This New Layout Kicks Ass…Bitches

February 25th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

guess who?

Pictured: Pat, Bash, & Louie…

If you haven’t checked out what Pat has had to say about the new look here at then, by all means click on the link and check it out over at his Deep Thoughts section.

You’ll notice a huge difference in presentation. Lots of thumbnail pics and a separate section for videos.

Also, in case you haven’t noticed lately, we have a new addition to the Special Forces section, Right Hand Girl and Iggy are still here kicking ass, and now we also have Mully & Welsh, when you see Young Americans, you’ll see them. Meanwhile, check out their stuff, hilarious shit.

Have to give a huge shout out to Chad for putting this thing together and his patience in trying to teach us how to use it. There may be a few glitches the first couple of days or so, like…hmmm, well, whatever can go wrong might (not will) go wrong (fuck Murphy)…but we’ll get the hang of it.

Also want to give a shout out to people like drillanwr, One Shot, LftBhndAgn, and everyone else (I know I’m forgetting some of you) who from time to time throughout the course of a day, sends us links to stories, pictures, and videos that fit right in here. You guys are the best.

We encourage all of you readers to get actively involved in this site. Leave comments, send us links, tell your friends, stop in often, make suggestions, Digg the stories you like. Hell, without you guys, our only reader would be Louie’s Uncle Louie. And he’s always bitching about something.

I’m one of those people that hate change, initially. It was hard for me to start to adjust to the new site…for about an hour, then I was fine. Spend a little time checking everything out, and soon you’ll find that Pat’s little brainchild is actually, in my humble opinion, probably one of the best Blogs on the Internet.

In case you didn’t know, we are the #1 Military blog in the world, according to Blogads.

And if you haven’t gone to yet, then click on that link now, bitches…

It’s gotta be that subliminal stuff I’m always hypnotizing you guys with.

heh heh…

Wait a second…did I drop an F-bomb in here somewhere? …ah yes, I see it, okay, good to go.

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27 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    I … {sniffle} … love you guys! … {sob!}

    Hey, Chad -

    Thanks for paying the damn Dollard Nation beer tab!

  2. kurt(the infidel)

    look at the 3 rock stars in that picture above. woo hoo! :smile:

    the new site kicks ass, its seriously awesome.

    Great work Chad.

    Pat and Bash, you 2 are professors when it comes to keeping the important information flowing. thanks guys

  3. drillanwr

    kurt -

    Either Louie is whispering ’sweet nothings’ into Bash’s ear, or he’s about to take a bite.

  4. kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: drillanwr

    Im getting the sweet nothing vibe from that pic. Louie is saying, “Bash, why dont you go in the kitchen and fry us up some Turkey bacon”

  5. John Cunningham

    Enough changes to freshen it up but not so much I can’t find anything.

  6. franchie

    so oddy it may seem, this is for me the blog where americans are fair

  7. Steve in NC

    The layout is great, too many good posts got lost below the fold as others came up, the featured stories section is the best addition. Really easy to zip all over the site.

    Well done bitches :beer:

  8. CBL

    Great job on the site guys looks fantastic :beer:

  9. DMan

    Some time, there needs to be a gathering for all the faithful!

  10. Erik Marsh

    “We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”
    — Winston Churchill

    Pat, Bash, Chad, et al - Thanks for the support and giving us a place where we feel welcome :beer:

  11. drillanwr

    :arrow: Erik Marsh

    You and the rest of the troops/vets ARE the superstars here! We love you guys!

    :arrow: DMan

    Hey! Let’s meet at Kurt’s place! He straddles two states! :smile:


  12. Gary in Midwest

    Nice upgrade guys. Much faster to scan articles. The content, as always, is top notch.

  13. kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: drill

    Im also very close to Kentucky. Now that would be one hell of a party :beer: :beer:

  14. drillanwr

    Oh yeah! You ARE a tri-stater, Kurt (as long as all three states aren’t grabbing taxes out of your pay)! :beer:

    Hey, how’s the weather down there? No school again today … More “digging out” here. :evil:

  15. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: drill, kurt & Dman

    a PD rally would definitely need to be somewhere besides the icelandic region of the upper-midwest (love you guys but your weather really sucks right now). We can always do the Gold Coast (I was wearing shorts and flip flops again this past weekend) or maybe invade the People’s Republic of Kalifornia providing Pat and the guys with some timely relief.

