New Berkeley Video: Code Pink Cunts Call All U.S. Military “War Criminals”

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


They’re also saying, among other things, that communism is ok, that WWII was wrong…etc

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19 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    If everyone of my internal organs needed transplanting, and all those pink bitches had perfectly good/healthy immediately available replacement organs that would give me another 40+ happy/healthy/prosperous years … I’d tell my doctors and family to just pull the damn plug …

  2. Texas Mom

    :evil: There are no words to describe how I feel about these . . . pink people . . . there are worthless uses of space . . . “what’s wrong with communism anyhow” . . . I wish I could show her without actually committing a crime . . . I wish I could introduce them to a world without the US Marines. I wish I could put a boot up their fat pink asses.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    “The war on terror is a lie, AQ is not a threat to the United States”

    Me: holy hell! where do these fucking people come from??
    When does freedom of speech go too far? you know people like this would go against our own security if given the chance. they are definitely supporting our enemies if only morally. so far

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    Oh and if AQ isnt a threat to the US then who does this dumb bitch think brought down the twin towers

  5. Jeff

    I am both writing and calling my Congressman to lean heavily on Berkeley for allowing these Pink Commie Pigs access to a public forum.

    I’d also write my Senators but they are Boxer and Feinstein. Sort of like asking the devil to turn down the heat….in hell.

  6. big sarge

    That was by far the most impressive display of stupidity I’ve ever seen: “What the hell were we doing in Hawaii?” Um, catching waves and smokin’ some Maui Waui(sp)!!!
    “What’s wrong with Communism?” Hey, I’m not sure, why don’t you move to China and report back to us??
    Oh, man, I’m still laughing to hard to continue.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    And speaking of birth defects and inbreeding…I wonder how many first cousins these mental giants breeded with? :mrgreen:


    i honestly believe at least 30% of america feels the same as the code pinko’s-just look at the democratic party.

  9. mindy abraham

    If AQ likes to use retarded people as bombers, can they use these people :twisted: seriously, how they call Marines killers? They die for our free speech, and they insult them? People like them push me to the conservative side, because I do not want to be associated with these kind of people. If they think WWII was unjustified talk to a holocaust survivor liberated by our guys and see wht they think.

  10. Texas Mom

    These people took up a collection and send money to Fallujah to kill our Marines . . . Melanie Morgan has proof.

  11. James F.

    I don’t think it is possible to properly put into words how idiotic, delusional and moreover ungrateful those Code Pinkers are

  12. LftBhndAgn

    “What the hell were we doing in Hawaii?”

    OK these bitches are SCREAMING choke me out!

  13. mike3481


    I honestly believe at least 30% of America feels the same as the code pinko’s-just look at the democratic party.
    mike3481; Census stats prove these idiots are under breeding and their progeny won’t be around in the next 1 or 2 generations, and there will be no worries or at least not so many.

  14. HDZ

    What state is berkeley in?

  15. ticticboom

    Here is the worst thing anyone could wish upon these… creatures:

    May you live with the logical consequences of your positions.

  16. Richard Quinn

    HDZ - Easy answer to that one. ALTERED!

  17. Chuck Spence

    Let them spend a few years with the Alqueda or the Taliban. I think they would be whistling a different tune in a very short time. They are probably upset with society because of how they turned out looking, berkas would actually be an improvement for them. AQ wouldn’t want them though since they are viciously more ignorant than their own women and obviously bite the hand that feeds them. It would be good for our soldiers morale, if people with attitudes like theirs,were deported and sent to live with the people that they obviously support more than their own. I guess we will just have to keep defending the liberal’s right to remain ignorant.

  18. Ged (former Brit Soldier )

    :idea: Insted of putting our troops ( British and American ) on the front line at the pointy end of the stick for six months at a time, we could send them, they seem to have it all worked out, I wounder how many of them have family who are over there ???? (none ), if they were on fire I would not piss on them, you all make me sick, go get a life and a fucking brain transplant, If I ever see you on the street I will shit in your hat and make you wear it, not that it matters, thats all thats in between your ears anyway,have a nice day, and fucking die !!

  19. Greg Brown

    I have been flooding the Berkeley City Police Department, News, Craigs list, Berkeley City Hall, and on and on.

    I hope other will help me lock this up through the internet. Take 30 minutes and send an email, post a comment, blog, what ever. Tell them to fuck off.


    Cpl. Greg Brown
    MOS 0861
    USMC 1988-1993

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