Vid: Hussein Spins & Lies On Troops

February 22nd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So full of shit…

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17 Responses

  1. riserburns

    Come Mr Taleeban–Taleemeebonana :razz:

    Be prepared–this will be the first of many stories…. If this Captain had any integrity (spine, balls, or both) he would say his name… Ooops sorry I’m back from my mental TDY…

  2. Mart (just another infidel)

    I watched that and almost fell off my chair when he said that, you can tell he’s making it up as goes along. Lying sack of shit….amazing what you can get away with when everybody thinks your shit doesn’t stink.

  3. Paslode

    There were too many pauses for thought…..Obama made that line of shit up. Reminded me of my kids trying to bullshit me….Ahhh Dad,ahhhhh, weeellll, oohhhh, hmmmmmm.

  4. ( CAPT-DAX )

    he’s the shim sham man .

  5. Paslode

    I liken him to Mr. BoJangles.

  6. Ang

    Unfortunately most Americans are so ignorant of the military and the way it works they will believe this crap.

    Gotta ask though.if it is that bad why are the ignorant fools cutting military funding?? And using it as leverage for political gains?

  7. drillanwr

    Does he not think the troops hear/see this shit?

    Even if “Bush’s gubment” wasn’t supplying properly the military in Iraq, I was just telling Pat the other day at least one of MY Marines is a “gear queer” … And Pat told me they are not uncommon. So you figure, if the gubment is screwing them out of ammo and the like, the company “gear queers” would step in and fill the void before stooping over and picking up haji’s shit-smudged AK-47

  8. Zeke Eagle

    Gear Queer? That is LOL funny.

  9. JewishOdysseus

    Limbaugh had his call-screener bro, BoSnerdly/James Golden, drop tha bomb on Barry Hussein on this one today…a new feature, “Obama Criticism,” Golden disses/challenges Barry w/some hood lingo, even a little spanish, challenged him to “prove it!”

  10. Ang

    drillanwr … What is a ” Gear queer”? (I know I am showing my ignorance)

  11. Texas Mom

    So I wrote Obama a letter after President Bush’s State of the Union speech and asked him why he did not stand up and clap for the military when President Bush mentioned the success of the surge . . . respectfully - I was respectful.

    I got back the damn’d-est form letter today . . . never once even mentioning the military. Now you would think that his little helpers could come up with some kind of form letter that at least mentions the military . . . Come to think of it he hardly ever mentions them except for lies like this one - Has anyone ever heard him thank them for their service? . . . I think he might hate the military more than Bill and Hillary do and he is pretending they don’t exist for now and he is going to abolish them as soon as he gets in - God forbid!

    So I wrote him again just now - giving him another chance - to let me know how he feels about the military . . .

    Can’t wait to get his response!

    If this asshole wins, we are in for a heap of trouble. Our guys in the military will be in deep shit . . . it is frightening to think about . . .

    I am going back to my flu-bed where none of this matters.

  12. drillanwr

    :arrow: Ang

    drillanwr … What is a ” Gear queer”? (I know I am showing my ignorance)
    Well, as Pat puts it, a guy that stocks up on lots of gear. If they are supposed to have a certain piece of gear, the “gear queer” has more than one. And they loves their gear.

  13. intrepid

    obama … what afrikin nut

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    I watched this last night too and when he started telling this story my mouth dropped open, i could tell the instant he started that he was lying. we dont leave our troops hanging in the breeze.

    There needs to be a full investigation into this and they need to bring Obama into court and find out who said this. i guarantee you there was no one

  15. 0311YutYut

    How in the fuck would they split up a single infantry platoon and send them to two different theaters of operation?

  16. 0311YutYut

    A fucking democrat is talking about the military being underfunded? are you serious? What’s he gonna do about it? I highly doubt he will increase defense spending

  17. Vince

    lmao wtf was he thinking?

    oh im sorry he’s a democrat so he wasn’t…

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