote a Reagan conservative in after McCain.

Now the people I’m talking about are not the you’s or Me’s…I’m talking about the people who usually decide elections…Independents and Centrists. The left wingers will vote party lines no matter what, and as a rule, the right wing conservatives like us will vote the party line also.

Usually. As a rule.

But the times….they are a changin’….so what’s it going to be Dollard Readers? Let’s assume that every once in a while, say, maybe right now, an Independent or Centrist voter-type, you know, the ones who usually end up deciding elections, has stopped on in here to check things out and draw from your political theorems and ideas…

What do you say…?

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45 Responses

  1. KBoomr113

    Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the next Ronald Reagan will suddenly come forward and save the day within the next 4 years, no matter who wins the presidency. So theoretically, we could end up with a country fucked up by Hussein and have no one to save us. Maybe I’m just being pessimistic tonight, but I’d rather have our country fucked up less now than bet on someone saving us later. I don’t want to get to where Republicans have to spout off about ‘hope’ and ‘change’. Leave that to the party of Dem-douchebags

  2. HBarnhill

    what is a good conservative to do? theres no question to this…vote conservative. to vote for a democrat, especially a burn out like hillary or hussein, is the worst thing any conservative could do. fact of the matter is that mccain still has a pretty good shot at the oval office, and to compromise that chance by voting for a dem this november is the worst thing any conservative could do for this country. question is, especially with all of this talk, WHAT WOULD REAGAN DO? …i’d bank on the fact that he would respond with a resounding “vote conservative”

  3. grumpymechanic

    I really think whoever gets elected is going to be bad for their party in the next (2012) election. I don’t know if I could vote for the Democrat, makes my skin crawl to think about it, but I think McCain would be Republican suicide.
    I might vote third party, whoever that might be. Don’t think it would be Nader though, maybe the Constitutionalist candidate, whomever that is. My only true worry is Supreme Court appointments that may come up during this term.
    My mind is not made up yet, but I don’t like McCain and I loathe the Democrats.

  4. A. S. Wise- VA

    We’ve heard this theory about a billion times in last few months: let the Dem win, so we get a solid conservative in four years. Well that is assuming that conservative wins in 2012, also that America exists intact. I for one am not willing to take that chance. Personally, I don’t think McCain is that bad overall, particularly not to the point that justifies sitting out this election out of spite.

  5. Lamplighter

    The risk is, the damage might be so great after four years of Obama (2-4 Supreme Court justices, suitcase nuke going off in the US, etc.), that it wouldn’t undo the damage with a “conservative” to follow. It would take another 20-40 years to try to undo, and then it would probably be too late. The Supreme Court of the 60’s and 70’s made ruling that have taken maybe 20 years to “roll back” by about 20%. You do the math.

  6. Eddie in Cali

    Vote Conservative. I’m sorry but if either of those retards gets elected, we might not have a country after those 4 years. :???:

  7. Arthuraria

    I’m still on the fence about this issue. I want to vote Democrat so that we can have a true conservative run in 2012, but here’s my problem: I truly believe that if either Hillary or Hussein is elected, we will be led into an irreversible transition to a proletarian revolution and subsequent redistribution of wealth, with either candidate naming him or herself the leader of this social movement. While I don’t want to see a Republican ruin the party, I certainly don’t want to see this country led into what Marx theorized as the “next step toward communism.” It is only natural that as more youth are raised with government assistance, that will then tend to become the standard; until it is no longer assistance, but true government parenting. We can always begin anew with a party true to ourselves, but it will be much harder when we have to take up arms and revolt to bring an increasingly socialist government back to where our Founding Fathers intended. I think I just solved my own dilemma. I’ll sacrifice the party for the country, and vote for John McCain.

  8. Mart (just another infidel)

    Actually I have been thinking the very same thing as Mr. Cunningham. I planned on voting for Hillary or Hussein which ever one managed to get the nomination. My thought was to give the imbecile secular/progressive voters what they want and let the chips fall where they may. And then hopefully pick up the pieces later and try and put it all back together. But just recently I changed my mind thinking that maybe just maybe we wouldn’t be able to survive the damage either one of these self centered morons could do to our country.

