Update Vid: Melanie Morgan Updates Berkeley Situation On Fox

February 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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16 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    fucking pukes! i hope this city crumbles

  2. drillanwr

    Were’s a 7.0 when you need one?

  3. Paslode

    Boycott……a melee would be more appropiate.

  4. drillanwr

    ArleighB brought up the old “tradition” of “dungaree liberty” …

  5. trustme1013

    “Illegal, Immoral & Unjust…”

    She sums their actions up in three simple words.

  6. jgee

    “Asss if they were ssssome type of sssshoe ssssstore or ssssomething… what are they buying and ssssselling in there?”

    AH HA!!! none of this made sense to me until I saw that… the women and gayssssssss want sssshoesssss!!! I knew there had to be a reason…

    btw… why does it seem like the eunuchs are trying to take over in this country? this country does not need to be saved by soccer moms and super fantastic silly gays… quit acting like it has to be…

  7. JonnyMordant

    Cheers to Melanie Morgan!

  8. ArleighB

    drillanwr, it wouldn’t be the first time the area was subjected to the tradition…not PC, but hopefully, no one would die…knew some old timers who mentioned taking part.

  9. drillanwr

    ArleighB -

    ***whistling and looking in another direction …*** :twisted:

  10. Tom in CO

    Kick the city out of the country, then send in the army to take it over.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Jerkley still hasn’t figured it our yet that this ain’t 1968. This time we’re putting up a fight. So all you fags, wimps, pussies, and droopy-titted hippies and Lesbos should be prepared to lose Federal monies, and possibly state funds, for turning your backs on the First Amendment rights of others. If you insist on being little Marxists, prepare to pay a price for it.

    Maybe you droids think you have a veto on free speech in CA. Got news for you, you don’t.

    Rant on hippies. Show the world how stupid and crazy pot makes a person. Smoke that dope, hug them bugs. The world needs to see what little asses you are.

  12. Marc

    That little nerd at the podium with his quotation mark gesturing epitomizes everything that is wrong with the education system in the US. Indoctrination from day one thanks to the teacher’s unions across the country, of which a parent can minimize the damage until you send them off to college. After which if you are lucky you don’t end up receiving upon graduation a min Che clone who tells you everything that is wrong about how the system you used to provide a higher level of education is immoral, courtesy again of the Left in America.

    He wouldn’t have the balls to have a thought provoking conversation with a Marine, instead him and the rest of his will stand an yell slurs at them and nauseum about how they are superior to everything the Marines have stood up for the past 232 years.

  13. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sign the petition agiast Jerkley here:

  14. ssgduke54

    Take every Fed/State dollars and start a complete boycott of the city of Berkeley now and punished them for at lease two years until they change their ILLEGAL practices against any recruiting stations that is in Berkeley. For if you don’t do this then this insane practice will spread to other cities and then we won’t have the ability to recruit. Then the Fed Government will have to re-instate the draft! Is that what we really want?!! :???:

  15. Snooper

    Screw Islam AND Berzerkeley

  16. scotty

    Why is is that city council members get shot over tickets about construction equipment, but these pukes get to live?

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