So Who Gets Your Vote Now? Why?
Face it, McCain is it - What the hell do we do now?
Don’t come at me with “It ain’t over yet” or anything else…the inevitably foregone conclusion to the matter is that John McCain is going to be the Republican nominee for the Presidency.
Whether he’ll face Obama or Hillary is the only thing that “Ain’t over yet.”
Not by a long shot.
I watched Obama give his speech last night and he had the crowd cheering and women crying and he said absolutely nothing. RightHandGirl has a vid coming out shortly that touches on this, and she picked up on it as well.
His briefcase is empty. It’s all about “You don’t want what you just had so vote for me.” We saw this coming a mile off. And Hillary is…well…Hillary. Waddayagunnadoaboudit?
Big Bob’s Used Car Lot:
“Selection like this don’t happen often!”
So I raise the question now, as opposed to raising it later, which I’ll probably do anyway:
What do we do now?
My Grandpa told me long, long ago: “People who don’t vote have no right to complain about the government.” I don’t know how true that is, but I know it stuck with me, and therefore, I have always voted.
And I will in November, too. My dilemma is which Liberal we want to put in the White House. Because, folks, we’re going to have a Liberal in the White House January 21st 2009, whether it’s Obama, Hillary, or McCain.
So pick your poison.
What is it going to be for you? I know that all of you would rather have someone other than these three we have before us, but it will be one of them.
Who gets your vote now…and why?
I chose McCain…this constant bickering over which liberal to chose is baseless and annoying. If you seriously think McCain is as liberal as Clinton or Obama you have tunnel vision. Do not completely destroy McCain because not all his views are as “republican” as yours. I think McCain has the most potential to stop Democrats and Republicans useless and harmful bickering. Do we really need another deadlock between Congress and the president on one issue when there are many more to deal with?
I do disagree with McCain on certain issues. But Clinton and Obama’s stance on those issues are even worse. Oh, and if you think McCain’s immigration plan isn’t what you want. Do you think Clinton or Obama have better solutions?
But hey, if you want to go with communist Clinton or Osama Obama, that’s your choice. Just don’t do it because McCain isn’t far right republican.
February 6th, 2008 at 12:31 pmI choose McCain. Reason being, i wouldnt vote for the magic man or hildebeast. not now not ever! I just wish he would let us know who his running mate will be. Since this is a foregone conclusion as Bash stated. Will it be Romney, Huckabee or Guliani? or someone i couldnt predict in a million years. I just dont like the uncertainty of it.
February 6th, 2008 at 12:39 pmUnless somebody has a more effective strategy, or knows more about the process…. I think I would try to start a MASSIVE… MASSIVE… write-in campaign for the best most conservative candidate available.
If we can agree on one person, then start the ball rolling. We would have to select ONE candidate not a couple….
My first would be Hunter , anyone else ??? I’m open…
This means a BIG effort , not a protest vote..
February 6th, 2008 at 12:39 pmthird party disgruntled protest vote for me.
February 6th, 2008 at 12:41 pm..Ron Paul is looking better and better
February 6th, 2008 at 12:47 pmAmericas nowhere as conservative as it used to be during the Reagan era, and never will be again.
Everyones looking for a handout
February 6th, 2008 at 12:51 pmIf the Republican party doesn’t pick someone acceptable to me, then I’m clearly on my own and I can vote for anyone I damn well please.
It is up to the Party to find acceptable candidates who will get votes, not pick one who will lose votes. If the Republican Party loses the election in November, they can blame themselves.
I don’t work for them and they are supposed to be working for my support. They haven’t done that. So screw them.
I’ll write-in Fred Thompson come November. At least I will have done my duty as a voter. Too bad the Republican Party establishment can’t do their duty and get a viable candidate.
February 6th, 2008 at 12:52 pmold11B, that sounds like a great plan..the only problem is getting that size of a force behind it. I would hate to just hand this one to the Democrats. I would love to see Hunter as president. nothing would make me happier
February 6th, 2008 at 12:53 pmI noticed that McCain seemed to be buttering up Huckabee quite a bit in his “victory speech” Tuesday night. Once McCain has the nomination in the bag, I think he’ll ask Huckabee to be his running mate. Think about it, McCain gets all the more independent type states, while Huckabee has proven he can pull the evangelical conservatives in the south. It would make a mutually beneficial ticket.
I don’t like McCain very much, but I fear something much worse if either of the democrats become President. To be honest, I’m afraid that they’ll lead us into a proletarian revolution…and we all know where that leads. If it comes down to it, I’ll cast my vote for McCain.