    So, unless by some miracle an articulate, intelligent, patriot with the intention of doing what’s best for our country, instead of what’s best for him or her comes along, I will hold my nose and vote for McCain. And then I will sit back and pray he is not the one that will destroy this great nation.

    This is truly what I call being stuck between a rock and a hard place. :beer:

  9. reaganmarine84

    that type of thinking is completely absurd. I’m not willing to gamble on America being so fed up with the defeatocrats that they for sure will elect the next Reagan conservative. My screen name says it all. Nobody has come even close to my late bosses legacy;but I digress. I still believe that McCain (even with all his negatives) is still better than ANY!!! dhimmicrat. I was pretty much in the Thompson/Hunter camp but, Johnny-boy is what we probably got at this point.

    some people live their entire lives wondering whether or not they’ve made a difference. Marines, don’t have that problem.-Ronald Reagan quote.

  10. grumpymechanic

    I don’t think McCain is a conservative, so what is the point of voting for “Hillary-Lite”. We survived Bill and Carter before that, I think we can get through 4 years of all talk and no substance Obama.
    He is not going to pull all troops out of Iraq immediately, regardless of what he says, tax increases and other policies he tries to pass can be repealed right? or am I dreaming?

  11. Paslode

    The election isn’t about what is good for America, it is about the ‘PARTY’ and what is good for the party. Fuck me and you the ‘Parties’ want to pander to potential Illegal voters of the future. Fuck national defense as long as it serves the PARTY. The whole political system is a fucking train wreck.

    Sooner or later people are going get fed up with the 2 party system and all the non productive bullshit associated with them and a new evolution or revolution will begin. OR society becomes completely numb and disinfranchised, and the good ole USA desolves into a cesspool nothing short of 3rd world status run by needle dicks like Harry Reid.

    The systems seems to work so what do I know :shock:

    All the candidates completely sucks for one reason or another. None of them represent the wants and needs of the everage American. Obama has less substance than thin air, yet you could get a Million Dollars for a piece of his shit on Ebay. Hillary is Bills wife and we would have another 4 similar to the previous 8. McCain’s big downfall is immigration……but I would rather have 1 million illegal god loving hispanics than 1 Jihadi fucker running the streets.

    Out of the three, I’ll vote for the guy who’s idea of negotiation is to tell people to FUCK OFF! Like him or not I can’t in good concious hand it over to Hussein or Hillary without a fight.

  12. JayMS

    I’ve heard the Carter/Reagan theory and it is a crock of manure. We should just sit on our asses while Obama gets elected on the outside chance that a new “Reagan” candidate will emerge in 2012?

    McCain is certainly NOT my ideal candidate but there is far too much at stake to just sit this one out and whine like children. The war in Iraq/Afghanistan, Supreme Court nominations that will ultimately uphold or shitcan the 2nd ammendment, punitive taxation of business, Kyoto treaty, etc are ALL at stake on this election.

    I do not like McCain. But I could never face myself every morning in the mirror if I chose not to vote and played a part in Obama being elected.

  13. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    McCain. There is a possibillity of two conservative Supreme Court Justices. No hope with the D-rats.

  14. Reagan T.

    Enter Romney…

    I really think romney could be the man for 2012. He understands most conservative views and, like Reagan, has changed his mind in the past and may understand the libs more. There will never be another reagan, sadly, but hopefully someday someone will come forth to turn this country around from the direction we are currently heading. The american people have lost their way and I think only another terrorist attack or some huge catastrophe will turn them around from their complacency and ignorance.

  15. Paslode

    According to the Aztek Calender and Nostradomus the world ends in 2012 after Obama finishes ravenging the world.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :gun: :shock:

  16. LftBhndAgn

    Bill Cunningham is pissy / hurt because McCain has seen through the Clinton campaign how NOT to try and beat Obama. McCain was right in his assessment, but wrong in the way he handled the situation with Bill Cunningham. Bill? Build a bridge and get the hell over it. Any conservative that votes for a Democrat this election is voting for a Defeat in Iraq and the weakening of National Defense PERIOD. DO it and we will ALL pay for the consequences of your actions. Remember when the WTC was hit the first time and the Nation took a lax position on it? Never thinking it would ever happen again? What happened after should stick in the minds of EVERY AMERICAN until every man, woman and child that lived through 9/11 is dead and buried. NEVER take ANYTHING for granted.

