Video: Berserkely City Council Tells USMC “Fuck You”, Senator Fights Back

February 1st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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16 Responses

  1. LftBhndAgn

    YEAH! Jim - Get Some!

  2. drillanwr

    “Circus freak mutants … near human primates … parasites … left wing freak show of America …” HEH!!!

    Go for it, Jimmy DeMint! GO for it!!!!!

    Where the fuck are Boxer, Pelosi, and Feinstein?

    Better yet, where the fuck is the news media and their microphones ASKING these local representatives about this?

  3. BoomBoom

    I say, lets put a wall around Berkeley, next release the terrorists in Gitmo inside the wall and stand back.

  4. Wolfman

    wow bezerkly….those fags should have a firing squad takin to them

  5. Armand

    Napalm is the only answer I will accept.



  6. Gary in Midwest

    If you mingled the terrorists with these assholes you couldn’t tell one from another. They should have their citizenship revoked and booted out of the country. Free speach only carries so far. When you call our troops murderers you need to be culled from their protection.

  7. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Gary in Midwest, Exactly!

  8. Echelon

    What is wrong with people? How could anyone be brainwashed that much, into such a sick, twisted view of things? Screw Code Pink - Screw Berkeley.

  9. trustme1013

    I think that the CA National Guard & Arnold Schwarzenegger would have every right to institute marshal law there until it is resolved.

    Since that will never happen, I suggest we send in some battle-hardened Marines for a bit of R&R — Berkberk will be chump change after all the IEDs and absolute crap they’ve had to slough through to provide these fuckin’ pussies with freedom.

    What a bunch of lice-ridden pukes. Go take a long walk off a short pier.

  10. Steven D

    I voted for and am a pretty big fan of Jim DeMint, but he is supporting Lindsey Graham-nesty in Graham’s reelection bid. I can’t figure that out.

  11. A. S. Wise- VA

    Glad to hear Sen. DeMint is proposing to cut Federal monies to that bastion America-haters. I think we should take it one step further: petition the Feds to designate Berkley a USMC aerial bombing range, and strip the idiots of their property. If some refuse to leave–too bad! Even better, the bombings would hopefully resound throughout the Bay Area, and piss off the rest! :twisted:

  12. mindy abraham

    To mark wlliams and the good senator :mrgreen: love what you said. To the berkely code pink crowd-just leave the u.s. and secede from us we do not want you.

  13. ticticboom

    Mmmm, Megyn Kelly.

    Wait, what were we talking about again?

  14. big sarge

    Too hell with cutting off the pork barrell projects- lets remove all traces of federal funding from this oasis of stupidity. You want mail? Sorry, that’s federally funded!! You lookin’ to sue someone? Try the state court cuz the feds pulled out. I don’t get to pick and choose who gets my taxes so how in the hell do they get to cherry pick which gov’t agency stays and goes?
    I’d love to see the feds come in and just take a huge portion of Berkley and turn it into a Marine Corps training base, I’m sure and Armored Division and a Tactical Wing would make the recruiting station look pretty reasonable.

  15. Andrew E. Acosta

    Fox News needs to know the difference between a Marine and a soldier. :beer:

  16. Sandra Acosta

    Well son first and formost what can a parent say but you tried to raise them good. Let me say that the last thing that I wanted was for you was to be in the Marines but I accepted this as you rebeling against what I was and what I wanted for you. I did not want you to speak about people like this or pass judgment on people. I wanted you to be a better person and not be as influenced by the crowd but you found this place in the world and rebeled against me and my wishes. I see on your post that you put a beer up on the end though, I sure hope that you did not in reality end up like me. You see you are still under age and my responsability but as you see your self a man and do this behind my back, then so be it. What man hides what he is? I asked you to please consider what you are doing before you go out there and never let things get to you cause the world is a terrible place to live in and every one is out to get there piece of life with out considering what they are destroying. and you better not be drinking behind my back or your gonna get it. you are still under 18 boy! :shock: :idea: :oops: :evil: :beer:

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