  16. Chad

    :beer: Thanks guys. Thanks for all the virtual beer. I’m no longer considered a moderate drinker. And Pat, I’m updating the feature section title asap. :oops:

  17. drillanwr

    :arrow: Erik -

    Flip-flops? Oh … yeah! You’re that TEXAS guy that keeps “rubbing it in” … Yeaaahhhh …

    We Ohio-billies go from snow boots to bare feet … :roll:

  18. Steve in NC

    How about Carolina? near Camp Lejeune, not far from the shore, and they smoke pork around here like you can’t believe.

    We can invite some of Louie’s friends to join us.

    Sure as hell not in the cold, I left MI last year, and am in no hurry to return to the tundra.

  19. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: drill

    Too many fire ants down here to do bare anywhere but the beach :evil: . I feel ya though. :cool:

    If ya’ll really want to get something together and don’t mind venturing into the lion’s den there’s a great thing goin’ for April 8th in DC.

    It’ll be Gen. Petreaus’ second briefing to Congress on the state of Iraq and a bunch of Veteran’s and pro-military groups are getting lined up for rallies and counter-Pinko protests on the hill in support of our active-duty service members, veterans and their mission. I’m involved with Vets For Freedom ( ) but there’s many others doing things also that aren’t vet-centric. Our defenders and their leaders need our support.

  20. drillanwr

    :arrow: Steve in NC
    How about Carolina? near Camp Lejeune, not far from the shore

    :!: ME: Oh, sure, Steve … You’re just trying to kill me, huh? You KNOW I’d head over to Surf City, find a board and head out on the shark-studded N.C. waves and break my middle-aged neck … :twisted:

    :arrow: Erik Marsh
    If ya’ll really want to get something together and don’t mind venturing into the lion’s den there’s a great thing goin’ for April 8th in DC.

    :!: ME: Actually, I’ll have just left D.C. a couple days before then … unless a {Nor`Easter} blows in and strands me at the airport …

  21. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :smile: I like it. Great new look.
    See if Mikie likes it. Mikie go to Pat’s web page.
    He likes it.

  22. kurt(the infidel)

    North Carolina or Down on the gold coast sounds good to me. Im used to this weather but I love summer and warm weather too.

    :arrow: drill

    Yeah we’re getting it again. snowing right now as i speak. rain last night then the bottom fell out and it turned to snow. im ready for a little bare feet weather!

  23. steve m

    WOW…fantastic layout. Very well layed out - user friendly. Just got my first look. Haven’t been able to get here as much as I used to, Work - very busy. Hey, isn’t the economy supposed to be tanking?… :roll: that’s what those perpetually whining libtards tell me….morons. Nice to see Franchie thinks we’re “fair”..mon dieu!…

  24. franchie

    steve m,

    in comparaison with others :lol:

  25. ticticboom

    I’m in NYC myself, if anyone’s interested.

    I went to an Ace of Spades bash a while back. Got to meet the man himself. Someone asked me who Ace was, so I pointed him out and said, “He’s the ewok-looking guy over there.”

    “Oh, he looks kinda like you.” Shit, that stung.

    And isn’t Gathering of Eagles coming up soon? We really need to meet up for that.

  26. drillanwr

    :arrow: ticticboom

    I’m in NYC myself, if anyone’s interested.


    Well hey hell, baby!

    Kurt and I are sending you some “cool, fluffy” love from Ohio … Should be reaching you sometime tomorrow … if not sooner. :wink:

    ttb, you’re what? … The only conservative war-monger in NYC?

  27. ticticboom


    It’ll be rain or sleet by the time it gets here, which are even worse.

    I spent a good two hours standing in the damn rain today. Fucking outside jobs. I never get them on sunny days in June.


    In another shop, I was one of The Three Wise Men, a drop of conservatism in a sea of insanity.

    We had ‘Diversity Day’ at work last week. I lost track of all the different types of ‘minorities’ we have to accomodate. Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, physically or mentally ‘differentially abled’, the list went on and on and on…

    I said, “Hey, I’m a conservative. Is there any smaller minority in this company?” No one came up with anything. I think there are more gay black jewish transexuals.

    Just so you know what I have to deal with, our CEO is a friend of Jesse Jackson.

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