Vid: Cops Do Nothing As Code Pinkos Infringe On Freedoms

February 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


As we await footage from today’s events in Berkeley, this is footage from last week…some of the events leading up to today’s confrontation.

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17 Responses

  1. Paslode

    Too bad someone didn’t drive one of those pukes through a window to gain rightful entry.

  2. Ang

    Ok these dildos are talking about freedoms but they will not allow another US citizen their freedom to enter the building. I hate hippies..

    And I hate that I can’t wear pink anymore. I don’t want anyone to make the mistake of thinking I support these freaks. I look better in red anyway.

  3. Chad

    I woulda loaded em up with pepper spray…

  4. PhilNBlanx

    Samir? Oh, Samir? Do you wish to explain the actions of these people on your “side?” Didn’t look real “peaceful” to me.

    No wonder you don’t want the people of Iraq to live free and enjoy liberty. Your “side” is intent on denying liberty even to your fellow countrymen.

  5. PhilNBlanx

    The loneliest City Councilman in America –

    “Berkeley is supposed to celebrate diversity and free speech and we welcome homeless people here,” said Berkeley City Councilman Gordon Wozniak. “We welcome illegal immigrants. We give them sanctuary. We should welcome the Marines. I mean they’re basically dedicating their lives to protect their country.”

  6. jcila

    I suggest a nice counter sign ..

    something like

    oh i dont know

    Terrorist supporters go back where you came from…

    I am not to good on slogans

  7. ticticboom

    They scream that they are ‘peaceful’ in the same way that Islam claims to be a ‘Religion of Peace’(TM).

  8. John H

    Even with pepper spray you might get a law suit…..I’d go for the essence of skunk you can get at almost any Hunting Store….yeah it would suck for the guys inside, but I’d love to see how long the Protestors could take it, and how often they threw up.

  9. Jeff

    They just opened the door for a flurry of lawsuits against the city. I’ll be disappointed if I don’t hear about them….SOON!

    Here is the ironic thing, civil rights were flat out denied and we won’t hear a peep out of the ACLU. That organization should be banned for their obvious left-wing-whacko activism.

  10. TJ (The kafir)

    the police officer should be arrested along with his commander for failing to administer his duty. ever heard of the RICO act. its been used to stop abortion protesters from congregating outside clinics and keeping people from going in. The police were violating the civil rights of those trying to enter. they were not neutral. in fact if a fight broke out , they would be held responsible. this is sickening. I would have told the officer he was with these protesters violating my civil rights and as such i will fight him and them if need be to get in.

    rico was used against me and others to place a buffer zone around an abortion clinic in new york. later it was overruled by a federal judge. but still no one has the right to impeded others from entering a building. these protesters in the video were being helped by the police presence. this is intimidation. :lol:

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Calling Jay Sekulow? ACLJ anyone? That would be the opposite of the Anti-Christian Liars Union.

  12. Gary in Midwest

    I am a huge backer of law enforcement. I am right there with Uncle Ted on the issue but these useless assholes are far from what I would even consider officers of the law.

  13. Bob

    The Police of Berkeley Ca. are a disgrace! Can you believe that the Marines died for right of those code stinkers to deny people to right to join the Marines! I think that the people who were denied entry should sue code stink and individuals involved! I invite code stink to visit NYC so we can open up a can of whop ass! It would not be needed however because the NYPD knows how to deal with those code stink morons.

  14. Texas Mom

    Just wrote them an email thanking them for doing their job . . . NOT.

  15. ticticboom

    @John H:

    Dude, have you ever had the misfortune of being downwind of freaks like them? They wouldn’t even notice.

  16. Tom in CO

    suckawnit samir

  17. Bob P

    I’m at a loss of words. They need to hear gunfire.

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