Berkeley Suffering For Anti-Marine Stance

February 28th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Melanie Morgan of Move America Forward appears on The O’Reilly Factor to talk about the boycott that is costing the City of Berkeley, California, literally millions of dollars in lost business.

She also talks about Move America Forward’s plan to take on Code Pink at every Marine Corps Recruiting Center in America that they have attacked. It seems that Code Pink has gone nationwide on their Marine Corps Recruiter blockades, and they aim to take Code Pink head on and push these bitches back into the slime pit they crawled out of.

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14 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Awhhh…Berkley’s business community is being hurt. Not enough pain yet. Hit em harder. Samsh them. Make ‘em feel the pain.

    They can always sing Kumbaya and entertain themselves with old nasty droopy tits…Fucking traitorous Berkley pigs.
    Crushing them is so much more fun.

    Love ya Melanie…you hot babe you.

  2. Zeke Eagle

    OohRah from a HooAh! Screw Bezerkley Californica.

    One day soon we’ll snap and the hardhat riots will look tame in comparison to the asskickin’ the fookin’ moonbats are gonna get from the old Viet Vets who have been treated the way Code Pinko and ANSWER intend to treat our young warriors of today.

    What’s an arrest to an old man? Nothin’ but a thing.

  3. del

    Nice job. I was thrilled to discovery the organization of this boycott. There are many others to be had — youtube, google, and other organizations are shamelessly leftist — yet gladly take the money of all Americans, including conservatives — and we let it happen. Quick point: Michael Jordan was once asked to go to North Carolina and campaign against long-time republican Jesse Helms. He refused, saying “Republicans buy shoes, too.” Too many “progressive” companies (like Progressive) don’t understand this point.

  4. dave

    Squeeze berkley like a pimple, nothing but pus.

  5. Bill

    They should just send a company (of Marines) up the coast from pendleton and let them sqaure off with the protestors.

  6. mindy abraham

    Justice is sweet :mrgreen: :twisted:

  7. TJ (The Kafir)

    local businesses in berkeley who support the troops ought to have pictures of every council member and when they come to their stores tell them to “get out you are unwelcome intruders in my establishment” :lol:

  8. Marc

    Cool lets keep up the pressure until Berkeley’s economy ranks behind Zimbabwe’s.

  9. JonnyMordant

    Oh Hell Yeayah!

  10. Big D

    They are nothing more than another terrorist orginization. F them. Let em come to Jersey. I got something for em…. :evil: :gun:

  11. Kufir Ken

    And don’t let those little bitches Tapout either. Choke them until that town collapses on itself.


    Just suspend the Posse Comitatus Act for a week and see what we can do to them! :evil:

  13. JOHNNY G


    They don’t even know they’re hated so much!

  14. Stand Against Berkeley

    JOIN THE BOYCOTT of California products at the- bring berkeley to its knees blog. the city council ignores the thousands of emails it has been sent, as liberals do. wines, fruits and vegetables represent a multi-billion dollar industry, with much of the money going to the berkeley area.

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