February 6th, 2008 at 12:54 pmAmerica is nowhere as conservative as it used to be everyones looking for a handout
February 6th, 2008 at 12:55 pm
You have to vote for McCain. It’s as simple as that. There is no other choice. I’m worried about VP (who might be Pres. before it’s over) but I’m also worried about his pick for AG. Lindsay Gramnesty’s nose breaks every time McCain turns a corner, he’s trying so hard to get it. If McCain selects him, that’s a strong clue as to just how sincere McCain was in saying he’d learned his lesson on illegal immigration.
February 6th, 2008 at 12:58 pmMcCain / Lieberman
I smell it coming & will have to hold my nose & vote for them.
February 6th, 2008 at 12:59 pmWrite in someone . . . Hunter sounds good to me although his endorsement of the Huckster threw me for a loop ???
February 6th, 2008 at 1:00 pmvoting for someone you fundamentally disagree with just because he’s not the other guy is pretty foolish, in my opinion. If I were you guys, since 99% of you loathe McCain, I’d write in Thompson, or whomever.
I’M happy, this was the only republican I was going to vote for in the first place. I’ve become more and more disenchanted with true conservatives lately, McCain is more of a Barry Goldwater-esque republican. I like that. If he hadn’t got the nomination, I’d have written myself in. I dislike a few things McCain has done., but overall, I think he’ll make a good president.
As I said, most of you disagree. I urge you to write in who you truly want. Fuck the party system. yeah, it may just cost the election, and hand it to a democratic handbrake. it won’t be your fault. your responsibility is to vote for the best candidate in your own estimation, whomever that may be.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:00 pmJoe I couldn’t disagree more. The more that I read about Mcstains record the more I realize He represents the end of “at the very least” the current conservative hold on power,and
a turn to a liberal agenda that could put the nail in the coffin of any future republican conservative stance defining who and what we are as a party.
Remember JFK’s words about ask not what your country can do for you, speech, do the democrats even remotely resemble that thinking any more? hell no, they have moved inexorably further and further left by the day.
I see a McCain administration (if he can even win) as a huge defeat for the future of Republicans and every thing that we stand for. Do we really need to make a list here again as to just how liberal this man is?
Cut the rope, walk away, take the loss like Republicans,
NO COMPROMISE. Rebuild, regroup, get ready to win next time.
In my humble opinion.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:07 pmIt depends who McCain has as a running mate… I won’t ever vote for Huckleberry, the guys an idiot.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:08 pmIt’s either McCain or a communist nutbag. I’ll take my chances on McCain.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:14 pmConservatives need a surge. How about a write in for Sir General David Petraus.
Also, the last few days I have logged onto this site my anti virus lights up like a Christmas tree and I get hit with redirection BS to others sites, is anybody else having this problem.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:17 pmReally, what the fucks the difference? You get the one, you get the other one.
America is now a one party system. Enjoy…
February 6th, 2008 at 1:19 pmWill not vote for McCain under any circumstance. Well, maybe if he’ll fire Hernandez & sign a pledge with NumbersUSA or broker a deal so he’ll be more appealing with conservative voters, but I seriously don’t see that happening. A vote for McCain would be an affirmation of his amnesty bill, and a vote of support for all the other crappy bills he authored & supported over the years. It would also hurt the conservative movement immeasurably.
I will probably abstain, or I would vote for a Dem. Better to see the country fall apart under their watch than to see it happen under a false conservative.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:23 pmThird party vote for me… not playing this two party game any longer. Let the chips fall where they may.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:24 pmKurt(the infidel):
If everyone who doesn’t like the present candidates, and is still going to vote, then what is the difference between voting for Micky Mouse, Howdy Doody, Stan, etc….. or voting for Hunter ?
This is where the numbers come from. Call it what you want, a protest vote, vote against the left, angry vote, up yours to the Republican party vote, what-ever, the only difference is the name you write-in……..
February 6th, 2008 at 1:25 pmMcCain would be a better president than Comrade Hillary or Mullah Obama. But he’ll castrate the Republican party. Only compared to out-and-out socialists is he acceptable. In a lot of ways, Hillary is better for conservatism than McCain. It’s easier to fight the enemy outside than the enemy inside.
The fact that Hillary or Obama would gut the military and ingnore the jihadis until the White House is given a minaret is the only reason that I’ll (probably) vote for McCain..
Generally, I always know what to do. I may not always do the perfect or even right thing, but I don’t hesitate and I rarely feel any doubt. Yet here I am, still undecided, and I really hate it.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:28 pmthere’s no way I can vote for McCain..I bless him and his Service to our Country,but
he’s a turncoat,and betrayed the heart of the GOP.
therefore i split my ticket! // Hillary,With a Republican Congress.. to hold “her” feet to the fire for four years!..
Maybe the GOP can get it’s Shit together by then!!
