Video: Guy Says He Smoked Hussein’s Pole While Hussein Smoked Crack

February 18th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

Nods to One Shot.

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16 Responses

  1. One Shot

    Me thinks that Obama is fucked once this shit hits the airwaves.

  2. Joe

    Eh, I think Clinton will feel more of the backlash…everyone is obsessed with Obama and his new hope shit, they won’t ever believe he let a guy suck him off or he did crack when he already said he didn’t. He might spin this into Hillary paying some guy to say it and all Obama lovers will point to this man’s slight nod at the end saying that someone else was recording him (which it actually seems like that’s the case)

  3. Jimmyb

    :shock: Hoooly sheep shit…..I….I….I got nuthin….

  4. dave

    Blow me down!

  5. Paslode

    Hahahaa! Funny shit! If that catches fire, it will be like assassination without a gun.

  6. JonnyMordant

    The Limo was white, Obama is black
    That fruit smoked Obama, while Obama smoked Crack

  7. TJ (The Kafir)

    What exactly did the obama camp do to keep this a secret? obviously, if this were an allegation against the clintons, this guy would be 6 feet under. perhaps obama has a soft spot for this guy. perhaps he gives better head than monica lewinsky. :shock:

    Obama is a member of the united church of christ afterall, I believ getting a hummer from a homo while smoking crack is a sacrament in that church. :lol:

  8. Mike

    This guy will be dead in two weeks.

  9. 0311inOHio

    :arrow: Mike

    My thoughts exactly. This pole climber will be found dead of an overdose or simply disappear unless he has already hired lots and lots of body guards.

  10. Kurt(the infidel)

    LOL holy hell. Obama is a gay crack head. I knew i wouldnt vote for him before but damn

  11. Jarhead68

    Why didn’t this retard wait until AFTER Hussein got the nomination? He must be a Hillarity fan. Since he’s gay, the chances are he’s a democRat anyway. The MSM won’t be able to pin this on the Republican “smear machine”. This will be ignored by NBC and CBS. Maybe, just maybe, ABC will report it. This is too rich.

  12. Bill

    Hillary is lesbian.
    Her husband committed adultry in the White House and lied under oath. Was NOT impeached.

    It seems that the Americans accept this kind of character.
    Values do not exist any longer in this country.

    The huge problem I have, however, the fact the Hussein Obama is Muslim.
    That means he is from the enemy who is seeking our destruction.
    The enemy who are we fighting and our military men and women are losing their precious lives to protect us and our freedom.

  13. Goodbye Natalie

    Oh man, I think you guys are misjudging the rubes voting for the Muslim messiah. In their eyes, this will only make Obama more of a “real” man and a spiritual healer.

    Have you looked closely at the dimwits standing behind this man when he speaks? The background looks like something out of a Dawn of the Dead flick.

  14. Pencil Nub » The Obligatory “I did drugs and had sex with Barack Obama” Post

    […] Video: Guy Says He Smoked Hussein’s Pole While Hussein Smoked Crack Hussein Pole Smoker To Take Polygraph Hussein Homo Hits Court […]

  15. Joy

    This guy has a limo??

  16. Walt

    Any update on this? what happened to the polygraph he was going to take (he was offered $10,000 just to take it and $100,000 if it proved his charges were true).

    What is the status of his Court Case?

    I’ve seen nothing on any of this since the last post here.


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