Vid: Yo Mac! Fuck ‘Em, Take A Lib VP Already, You Lost Conservatives

February 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Advice crawling its way into McCain’s ear as of late…Fuck ‘em, John, you lost the Conservative Right, all the ass-kissing in the world won’t get them behind you, nor change your record, and you won’t change your mind, so fuck it…

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14 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    if he picks a filthy ass liberal their is no way im voting for him. i will go to the polls and write in General David Patraeus

  2. CJW

    Since both Fred Thompson and Mitt Romney proved themselves to be party line endorsers, I’ll write Smilin’ Bob in and then vote straight conservative for any other positions on the ballot.

    There is no conservative candidate left running for president this year and the establishment Republicans they keep sending out to tell us that McCain is a true conservative just doesn’t make it so. McCain was a true conservative, just not in this century.

  3. Professor Bill

    I think as conservatives our best course of action is to elect conservatives to congress and throw out the RINO bums, that way no matter who gets elected if we have a majority in congress we can still keep some semblence of control.

  4. A. S. Wise- VA

    I doubt McCain will follow the advice from a member of the press. We’ll see how this turns out. I’m voting for the man most of all.

  5. John H

    McCain is a conservative. Maybe not a classical conservative, but easily as conservative as say George W. Bush. I might also argue he’s been one of the very few Conservatives to actually put his vote where his mouth is when it comes to trying to lower government spending, and the power of special interest groups and pac money.

    Do I agree with him on all issues? NO. Specifcally I want to see him and others back a secure border fence before we even discuss any sort of amnesty or not for current illegals.

    However this continued whailing that he’s not a conservatives is more a combination of Sour grapes, and professional narcissism. In other words people who are more worried about defending their ego than really taking a look at his true voting history.

    Please beyond immigration enlighten us as to how McCain has voted as a liberal? Because he’s been given an A+ by the Pro Life groups. He’s constantly voted on the side of the NRA. He’s voted more then ANY other Republican (unless you consider Ron Paul a Republican still) in favor of limiting spending and government growth. He’s always been pro military, and he wa sone of the first to support the surge………that some would call him a liberal is ignorant or childish.

  6. Bash (the infidel)

    @John H

    That’s your opinion, and you’re stickin’ to it.


  7. Tom in CO

    Brady Act endorsement says otherwise about the NRA!

  8. John H

    I wish I could summon Reagan to play Jesuit and wack all your knuckles with a ruler…..

    McCain may not be my ideal Republican candidate(Hunter was, and is)…but he IS a Republican….and the Enemey is damn near Communist. I didn’t vote for McCain in Primary, but I definately will in a General Election.

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: John H

    McCain isnt the ideal Republican but as I have said before i dont think the guy is satan in a suit. he is an American Patriot, just dont like his stand on the border or him opposing Bush tax cuts. I plan on voting for him in the general election as of right now. If he picks an actual liberal to be his running mate he will lose me though.

  10. Unbreakable

    I don’t agree with most or all of McCain’s politics, but he IS the real deal in regards to service to this country, I believe. 22 combat missions flying A-4s over North Vietnam, shot down on the 23rd mission. Spent 5 1/2 years as a POW, refused a chance to come home early. Recipient of the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Distinguished Flying Cross. AND it’s all confirmed, not a load of crap like “Swift Boat John Kerry”.

    I would say that this time around, John McCain just might be the lesser of 3 evils, so I will vote for him if he is on the Republican ticket and hope for the best.

  11. Jeff

    :arrow: John H

    Uh John, this has nothing to do with narcissism.

    I don’t want a conservative president talking about amnesty….at ALL! These are criminals and cheaters. They do not deserve a break. They broke the law the minute they stepped into the country.

    How ’bout 20% of us decide that we will no longer obey traffic lights? How ’bout 10% of us decide we aren’t going to pay taxes? Which laws do you suggest we ALL obey and which are open to debate? I won’t even go into how many goat fuckers came in with the ‘other’ illegals and are now hiding amongst us.

    McCain, a conservative? Well, if you overlook things like:


    He repeatedly voted against the Bush tax cuts.

    He co-authored the McCain/Feingold campaign finance bill that was ruled to be an unconstitutional infringement of the First Amendment.

    Regarding the Second Amendment, the president of the NRA called John McCain the “worst 2nd Amendment candidate,” and Gun Owners of America gives McCain a grade of F-.

    John McCain co-sponsored the energy tax bill (along with his senate buddy Joe Lieberman), which would dramatically increase the cost of gasoline.

    He supports radical global warming legislation.

    He joined with Democrats (Gang of 14) to block the attempt to confirm conservative, strict constructionist judges.

    In 2000, he called Christian leaders “agents of intolerance.”

    He has received the endorsement of the pro-abortion Republicans for Choice Political Action Committee.


    You can stop me any time. But if you’d like, I can go on.

  12. John H

    Well run for president….maybe you can get elected….or not.

    However, he is going to be the GOP candidate in 2008, and compared to several of the ones that started the race, I can honestly say he’s one of the better ones. I still would have prefered Hunter, or Thompson…..but I’ll say this about McCain.

    He is a staunch supporter of the military. Like Hunter he has had blood in game, he hasn’t advertised it, but his son is a Marine who just got back from Iraq. This isn’t some sort of academic ideal for their family. This is real.

    Now if someone wants to split idealogical hairs over some assinine thing Rush Limbaugh and the like says. Bully for them. To me I’ll take a Veteran whose children are serving over some partisan media demagogue any day of the week. Say what you will. The McCain Family has served this country, and he has been one of teh few that would stand behind Bush on the War againt T…..screw that, the War against Islamofacism. I think he’d make a very good Commander in Chief, as long as he brings some more conservatives into his cabinet, I’m very comfortable with McCain having his finger on the button.

  13. Jeff

    :arrow: John H

    Well good! You vote for McCain.

    I am going to vote my conscience. Still undecided but Joe Arpaio is looking pretty good. I can promise you this, it won’t be a Dem.

  14. JonnyMordant

    McCain/Lieberman ‘08? Uh yeah, if he wanted to lose all of his voters he would cross party lines! Condi is actually a pretty good idea though! He could put the first Female and Black person in the V.P. seat, that’s really all that Hillary and Obamas supporters are concerned about anyways… They obviously aren’t voting for their positions on any issues!

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