Video: Commercials That Piss Me Off

February 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


This commercial pisses me off every time I see it. These guys are taking advantage of people that are Internet-ignorant, like me dear old Muddah in Florida.

“All Internet providers take you to the same Internet, so why pay more to get there?”

Fuck you.

It ain’t about “getting to” the Internet, it’s about moving around the Internet. Netzero is dial-up shit. This is such a blatant misdirection. I got my Ma calling me up from Florida… “How come you’re paying $70 a month for Internet? I saw the ad that says I can get it for $9.95…Same Internet!”

“But Ma, you don’t understand.”

“I understand sixty extra bucks a month will buy me a lot of wine.”

“okay, Ma…bye.”

“You’d think I’d have taught you how to get a bargain.”

“Yeah, ma, ok, Ma. Talk to you later.”

“Ha! Seventy bucks a month. What’s with those people anyway?”

“I don’t know, Ma.”

“I’m sending you a free month of Netzero.”

“Thanks, Ma, I need a new coaster…”



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8 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    definitely misleading..Dial up sucks! i get mine for 50 a month and its 4mb/s and a while ago i had aol dial up for like 30 a month and it took me 8 hours one time to download a song lol netzero should be shut down

  2. John Cunningham

    You get what you pay for. I pay $40 for Comcast cable internet and sometimes that even fucks up. Like one minute ago. I slaved over something I wanted to post about Che and it wanted my ID for Pat Dollard. There isn’t any, what the fuck’s it talking about? Have to go back and type the thing all over, again.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: John

    Thats not your internet doing that. I get that message too, just starting doing that. asks for a password too and i have zoomtown. must be something in the site itself

  4. steve m

    Get what you pay for. NetZERO - The name gives clue. If there are still folks with dial up out there then get in to the 21st century. Caveat Emptor

  5. John Cunningham

    Kurt, I was on the phone and just now got back to that comment I made. Even though it did what I said it did, the comment did get posted. I don’t know.

  6. ticticboom

    I have Verizon DSL. 3 mps for about $30. Can’t wait for fios. My folks have it. Over 20 mps.

    The cable companies have been pissing me off. They have these ads that are utterly full of shit. They claim to have had fiber for ten years. While they might have fiber somewhere in their network, what really matters is what actually gets to your home. Hell, the phone company INVENTED fiber.

    Coax can only handle a few HD channels on top of everything else (regular cable, internet, phone). With fiber, most, if not all, channels will eventually be HD. The total bandwith is almost unlimited. It’s the equipment at either end that determines the speed, not the fiber itself.

    Plus, with cable modems, you’re sharing the same pipe with everyone on your street. Especially in urban areas, just try downloading a movie after school lets out. With DSL and fiber, what’s yours is yours.

  7. LftBhndAgn

    The one that gets me??

    Opening line:

    Is the IRS stalking you?

    You dumb asses, IF you would have paid your damn taxes in the first place you wouldn’t be in the position you are in now!!!

  8. just posting

    Dam thats a trip,I say the same thing every time i see that commercial. Thats a scandalous piece of shit on the screen.

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