The “Stupid Bitch” And “Nigger” Problem

February 26th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Just as much as the G.O.P. is fearful of being accused of saying those two things in a roundabout way, you can bet your ass the Dems are salvitating at the opportunity of accusing them of just that…but don’t forget, voting against white men for either their race or gender, is AOK behavior as far as the Dems are concerned.


Top Republican strategists are working on plans to protect the GOP from charges of racism or sexism in the general election, as they prepare for a presidential campaign against the first ever African-American or female Democratic nominee.

The Republican National Committee has commissioned polling and focus groups to determine the boundaries of attacking a minority or female candidate, according to people involved. The secretive effort underscores the enormous risk senior GOP operatives see for a party often criticized for its insensitivity to minorities in campaigns dating back to the 1960s.

The RNC project is viewed as so sensitive that those involved in the work were reluctant to discuss the findings in detail. But one Republican strategist, who asked that his name be withheld to speak candidly, said the research shows the daunting and delicate task ahead.

Republicans will be told to “be sensitive to tone and stick to the substance of the discussion” and that “the key is that you have to be sensitive to the fact that you are running against historic firsts,” the strategist explained.

In other words, Republicans should expect a severe backlash if they say or do anything that smacks of politicizing race or gender. They didn’t need an expensive poll to learn that lesson, however.

They could simply have asked Joe Biden, John Edwards, Bill Clinton or any number of Democratic politicians who stung over their choice of words in this campaign already.

GOP officials are certain their words will be scrutinized ever more aggressively. They anticipate a regular media barrage of accusations of intolerance – or much worse.

They seem most concerned about Obama right now.

“You can’t run against Barack Obama the way you could run against Bill Clinton, Al Gore or John Kerry,” said Jack Kemp, the 1996 GOP vice presidential nominee, who expressed concern that the party could be reduced to an “all white country club party” if it does not tread cautiously.

“Being an African American at the top of the ticket, if he makes it, is such a great statement about the country,” he added, “Obviously you have to be sensitive to issues that affect urban America. …You have to be careful.”

GOP operatives have already coined a term for clumsy rhetoric: “undisciplined messaging.” It appears as a bullet point in a Power Point presentation making the rounds among major donors, party leaders and surrogates. The presentation outlines five main strategic attacks against an Obama candidacy, with one of them stating how “undisciplined messaging carries great risk.”

“Republicans will need to exercise less deafness and more deftness in dealing with a different looking candidate, whether it is a woman or a black man,” Republican strategist Kellyanne Conway said. “But at the same time, really charge back at any insinuation or accusation of sexism or racism.

“You can’t allow the party to be Macaca-ed,” she continued, referring to a much-publicized remark made by former GOP Sen. George Allen that played a significant role in his 2006 defeat. “I think the standards are higher and the bar is lower for the Republican Party.”

Republicans interviewed for this story uniformly believe they will have to be especially careful. Many expect to be held to a higher rhetorical standard than is customary in campaigns, in part because of perceptions of intolerance that still dog the party.

“Fair or unfair, but that’s going to be a reality,” said GOP strategist John Weaver, a longtime confidant of John McCain. “The P.C. [politically correct] police will be out and the standards will be very narrow.”

The McCain camp is only beginning to explore this dilemma, aides said.

McCain’s strategic team still lacks survey research on either of their likely opponents in the general election, inhibiting their capacity “to discuss it intelligently,” a top adviser said. The campaign is currently occupied with “getting our act together structurally.”

“But my basic thought on it is that McCain is not much of a negative campaigner anyhow,” the advisor said. “When he does get into debates with people it’s on issues, substance. So I don’t think we are going to have to train our candidate not to insult people.”

The potential for mischief reaches well beyond any “undisciplined messaging” that the Republican nominee might engage in. In the case of the Clinton campaign, it has been the surrogates – like former President Clinton – who have been the source of much of the blowback for imprudent language.

“What I would not do is do what Bill Clinton has done,” said Ed Rollins, Mike Huckabee’s campaign chairman. “I would not in any way, shape, or form trivialize the strength of an Obama or compare him to another candidate.”

But some on the right are equally wary of unnecessary timidity. According to their thinking, the Democratic candidate begins as the frontrunner in the general election – and that will compel the Republican Party and its nominee to run a fiercely aggressive campaign.

“If we approach this campaign from the standpoint that we need to take political sensitivity training because one candidate is a woman or one candidate is black, I think we are approaching it from the wrong standpoint because that already handcuffs us,” said Republican strategist Tony Fabrizio. “If McCain is afraid, or shies away from taking on Obama because that’s what they worry about, then they’ve lost the battle to begin with.”

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24 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    So the RNC is going to genuflect at the pigmentation of the magic negro?

    They will have trouble winning if they are afraid to call a spade a spade and end up beating around the bush.

  2. POD1

    Black dosen’t matter.
    Estrogen dosen’t matter.
    Defeating PC, liberalism, and socialism matters.

  3. A. S. Wise- VA

    What a crappy way to have an election.

  4. Mike in CA

    The MSM will use everything, including the race card, to get Obama elected. They might actually refer to Hill as a “stupid bitch”.
    Like the new site layout.

  5. dave

    POD is right, they are both turds.

  6. drillanwr

    This is a pile of horse shit!

    Hillary or Hussein … Whoever … “Rove” the MoFo!

