St. Louis Dispatch Backs Their BS Story, Editor Emails Little Green Footballs
Louie’s Uncle Louie is not happy.
We told about the idiot “journalist” that irresponsibly ran a story at the behest of CAIR in an effort to smear fellow Conservative Blogger Charles Johnson and his site Little Green Footballs.
Yesterday we saw the disgusting emails that “journalist” sent to LGF, and today, and “Asst. Editor” at the St. Louis liberal CAIR shill-paper sent an email to LGF basically backing their story and their “journalist”.
LGF ran the email today ( and had this to say about that email:
“No one was criticizing you or your blog?” I suppose you could say that, if you overlooked the fact that the entire story was published at the behest of a radical Islamic front group, seeking to damage LGF and silence critics. And if you overlook the fact that CAIR was, once again, referred to as a “civil rights group” with no acknowledgement of their well-documented connections to radical groups, or their status as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding case.
There was no apology for Townsend’s rude, childish, and insulting tone, of course; which tells you this behavior is not a problem with editors of the Post-Dispatch.
And the CAIR hit piece, unchanged, is still the top story in their ‘Religion’ section.
We fully support Little Green Footballs. As far as we are concerned, we have two words for CAIR and the St. Louis Dispatch, and they aren’t Happy Fukn Valentine’s Day.
another example of drawing up sides
February 21st, 2008 at 10:20 amThis is a disgrace. I wouldnt hire that guy for a high school paper
February 21st, 2008 at 10:36 amYou mean it’s not a high school paper?
February 21st, 2008 at 12:56 pmThe funny part is, Little Green Footballs probably has more hits in a day than the St. Louis Dispatch has readers/day.
February 21st, 2008 at 1:07 pm