UK Muslims Fire Teacher Who Complained Book Taught Christians=Pigs

February 21st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The Islamization of Europe continues…

A teacher yesterday claimed he was sacked from an Islamic school after complaining about books in which Christians were called “pigs”.

Colin Cook, 58, alleged five-year-olds were taught from the texts that Jews were “monkeys”.

The head of King Fahad Academy denied the claims but shredded the 2,000 books.

Mr Cook told the jobs tribunal yesterday that pupils at the school in Acton, West London, praised 9/11.


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8 Responses

  1. Laura

    I wonder if he’ll get his job back. Some days I can’t stand to read this stuff, and this is shaping up to be one of those days…

  2. devildog2278

    Enough, all i hear is that only a small percentage of muslims are radical and yet the so called moderates praise 9/11. Lets just bomb and kill as many muslms as possible for a few days and show them what will happen the next time they pull this shit.

  3. Jett

    “If Westerners stick together, the Shari‘a is doomed. If we do not, we are doomed.”

    The teacher, UK media, courts, etc. should not backdown on this one :twisted:

  4. Kevin M

    Those Muslim textbooks are probably the same ones being used at that Muzzie school in virginia that is sponsored by “our friends, the Saudis.”

  5. Vanessa

    why is there an ad for here?

  6. Kufir Ken

    King Fahd Academy has been scrutinized over their teaching practices before this case came to light.

    I saw a special (forget which channel) about how the books that they are using are supplied by a Wahabi group back in Saudi.

    How we indoctrinate our children will have a huge impact on their ability to successfully integrate and NOT go jihadi on us.

    Hitler Youth anyone?

  7. TJ (the kafir)

    I suggest the head of king Fahd academy shred the Quran as well since such references are made there as well. Christians are referred in one passage as being made as “pigs and apes”. this teacher and the rest of the Dhimmas need to know that these are not extreme views, they are mainstream because they are directly referred to in the quran and sunnah. :roll: :oops:

  8. drillanwr

    He shredded 2,000 books, huh?

    His name didn’t happen to be Sandy Burglar?

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