  17. 0311YutYut

    Don’t forget we are in a time of war. If you vote democrat in order to try out a “theory” and erase the sacrifice of my brothers who gave their lives next to me in battle, than you can fuck yourself.

  18. Kufir Ken

    “We should just sit on our asses while Obama gets elected on the outside chance that a new “Reagan” candidate will emerge in 2012?”

    I agree… I’m smellin’ a lotta “if” coming off of that plan… sitting it out is not the right course of action. Besides, exactly WHO is being punished by withholding your vote? Especially on the *hope* that someone worth a shit will show up for the next run? A whole bunch can happen in the next 4 years. More than I’m willing to risk by abstaining or voting the other way in a misguided attempt to prove a point.

    No dhimmicrats, no matter what, and as much as it may suck because you don’t like everything that the guys stands for, McCain will be a better CinC than either one of those fruit-bats from across the aisle.

    If something goes bad on B-HO or Billary’s watch, “I told you so” just won’t be enough.

  19. young conservative

    Better a lame duck conservative in the White House than a nuclear crater in an American city…

  20. EDinTampa

    So how many Americans & which city (ies) do we sacrafice with an Obama al-Kenya Presidency?

    The enemy don’t use smart bombs, their goal is to totally destroy us and they will do it from the top down if we give in to Obama al-islam!



  21. RLD77

    Folks, Hind sight is 20-20. We now rejoice over how great Reagan was. We shudder at the Carter era. Me–I’ll take McCain with all his flaws and faults. This is no time to have an in-experienced idealist like Obama at the helm.
    Bill Cunningham says he will no longer support McCain. BILL–Grow up!-Put your ego back in your pocket. Emotional responses are for the Obama dweebs. Cold hard facts, coupled with logical thinking leave us with one sound choice: McCain.

  22. azbastard

    no way i’m voting for a makes no sense to fuel the fire..the democrates are traitors pure and simple.if we win in november and we have a good chance to do so, the left will become violent and will have a big implosion..hopefully

  23. Steve in NC

    :arrow: 0311YutYut

    Don’t forget we are in a time of war. If you vote democrat in order to try out a “theory” and erase the sacrifice of my brothers who gave their lives next to me in battle, than you can fuck yourself.

    You said it, as a father of a son who has gone through two tours, received 2 purple hearts and risked his life like you to defend our nation I find rage at those that would consider playing some kind of bullshit game with this election.

    To those ‘conservatives’ that plan on voting for a dhimicrat or not voting at all, I think of you as stupid zealot pieces of ignorant shit who are no smarter nor have a greater grasp on reality than those useless and dangerous scum from code pink.

  24. TJ (The Kafir)

    Mccain is playing the clinton game(slick willie) hiding his true ideology, perhaps, problem is he is the incumbent party which is why you have republicans saying they might vote democrat. generally speaking the president is liberal the congress and or senate goes conservative. I’m hoping alan keyes switches to independant and runs against all three, dem, repub and nader. Could be his best chance to be taken seriously. :idea:

  25. Mike

    With a Dem victory comes open borders and amnesty.
    With a Dem victory come Al-Qaeda victory and Iran taking over the middle east oil cartels. Prices up and the American economy in bankruptcy. Looks like Bush is attempting to bankrupt the US now.
    With a Dem victory come the Amero and NAU. On the Southern border we already have a war going. Those ranchers and border patrol are getting their asses kicked. The call to arms is not far off.
    With a dem victory come takeover of medical by govt.
    With a Dem victory comes the gutting of the US military.
    With a Dem victory soldiers will leave the military just like they did when Clinton was in.
    With a Dem victory comes the end of the United States as a sovereign nation.
    With a Dem victory comes the end of Israel and mushroom clouds in NY. and Washington killing 10 million Democrats

    With Republican victory at least the US military is still in tact.
    Just a couple thoughts.

