That Puke Reid Blocks DeMint’s Semper Fi Act

February 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The following is from the website of Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) who brought forth the “Semper Fi Act” which would withhold earmarks from Berkeley as a punishment for their despicable act as a city to basically say “Fuck You Marines”…

As we told you they voted last night to not call the Marine Corps “Unwelcomed Intruders” and “Uninvited Guests” but stopped way short of apologizing for their disgusting act and allowed Code Pink to keep their parking space and blah blah blah, read more here.

Now, Harry Reid throws in cheap, backdoor, Washington politics backdoor manuevering to stall the Semper Fi Act.

I must really be tapping in to that area of the brain between the lateral hippocampus and the frontal lobe which affects stream of consciousness and fits of cussing….

Hey, harry! How ’bout Fuck You…


February 13th, 2008 - Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement in response to the decision by the City Council of Berkeley, California not to apologize to the Marine Corps and their families and reaffirming their support for radical anti-war protestors to “impede” military recruiters from conducting their work.

Senator DeMint introduced the Semper Fi Act to rescind over $2 million in hidden earmarks for Berkeley, California in the Fiscal Year 2008 Omnibus Appropriations bill, and transfer the funds to the Marine Corps. Until yesterday, Senate Democrat leaders used parliamentary maneuvers to block consideration of the bill. Last night, Republicans asked to pass the Semper Fi Act by unanimous consent after no Republican member opposed its passage, but Democrats have placed an anonymous hold on the bill.

“It’s a national embarrassment that these officials refuse to apologize to our troops and their families and continue to support actions against military recruitment. It’s time for Berkeley to realize that actions have consequences,” said Senator DeMint. “Americans across the nation are outraged at Berkeley’s insult to our troops who have fought and died for their ability to live in freedom. It’s truly heartening to hear the outpouring of support for the Marine Corps in South Carolina and throughout the nation.”

Berkeley City Council members voted to rescind a letter to the Marine Corps recruitment office asking them to leave town, but left in place a provision that encourages “all people to avoid cooperation with the Marine Corps recruiting station, and applaud residents and organizations such as Code Pink” that “impede, passively or actively” the work of military recruiters. Berkeley also voted against a formal apology to the Marine Corps and will still allow Code Pink a special parking space in front of the recruitment office to conduct weekly protests.

“Let’s be clear, it’s not a question of the sincerity of anyone on either side of this issue. However, some of the hateful rhetoric and official actions against the Marine Corps that have come out of Berkeley has had real consequences on our troops, their families, and our recruiting,” said Senator DeMint.

The bill is cosponsored by 10 senators including Republican leaders Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) and John Cornyn (R-Texas). U.S. Congressman John Campbell (R-California) introduced a companion bill in the House of Representatives and now has 71 cosponsors, including Republican leaders John Boehner (R-Ohio), Roy Blunt (R-Missouri), and nine other members of the California delegation.

“In Saddam Hussein’s Iraq or the Taliban’s Afghanistan, such opposition would not be allowed a voice at all. But thankfully we live in a free democracy under the protection of our brave Marines. Protestors have the right to vocally insult our troops but patriotic Americans also have the right to seek a democratic response to discourage activities that actively impede the legitimate functions of our military.”

“I will continue to work with my Senate colleagues to stop the special taxpayer favors Berkeley has received through unnecessary earmarks,” said Senator DeMint.

One Berkeley earmark provides $243,000 in taxpayer dollars for the organization Chez Panisse to create gourmet organic school lunches in the Berkeley School District. Another earmark would spend $975,000 in taxpayer dollars for the University of California, to create a new endowment and cataloging the papers of Congressman Robert Matsui. U.C. Berkeley already has a $3.5 billion endowment.

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25 Responses

  1. Tom in CO

    Fuck you Harry Reid.

  2. Paslode

    What a weasel! Anyone got a bench vise I can borrow? :wink:

  3. Hugh

    What else would a traitor do?

  4. dad3-7

    here is to berkeley

  5. Paslode

    Just the sight of Harry Reid…..he is beyond words. If the man was laying on the ground in need of help I would flip him off and be on my way.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Little boy lost: Hairy Weed, showing the people of his red district, once again, why he’s a little pussy. Wanna bet this fucker doesn’t get re-elected?

  7. BoomBoom

    What the hell is wrong with this piece of human shit they call Reid? Fricking prick hates this country as much as fathead Chavez and his little minion Ahmatinyfag.

