St. Louis Journalist Attacking Little Green Footballs - Unbelievable E-mails

February 20th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So I go over and visit our buddies at LGF today and find an exchange of emails between Charles Johnson (LGF) and some reporter from some rag, St. Louis Dispatch, and he apparently ran a smear story (read it here, he attacks bloggers) about LGF without ever even contacting Charles, and when Charles sent the reporter an email, well…check out the responses:

Click Here to read emails from puke “reporter” to LGF. The reporter’s name is Tim Townsend at the St. Louis Dispatch.


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12 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Holy hell! its as if Charles was talking to a 5 year old.

    That should be the real story here, such incompetence on the side of the journalist here. couldnt even give him an adult response.

  2. PhilNBlanx

    This all makes sense in context with St. Louis ranking number 1 in the country for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006

    Source - St Louis Dispatch

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    St Louis Times-Dispatch huh? Is that a synonym for piece of shit?

  4. Jarhead68

    ROFLMAO…Little Timmy got caught fibbing and he’s worried that LGF is gonna tattle on him. What a tool. He writes like an eight-grader. (I know, I’m being generous.)

  5. Jarhead68


    ROFLMAO…Little Timmy got caught fibbing and he’s pretending not to worry that LGF is gonna tattle on him. What a tool. He writes like an eight-grader. (I know, I’m being generous.)

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Jarhead68

    Your correction was more on the level lol

    “Little Timmy got caught fibbing and he’s [pretending] not to worry that LGF is gonna tattle on him”

  7. Armand

    You know in Denmark a Mosque was going to be built - until some Danes poured pigs blood all over the projected site

    Just thinking out loud

  8. Goodbye Natalie

    If I know the clan at LGF (and I know some of them pretty well), you can count that little Timmy Townsend has about 1,000 emails right now or whatever his little bitty mailbox will hold, cleverly written, ripping him a new asshole.

    I think I’ll write him one myself just too add gasoline to the fire.

  9. drillanwr

    :arrow: PhilNBlanx

    This all makes sense in context with St. Louis ranking number 1 in the country for gonorrhea and chlamydia.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2006
    Hey, acu -

    Now I can’t WAIT for that question to come up on the next revised edition of “Trivial Pursuit” :lol: :lol: :beer:

  10. Mike

    I live outside of the LOU. This is the quality of St Louis Post Dispatch, a perfect example of the failed liberal media.
    This man and men like him have lead the liberal media to its end.
    The internet and LGF has replaced this fool a long time ago.

  11. PhilNBlanx

    What blows my mind drill is that the St Louis Dispatch would actually print this in their rag. I guess if they will smear their own city, we shouldn’t be surpised they would try and smear bloggers. Maroons…

  12. TJ (the kafir)

    This tim townsend is a professional journalist? :shock:

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