February 6th, 2008 at 1:30 pmMcCain - I for one am certain that out any of the real choices at this point, he’ll ensure my job security; that is, taking the fight to the enemy. There is no other choice in my mind. His past voting record isn’t ideal, but it is tolerable. I’m not going to sit out the vote, or waste it on an alternative candidate out of spite (certainly not going to vote for the Dem). What everyone here does with their vote, is their business, but I refuse to believe that McCain is the worst possible candidate for the GOP. If it was say, Lincoln Chafee (he isn’t even a Republican anymore I don’t think), I would actually consider sitting this one out or voting Third Party. After Hunter and Thompson, he was my third choice.
February 6th, 2008 at 1:44 pmBest Options:
1: Start fundraising for 2012 duncan hunter campaign
2/3 Vote Mccain he is terrible candidate will hand 2012 to democrats to top it off. Vote Clinton, Worst candidate wiill hand 2012 to republicans.
4 Dont vote
February 6th, 2008 at 1:51 pmI’m not sure it is a foregone conclusion. The western states are where Romney is strongest, and it’s possible that even if he doesn’t get enough delegates, it could prevent McCain from getting the necessary number also, forcing a brokered convention. Assuming McCain does end up as the nominee, I’ll vote write in or 3rd party. I’m fearful that if McCain wins the general election, the Republican party is toast for decades to come. That might be true already. I’mvoting as a conservative, not for any party loyalty, just can’t do it.
February 6th, 2008 at 2:23 pmSeeing how easy it is for us to show how bad McCain is…..
Just think how easy it will be for the democrats and the MSM to totally destroy him and make the lefties win BIGTIME!!!!
Voting for McCain/Hucklberry is simply giving the election to the democrats………………………..
With less effort than posting on this blog, you can still vote for for an agreed to conservative…..even though he is not approved by the rigged (by the republican bosses) selection process…….
Voting for McCain is voting for failure.
February 6th, 2008 at 2:26 pmMy question to myself is this:
Do I hate McCain enough to turn my back on the sacrifices our military has taken for the last 6 years and do I want to let the military budget get raped by Clinton or Obama?
The answer is no on all accounts. For me, if McCain is the nominee, the only thing that I can do is vote for him and then hold his feet to the fire. He fucked up (or actually believed the people would go for it) on the amnesty bill.
We the people made him change his mind towards building the fence. This is the example of what I will have to do. Every time he bends over for the liberals I will have to be on the phone and hopefully all my fellow conservatives will be also. It sucks and it will be a lot of work to keep that asshole in line but there is no other choice as write in votes will not work and sitting at home gets you nothing not even the right to complain.
My candidate was Thompson and I thought seriously about being one of the angry, protest, write-in voters until I envisioned what it will feel like when our boys come home with nothing more than a “Hey, you tried …”. Bullshit to that, we are winning this fucking war and if it means that I have to eat shit for four years while the GOP gets its act together then throws his ass out, so be it. The soldiers sacrifices have been much larger than my wish to overturn Roe vs. Wade or kicking the illegals to the curb.
If McCain does get the WH in Nov, then we need to get conservatives into Congress ASAP.
God help us.
I will continue to hope that Romney somehow becomes the nominee.
February 6th, 2008 at 2:41 pmMy candidate was Romney! Everyone can cry and bellow and say they will “sit this one out.” Like the “moderate” GOPers did in 1960 or 64–I can’t remember ancient history. They got a Dem elected, and he appointed libs to the Sup. Ct., and the decisions made by that court were truly damaging and still wreak damage. McCain stood by our troops, he was correct on his analysis of the war, supported the “surge” when everyone else was cutting and running. He has always been pro-life, and said explicitly and lengthily what kind of judges he wants to appoint. I will take the word of a guy like him over Hildebeast, a proven liar, any day.
February 6th, 2008 at 2:49 pmStill deciding….this restaurant stinks.
A plate of raw roadkill or a bowl full of vomit.
Anyone pass the salt?
February 6th, 2008 at 3:03 pm“Voting for McCain is voting for failure.”
And voting for Obama, or Clinton, or writing in Paul, or Thompson is win? No sir, you fail at logic.
This incessant McCain bashing is getting just as bad as liberals bashing Bush on everything.
So, you know what, I give up. You want to keep going on with your, well Hillary might be better, or wasting your vote on write-ins go ahead. I’m not against write-ins but only if there is massive support for them. That will never happen.
February 6th, 2008 at 3:07 pm
February 6th, 2008 at 3:13 pmin the end i will have to vote for mccain but my above options is what i feel will happen
February 6th, 2008 at 3:21 pmWhen the Clinton dirty tricks team gets through with McCain, Hillary will be the president. Damn if I like it, I’ll have to hold my nose and vote for the arrogant, knows better than the rest of us McCain. Still think Hillary will come out on top. May God have mercy on us.