  8. Jeff

    ….and we slip a little further to the left.

    How can any REAL American defend Berkeley? Time to take control of this horseshit and separate the two parties. Republicans get all 49 states and most of Alaska. Dems get Adak. Enjoy!

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im not surprised by this at all. DeMints bill shows he is a patriot. of course it was blocked by this little dick. hes just jealous of the Marines

    Fuck you Harry Reid

  10. PhilNBlanx

    Didn’t see that one coming…

    Won’t vote for McCain? The above article is a damn good reason to still vote for Congressional seats.

  11. kozanne

    Just sent Harry an email telling him to go to Bezerkley after his term is up. After all, lunch at Chez Panisse is on the American Taxpayer if he has his way!

    He’s a douche.

  12. drillanwr

    Republicans asked to pass the Semper Fi Act by unanimous consent after no Republican member opposed its passage, but Democrats have placed an anonymous hold on the bill.

    And I am certain if you dig back through the Congressional records you will find way more than one of these democrats on the floor of the House or Senate loudly and vehemently expressing grave concern(s) that “recruitment in ALL branches of the military is down since this war” … using it as some dire damage done to our armed forces and to the security and rediness of this nation.

    Yet, here they are …

  13. Mart (just another infidel)

    Fuck Harry and Berkeley! Don’t do business with any Berkeley businesses and don’t go to Berkeley. Don’t let your kids go to their fucked up school. Boycott Berkeley!! Write your congressmen and insist Berkeley be punished. If they don’t think they need the Marines then they don’t need our dollars or tax dollars.

    Damn the people in that fucked up city piss me off!! :mad:

  14. mindy abraham

    I hope this gets passed. Free speech is one thing, but this is beyond absured.

  15. Monkey3531

    my father is a Vietnam vet and he has proclaimed that he “wouldn’t even cross the street to watch Jane Fonda cut her own wrists”. Being an Iraq vet, I would have to disagree. I would cross the street to see Harry Weed, Nancy Poloosey, all of Code Pink, Soros, Westboro Baptists, DePalma, Cow O’Donnell, probably the entire Democrat party…I’m sure there are more, cut their own wrists.

  16. JayMS

    Damn, that’s really a shame. Not just to see Berkely get cut off but it would be damn hilarious to see if Hilary or Obama side with the Marines or Code Pink.

  17. trustme1013

    WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CALIFORNIAN GOVERNMENT WITH THIS? AGAIN, the STATE should have smacked this down ages ago. God!

    On the other hand, what a bunch of asshat fucking cowards. An anonymous hold(?!?!?!) on the bill? I didn’t even know that was possible, A, and B, if you’re really so opposed to it, then come out and fucking say it, you fucking fucking cowards. You are not fit to walk on this hallowed ground we call the United States.

    :evil: :mad: :mad:

  18. One Shot

    If it were legal, I would hit that guy so hard in the cocksucker that he would wake up in the next area code.

  19. 007

    One Day I will see him In the street and stick my dick in his mouth and Spew my Love for him! NO I AM NOT GAY!

  20. momps

    i’m waiting for the san andreas fault to just go and crack already

  21. TJ (The kafir)

    I suggest people encourage council member wozniak, the only sane member of that council who voted against the pinkos. I encouraged him to confront the deliberate state and federal violations of the law perpetrated by the protesters in collusion with the police that violated the rights of marines and ordinary citizens who were impeded from conducting business in a public building. I dont wich to shut them up, only have the laws enforced equitably. :wink:

  22. RJI


  23. momps

    i almost wish they’d kent state code pinko’s ass :mrgreen:

  24. momps

    here’s the link to “webmail” the fucker


    Reid, Harry - (D - NV)
    (202) 224-3542
    Web Form:


    District Offices:
    600 East Williams Street, Room 302
    Carson City, NV 89701-4048 Voice: 775-882-7343
    FAX: 775-883-1980
    to Carson City office from Google Maps
    Bruce R. Thompson Courthouse and Federal Building, Suite 902
    400 South Virginia Street
    Reno, NV 89501-2193 Voice: 775-686-5750
    FAX: 775-686-5757
    to Reno office from Google Maps
    Lloyd D. George Building, Suite 8016
    333 Las Vegas Boulevard South
    Las Vegas, NV 89101 Voice: 702-388-5020
    FAX: 702-388-5030

  25. Jackal3886

    Reid’s a fuckin asswipe, plain & simple! :mad:

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