  26. Trialdog

    0311YutYut and Steve in NC are dead nuts right on. This is the issue and no other compares. McCain will support our soldiers and carry on. The Dem pussies who hate our country so much they sell out our troops disgust me. These are the most vile people our country ever produced. They truely have no pride in our country, are ashamed of it, and despise those of us who love this country. And it doesn’t stop with defending ourselves against the horde of mindless jihadist killbots. Read the Dem websites and the sites of their fellow travelers. If a Dem wins - especially Obama - it will take a generation, at least, to recover. We cannot waste time on this discussion anymore. The libtard media keeps spouting that the election is the Dems to lose. Wrong. This is ours to win, so let’s do it. Fire up. Have pride. Get involved. Let your voice be known. Vote to protect your country the best way we can - with what we have. Honor our troops.

  27. DMan

    The ONLY thing that keeps me from buying into this theory of letting the Dems win and setting the stage for the next Reagan (and I cannot stand McCain) is the fact the next President will likely appoint 3-4 Supreme Court Justices, who with the life terms can do way more damage to our Nation perhaps than any President. Scary options.

  28. Texas Mom

    We are screwed. :shock:

  29. jam

    Yut-Yut, Steve, and Trialdog:

    There’s nothing more to say–you nailed it. It makes me wonder why we are even discussing it.

  30. allahlovesporkchops

    Yutyut, that was good. That was REAL good. :beer: The multicultural, PC “experiments” of the liberal left, have thoroughly convinced me that a vote for Republican is better (by far and large) than a vote for ANY DhimmicRat. I’m not thrilled with Juan McVain, but I dread thinking what Hillary/Obama would do to this country.

  31. fan

    Not a big fan of McCain, but I agree with all of the negatives mentioned above that will occur if a dem is in. I will vote for him, it will be easier if his VP is younger and conservative. Some discussions suggest someone like JC Watts.

  32. RojoNixon

    My 2 cents: There are no crystal balls. You cannot see into the future. While we are still free to do so, we have a responsibility, as American Citizens, to vote. Decide which candidate can and will do the least damage to the Republic (not the Republican Party..We already had that choice..muffed it.)? We must choose from the available candidates running for President of the United States of America and pick the best one. Not our perfect choice but the best of the ones presented. This is not Fantasy Football Government. It is “Sand-lot Government”. Which kid would you rather have as your team captain? He’s the one who will pick the rest of the team (cabinet/judges). Which kid will field the better team? Is it more important to keep our team playing, winning some and losing some? Or is it better to lose the whole season, have the worst record to gain the first round draft pick? You decide. Ultimately, I believe it is in God’s hands. Vote your convictions, live with the results. God is in his heaven, everything is under control (that’s not a promise that things will be rosy, just under control). Only God knows the future. I don’t. I have a decision to make now…future be damned, I will not sit by and let communism/socialism/Marxism (and all those other bad isms) reign over this land for even 1 term. Not with my precious vote. Men and women have died for my vote. I will not sit on it for the sake of a political pipe dream. Only God and time will tell if I was wrong. I will vote for the best candidate. The best kid to lead our team. See you at the booth.

  33. pete

    I’m an independent. I voted for Reagan. I stayed home when Bush SR was running.

    I voted for Perot twice.

    I stayed home when Bush JR and Gore we battling it out.

    911 happened.

    I voted for Bush in his reelection because national security came ahead of everything else and I knew Bush wasn’t going to budge on purging the Middle East of Jihad.

    If McCain is the nominee I will stay home - I am telling you now I will never vote for that guy.

    I think the Democrats will get in and control house, senate, and executive branches and in 4 years totally screw up the country to the point that someone like Newt who is laying the groundwork now for a total government overhaul will be there to set the country back on course with real solutions.

    I agree we may need to get to the point where most Americans will say - “Man why did we elect these bozos into office? - it’s time to take our country back …”

  34. Steve in NC

    pete, you hurt my head.

    If newt is the man, then he needs to stand up and lead, but he has cozied up to the clintons and dhimicrats also. Deal with reality and know that the most important phrase in the history of America is “We the People” and that phrase does not suggest you sit on your ass hoping for a near apocalypse to occur for your benefit.

    In Flanders Fields
    By John McCrae

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow
    Between the crosses, row on row,
    That mark our place; and in the sky
    The larks, still bravely singing, fly.
    Scarce heard amid the guns below.

    We are the dead. Short days ago
    We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
    Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
    In Flanders fields.

    Take up our quarrel with the foe:
    To you from failing hands we throw
    The torch; be yours to hold it high.
    If ye break faith with us who die
    We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
    In Flanders fields.

