“The Gulf Between Hillary And McCain Is Grand Canyon-Like”
Victor Davis Hanson:
If one studies carefully the Clintama answers on the war on terror, illegal immigration, and Iraq then the magnitude of Republican infighting seems surreal. The gulf between Hillary and McCain is Grand Canyon-like. This debate came down to Obama, talking in vague generalities about change, still without offering any specifics on anything that might be construed as hurtful and thus force him down from Olympus to the messy smelly world of mere mortals, and Hillary’s Bill-like ‘I did so much and suffered so much for all of you’ sanctimoniousness, coupled with ‘George Bush did it’ — and always that disturbing cackle. To the extent that there is any plan detectable in the generalities, it is get out of Iraq regardless of the conditions, expect that Syria and Iran will be in bad trouble if we leave (go figure), and keep illegal immigration mostly at the status quo of 700,000 a year coming across and another 11-16 million already here. When you have so many identity pressure groups who are single-minded in what they want-La Raza, the anti-war zealots, the Black Caucus, feminist pro-abortion zealots, unionized teachers and government workers-you have to say everything and thus nothing.
If McCain gets the nomination, I would have to believe that the Republican sit-out would only last midsummer until they could not take Sen. Clinton no more, and thus like Lancelot at Camlan belatedly enter the fray.
Republican sit-out = Conservative sit-out
And by doing the sit out they are allowing mccain to get the nomination
Reality people, deal with reality
I do not find perfection in a candidate, I look higher than that.
February 1st, 2008 at 7:18 amSome people have started touting Newt Gingrich, calling for him to enter the race as a 3rd party candidate for conservatives in case we are unable to derail McCain.
The problem is that Gingrich is not a steadfast conservative. If you go to his website you’ll find that it is more of a data mining organization where they are gathering information about what people “care” about and then formulating their message to fit it. I would say that he is a Reformist just like McCain, just more engaging and with a much higher intellect. He accepts the theory of man-made global warming, he accepts the theory of letting the UN take the lead in Foreign Affairs, he supports tax cuts in general but he is also in support of targeted tax increases as a motivation for reform (social engineering) and he agrees with McCain about getting the government more deeply involved in the economy (he says he’s not but if you listen to his ideas they would require greater oversight and regulation to support, just like McCain). I would liken him to a non-pastoral version of Huckabee with a knowledge of history. I would like to say that he could be trusted with judicial nominations but I think he would fall into the Cult of Personality just as he has with his other Reformist ideas.
While reform is not a generally bad occurrence, even politically, when it goes against the morays of the party and panders to a part of the population (no matter how large) that is mainly unengaged, uninformed and unaware of the illusionists performing before them on stage, there is no good that can come from it. Ultimately the party will lose it’s identity then it’s voting base, just before they are regulated to nothing more than a second tier organization, the huddled masses are left to fend for themselves thereby becoming more and more radicalized. What this would ultimately leave is a new two party system that consists of what I like to call the Progressives (little commies) and the Reformists (social conservatives that are willing to adopt socialism to fulfill their desire for showing compassion). And the rest of us?
Western Europe didn’t turn into a socialist continent with radicalized sub-groups overnight.
As far as the “McCain Surge” taking hold of the GOP. The “GOP” isn’t necessarily running him. It’d be fair to estimate that if Huckabee dropped out, Romney would get about 70% of his constituents thereby negating the “Independent Factor” that has been helping McCain (independents were allowed to vote in Florida as long as they changed their affiliation at the voting site to Republican -reported by the sun-sentinel) The unengaged, uninformed, unaware masses are. Sadly, if Super Tuesday wasn’t until March 4th, I think he’d lose by a landslide and even now, I don’t think he’s going to have as easy of a time as the Cult is professing.
February 1st, 2008 at 8:53 amlol that’s why I love VDH. He nailed it again. And that is what will happen.
When it comes down to do it, none of us with a brain will be able to accept the terms of a Hillary victory.
February 2nd, 2008 at 12:17 am