Top 100 Talk radio Host List Dominated By Conservatives

February 13th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

1 has their list of the “Heavy Hundred: The 100 MOst Important Radio Hosts in America.”

Eight of the top ten are conservative hosts. Imus is considered “Shock” and Schultz is labeled “Progressive”…

Here’s the Top 10:

#1- Rush Limbaugh
#2- Sean Hannity
#3- Michael Savage
#4- Dr. Laura Schlessinger
#5- Glenn Beck
# 6- Laura Ingraham
#7- Don Imus
#8- Ed Schultz
#9- Mike Gallagher
#10- Neal Boortz

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5 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    Im not surprised by this but I am very happy to hear it confirmed.

    Look at the liberal radio station Air America for example. I dont need to say much more than that.

    Those names look great on that list, makes my heart happy :mrgreen:

  2. just posting

    Is it just me or does anyone else think sean hannity is a doushebag.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    @just posting
    Nope it ain’t just you. :mrgreen:

    I like Denis Praeger. Love his logic. Hannity seems unprepared on the radio. On TV he comes off as a Wus to me.

    Beck claims he does his homework, until he picks a subject that proves he’s lying…Another douche bag.

    Ed Shultz is a putz.

    Nonetheless, Conservative talk rules as usual. The Dhimoids
    got nothing, because they are nothing. Kind of like their candidates? :mrgreen:

  4. just posting

    Yea, ill give glen beck some credit though, his show is the only watchable news on tv. He coveres the border and iran pretty good, though i dont listen to em on the radio at all so im not aware of all his stances.

  5. John Cunningham

    Just posting, talk radio figures most of their audience is listening in their car and listens for twenty minutes. So they must do an update to continually bring new arrivals up to speed. Hannity hasn’t mastered that and his list of things to update is absolute torture for someone like myself that has the luxury of being to listen to the whole show. I only discovered Hannity a few years ago and could only listen for a year. I continued watching H&C but his radio style carries over to his TV show, but that coupled with Colmes made the show impossible to watch and I stopped watching a year ago. One perk to driving a taxi is that I have been able to listen to Rush for twenty years. He never disappoints. My big day out over the past three years is Wednesday so it’s the one day I don’t get to listen to. I tie in with my day out finishing up with 4 or 5 pints. When I get home and hit the lazyboy it’s the one day I miss Beck’s television show. I’ve been known to pass out on the train and miss my stop. I hate that when that happens. The end of the line is another ten miles.

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