Video: Annoying Teddy Bear Valentine Ad - Bash Redux

February 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Bored and tired…decided to change the annoying ad.

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13 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    AC/DC you’re the man Bash! one of my favorite bands ever!

    And that original song and commercial are so gaaay! and they play it like 20 times a day on each channel.

    Good choice on how to fix that

  2. Kurt(the infidel)

    And this song makes me want to fight

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Yeah. the scene from Coll Hand Luke…much better.

  4. Bash (the infidel)

    I must confess ac/dc is one of my all-time top ten favorite bands…when Bon Scott died and we heard about them getting a new singer it was like, never replace him…

    Then Back in Black came out and fucking-A…he did it.

    Both eras with that band are great, Angus is da fooking man. Right up there with Ted, Edward, Jimmy, and Jimi…

  5. DC

    Now if you can just get rid of that stupid teddybear! :lol:

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    Angus is a rock God :cool:

  7. 007

    Girl, Soap, Water, Boobs, YA!!!

  8. POD1

    Hey Bash,

    I teach guitar for my living.
    Sadly, fewer and fewer of my young beginner students have ever heard of
    Edward Van Halen, Angus Young, Jimmy Page, or even Jimi Hendrix.
    I do what I can to keep quality musicianship alive, but its an increasingly up hill job.

    Slightly off topic but:
    As a musician and a teacher I’ve noticed a parallel between the “dumbing down”
    of American culture and the dumbing down of popular music.
    The musical vocabulary used to create the current popular music has been reduced
    to almost kindergarten levels.

    Popular music is a big part of a society’s shared culture.
    Ask any WWII vet what he thinks about big band swing.

    Older music wants you to either dance, sing along,
    or at least get you to tag along on it’s journey.
    This is the power of melody.
    Newer music is harmonically primitive and seems to be devoid of any melody.

    Don’t get me wrong there’s a ton of “simple” music that sounds great.
    If you look under the hood, AC/DC is just three chord blues.
    But it packs a big punch without sounding simplistic.
    Again, lots of melody. That’s why Back in Black is still popular 28 years later.

    Maybe I’m reading too much into it but, the musical trend reminds me of
    Orwell’s “1984” where the dictionary gets a little shorter each year.

    Maybe I’m just too fucking old.

  9. Steve in NC

    anything so innocent and built like that just gotta be named Lucille

  10. JonnyMordant

    AC/DC has been responsible for every speeding ticket I’ve ever gotten and Pussy has been responsible for every Cat that I allowed to shit in my house! Maybe I’ll learn one of these days?

    This is definitely one of the all time Classic scenes…

    BLIND DICK: “She don’t even know what she’s doin”!

    LUKE: “She knows exactly what she’s doin. She’s drivin’ us crazy and lovin’ every minute of it”.

    DRAGLINE: “Shut your mouth ’bout my Lucille”.

    LUKE: “Your Lucille? Man, you better put them glasses back on and take a look at yourself”.

  11. cclezel

    “Damn things are blocking my scenerie!” Laughed my ass off. That has to be one of the steamiest scenes I had ever scene,

  12. Steve in NC

    :arrow: POD1

    how many of your students enjoy Zappa?

    just tell ‘em to shut up and play your guitar!

  13. Dan (The Infidel)


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