February 6th, 2008 at 3:36 pmJoe:
“Voting for McCain is voting for failure.”
And voting for Obama, or Clinton, or writing in Paul, or Thompson is win? No sir, you fail at logic.
This incessant McCain bashing is getting just as bad as liberals bashing Bush on everything.
So, you know what, I give up. You want to keep going on with your, well Hillary might be better, or wasting your vote on write-ins go ahead. I’m not against write-ins but only if there is massive support for them. That will never happen.
“This incessant bashing”, is very minimal at best. It is merely an illustration of what will happen when the democrats decide to attach.
To validate McCain, is to accept a terrible position from which to do battle. To establish a position of a strong defensive/offensive mindset, offers a better structure of resistance…..
The logic is to be able to maintain a battle, not to yield to either party (R or D)
February 6th, 2008 at 3:40 pmI don’t doubt McCain’s patriotism but Romney is over all better qualified to run things in general based on his past experience. McCain would be better as Secretary of Defense. Regardless, I think it is a done deal anyway.
February 6th, 2008 at 4:06 pmStill with McCain, I dissagree with some of his political moves but standing up against islamic jihad is ALL that matters to me. In that respect he isn’t even in the same arena as those other two. I believe he understands our enemy more than any other. While he isn’t perfect none of them are.
February 6th, 2008 at 4:29 pmYa know, this will be the first election I get to vote in. All my dreams are ruined now.
Maybe the Rapture will happen before November…
I’d vote for Jesus.
But in the event that doesn’t happen, I’ll bite the bullet and vote for McCain
“And in the dark, we climb the slope, because the bravest thing of all is always hope.”–’Binary’ by Brave Saint Saturn
February 6th, 2008 at 5:19 pmI’m voting to win the war. That vote now lies with McCain, whether you like the guy or not.
February 6th, 2008 at 5:52 pmWhat ever vote you cast you get the same results…..shit. Here in my conservative bastian in Kansas 99.9% White and Republican the only yard signs that have been posted were a few for Obama…..not one have I seen for a Republican!
No one is enthused about the available options and I got a feeling the many Republicans in my area feel they have been taken advantage of by their party and are seriously debating sitting this election on the bench.
Which is where I am. McCain is a lair, my guess is that with Liberman’s appearance in so many McCain photo op’s he will be the VP. McCain is going to let every Jose become legal and will open up the border and make a fucking mint on his Univision stock.
Fuck’em all.
February 6th, 2008 at 6:09 pmIt’s Over.
February 6th, 2008 at 6:13 pmAt least we can hope HE has straightened out from riding that Straight Talk Express these past months. Otherwise maybe we conservatives will be having a lot of letter writing campaigns if he is elected. He said he got the point regarding immigration and the borders. Maybe that is what it will take to keep him in line.
Which poison to drink:
(Choice 1)
Democrat classic liberal kool-aid.
(Choice 2)
“NEW” George Soros style Republican kool-aid.
It’s liberal kool-aid with loads of artificial Republican flavor.
It tastes like shit,
It goes down hard,
and it’ll rot you away from the inside.
I’ll write in for Romney.
February 6th, 2008 at 6:53 pmI won’t vote for a liberal.
This incessant McCain bashing is getting just as bad as liberals bashing Bush on everything. ”
February 6th, 2008 at 7:01 pmHopefully McCain, who is now the only choice, has truly learned his lesson from his earlier failed campaign and is truly a born-again conservative. After all, its his conservative rhetoric that has really resurrected his sorry butt. (What? The rose colored glasses are very comfortable, thanks for asking). He really needs to pick a conservative running mate for VP, win the election, and then succumb to old age and have to resign. After all ,he’s no Dick Cheney, he’s just been a Dick, in the past. He says he’s learned his lesson (and Hillary really wants what’s best for all of us ), I hope that’s true.
But as Americans, we are going to have to be more vigilant writing our congresspersons so no left-wing legislation gets passed. We won on amnesty, for now, and that’s another fight we will have to take up, as well as others. But we can’t allow the muslim or the mutt to win.
February 6th, 2008 at 8:37 pm
McCain does it to himself. He deserves to be bashed.
February 6th, 2008 at 8:40 pmLet’s work on loading up the congress with people we can trust. That way we don’t have to worry who is pres.
February 6th, 2008 at 9:58 pmEven if he’s not your first choice, McCain is the guy for people who hang out at Pat’s site.
Seriously — get real.
Like you really want Obama or Hillary instead?
Suck it up and do the right thing.
February 7th, 2008 at 4:29 amI think I’ll write in my sister. She’s a bit crazy, but definitely more conservative than McCain.
February 7th, 2008 at 5:47 am