    The GOP has done “nice” (See: GWBush) and see where it’s gotten us … We friggin’ lost Congress. Bush has gone through some of the most savage treatment by the democrats and the MSM … and the base (GOP) has gotten over-pissed at the lack of “return fire” in over seven years.

    This is pretty much like the case with fighting the war in Iraq … It cannot be fought “nicey-nice” and have sound results.

    And anytime during the general campaign cycle someone, anyone, even insinuates that McCain is being racist/sexist/mean/nasty when he firmly points out the agenda of the opposing candidate my advice is McCain look the accuser squarely in the face and demand they lay it out letter for letter exact “proof” of such a charge … and then bark “You got shit!” back at them …

    As to using “bitch” where Hillary is concerned, her “supporters” seem to have already made the word their own:

  7. John Cunningham

    I hope to not have to live in a chatty chickified or city ghetto atmosphere.

  8. Ivan the Kafir

    Hillary doesn’t much matter but libs NEED to have Obama win. Frankly, they think he deserves to win just for being black. Its like getting one of those “Honorable Merit” badges at the Science Fair just for trying - regardless of how crappy your project actually was.

  9. kurt(the infidel)

    Dont let the victim card of any type deter them from attacking. Im supposedly racist already because i dont want my country overrun by illegal mexican immigrants. at this point i dont really give a shit. I say attack them both without fear of anything

  10. drillanwr

    :arrow: kurt(the infidel)

    Dont let the victim card of any type deter them from attacking. Im supposedly racist already because i dont want my country overrun by illegal mexican immigrants. at this point i dont really give a shit. I say attack them both without fear of anything


    1) Lives in the hinderlands of Ohio/Indiana

    2) drives a gas guzzling pick-up w/ gun rack (?)

    3) owns gun that fits in said gun rack

    4) supports the military … and the mission

    5) listens to heavy rock, and poss. some selective country

    6) has pumped-up muscles on his upper body

    7) white

    8] male

    9) conservative

    10) hangs out on Dollard’s hateful blog site with other hateful folks

    11) probably own “white sheets”, and possibly a Cross (doesn’t matter what size it is … it’s a Cross in proximity of “white sheets”, dude)

    Gee, Kurt, you settle on that tattoo for them big guns you call arms and you’ll be text book for the lib profile of “racist” … :razz:

  11. Goodbye Natalie

    What are they worried about concerning Obama? Since 90% of blacks vote in mass pulling the Dim ticket every stinkin’ time and will this time again, screw ‘um. Their the most racist group in America.

    Gawd, Republicans have become pussified the last 20 years. We do much better when we get down and dirty.

    Kick them in the balls if you need to and laugh while doing so. The best way to attack liberals is laugh at them.

  12. Goodbye Natalie

    What are they worried about concerning Obama? Since 90% of blacks vote in mass pulling the Dim ticket every stinkin’ time and will this time again, screw ‘um. They’re the most racist group in America.

    Gawd, Republicans have become pussified the last 20 years. We do much better when we get down and dirty.

    Kick them in the balls if you need to and laugh while doing so. The best way to attack liberals is laugh at them.

  13. kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: drillanwr

    Its scary how accurately you just profiled me. all of the above are true. i even listen to some selective country music :wink: and im definitely in good company on here. my gun rack holds 3 guns

    oh and i fly the american flag all year round in front of my house and during bad thunderstorms i bring it in so it doesnt blow away. yet Obama wont even wear a tiny flag on his lapel.

  14. drillanwr

    kurt -

    You friggin’ racist!

    Not sure, but I think flying the Flag is a “hate crime” now …

    Hey, idea …

    Flag w/ eagle tattoo, bro …

  15. kurt(the infidel)

    I would wear that tattoo with pride. That is something i have always thought about getting, just something cool with the flag in it. Im all about USA

  16. kurt(the infidel)

    i hope this link works. this would one kick ass tattoo

  17. drillanwr

    Yep, that’s a keeper.

    I admit to looking into designs for myself of late.

    NOT a rose/flower or butterfly kind of gal.

    Might use a mix of sufing/tribal and a Crusader Cross thing … but never have been much for needles, so it’d be on a small scale and mostly outline and not so much color-fill-in.

  18. kurt(the infidel)

    Crusader cross would be a great touch. Im all about that too

  19. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    I wonder why O’Bambam never brings up the fact that he is 1/2 white? So why IS he considered exclusively black? :???:

  20. RIchard Quinn

    kurt(the infidel):

    From an Ohioan with a flag in the front yard and plenty of beer in the garage. My daughter read drillanwr’s profile of you but has issues with #5 ‘heavy rock’. Otherwise, she said you can pick her up any Friday night after she gets off work!

  21. Brian H

    The counter-charge is “playing the race/gender victim role/card”, and “pandering to narrow identity groups”. Throw out the challenge/charge, then forcibly yank the subject back to issues. Do this enough times, and I think the Dems will pretty much give up on “insensitivity” charges.

  22. Brian H

    your daughter has sense; rock causes brain damage, and C&W is a symptom. :razz: :lol:

  23. drillanwr

    :arrow: RIchard Quinn

    Kurt is willing to wear headphones during those insane episodes …

    Tell your sweet daughter to dress puurrrty! Kurt’s a looker (and a very nice guy)!

  24. Warden

    about say’s it all.

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