  35. ( CAPT-DAX )

    we haven’t got 4 years to waste!!.
    the Enemy is at the gate now!..HELL,there in the Wire.
    there takeing over the Executive,Legislative,and Judgicial branches of our Government!!…we don’t have 4 fucking years!!

  36. Jeff

    “Texas Mom
    We are screwed.”

    Agreed. That’s why I haven’t been posting lately, been working overtime on the bomb shelter. Besides the required food, water and ammo, I’ll going to stack up as much :beer: as I can. :mrgreen:

  37. Mark Tanberg

    Right now my thoughts are on the 3000+ lives that have been given in Iraq for what purpose if I don’t represent them in november? and thats still not enough of a guarantee.

  38. 1LT JAF

    Any conservative who refuses to vote for the party nominee is an unpatriotic traitor. We have men and women IN THE LINE OF FIRE all around the globe, and you are going to play political games with their lives?!! Need I remind the paleocons that we are STILL dealing with Carter’s ineptitude with Iran today- what will happen five years from now?!! These same dummies thought giving Pelosi and Reid the Congress would lead to a GOP revival in 2008- how is THAT prediction working out?!! Once a party gains power, it is very hard to remove them from power. Not to mention that the millions of 20 year old stoners right now will be voting for the next sixty years- so you want them to become like FDR liberals?!! Do not do it..

  39. Tom in Texas

    4 years is a loooong time.

    Today in Texas (early voting) I voted my heart - Duncan Hunter.

    In Nov. I’ll hold my nose & vote McCain.

  40. dadeo

    Jesus Christ!

    The villain (anti-Christ) in the LaHaye/Jenkins “Left Behind” series is named Nicolae Carpathia. I am not a believer in the whole rapture/disappearing act part of the series, but it is a fantastic read. And it parallels pretty well (with just a bit of a stretch of the imagination) with all that has happened over the past 6 or so years. Especially the part about some smooth talking nobody rising above the chaotic din to become a world leader. And is also interesting to compare it to what may be on the horizon.

    With all of their literary talent even LaHaye and Jenkins didn’t venture to use such a cliché of a villainous moniker as Barak HUSSEIN Obama. What-a give-a-way. The truth surely is stranger than fiction.

    I’m afraid the spell that has been cast (over the left and other sheep) will not wear off until it’s too late.

    I’ll vote for McCain but seriously doubt it will do any good.

  41. Ironside

    Hope is a necessity, but NOT a course of action.

  42. German Dragon

    In addition to the excellent point concerning Supreme Court appointments, I will remind everyone what B.J.Clinton did to our military during his eight years. I know of one group in Aberdeen that saw its budget slashed 75% and had to hire itself out as consultants to raise its revenue to meet its mandate.

    Both Hillary and Obama are left-hard Socialist/Communists. They will pull us out of Iraq at the first opportunity and allow AQI to re-infest and rebuild there. Worse, Obama will dismantle our military in the middle of the GWOT. On the domestic side, Charlie Wrangle has already promised over $1BILLION in new income taxes, on top of a repeal of Pres. Bush’s tax cuts. Social spending will explode at a time when almost HALF the Federal budget is entitlement spending. Our economy simply will not survive and will collapse, beyond the Depression.

    Worst of all, the first thing a President Hillary or Obama will do is sign McCain/Kennedy to give legal status to 30+ million illegals, thereby neutering what’s left of the Conservative Movement and the Reagan Coalition in order to preserve forever their hold on power.

    In short, a Hillary/Obama presidency is the end of America as we have known it.

  43. cb10

    We need an ass kickin military at this point in time of this country’s history.

    Only McCain offers that possibility, all the rest of his act is bullshit.

    300 million people in this country, and these are the “best” we can come up with for POTUS—yikes!!

    Don’t forget, there are approx. 25 million young and old ex military in this country spanning many generations, sitting back just watching, and at this time, the VOTE is the option that is presently on the table.

  44. jam

    Pete: you are an idiot douchebag and you bear much of the responsibility for the Clinton years by voting for Perot twice…do you want to repeat that huge mistake?

    Why don’t you think about it a little? Who, exactly, do you think you are punishing?

    Sorry, I just can’t sugarcoat it anymore.

  45. opusrex

    I’m writing in Denis Leary.

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