Video: “Don’t You Fox On Me, EVER!”

February 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

don't fuck with me, bitch!

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14 Responses

  1. Texas Mom

    That was hillarious . . . Don’t you Fox on me, ever!

  2. drillanwr

    HEH! You go, Shep! Give the man a raise for that one!

    Is there a more irrelevant, pointless purveyor of political tripe than Naomi Wolf?

  3. Gerund

    Fuckin’ Diva brawl, all around.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    Drill, Nobody could be more irrelevant. I hate to post crap like this or run the chance of giving them any publicity but go check out her views on America.,,2064157,00.html

  5. LftBhndAgn

    Outstanding Shep!

    And last time I checked too all our “Children in Iraq” were OVER 18.

    OOH RAH!

  6. PhilNBlanx

    Chillax Shep, everything’s cool. Naomi is now one of us…or are we now one of them? Regardless, soon our current Prez “uniters” will make the voter-desired “change” and we will all be living in utopia under our new one party system. I’m getting goosebumps…

  7. ticticboom

    Time, bitterness, and hatred have not been kind to her.

  8. drillanwr

    :arrow: PhilNBlanx

    Chillax Shep, everything’s cool. Naomi is now one of us…or are we now one of them? Regardless, soon our current Prez “uniters” will make the voter-desired “change” and we will all be living in utopia under our new one party system. I’m getting goosebumps…


    acu -

    Yer a wee bright spot o`sunshine on a rather gloomy day, ye are! :lol: :beer:

  9. PhilNBlanx

    Kumbya Drill….at long last we’re going to all get along. Maybe Oprah will do a show about it…

  10. drillanwr

    BTW -

    There was a bit more of this after this clip and this is how the exchange ended:

    SHEP SMITH to NAOMI WOLF: I want to apologize to you for pointing my finger at you. I just get tired of people like you saying every time you’re challenged on something that you say that it’s something about Fox. It’s not something about Fox. I don’t have a horse in this race and for you to suggest such a thing is both inaccurate and insulting.

    WOLF: Okay, Shep, if you knew my long relationship with Fox–

    SMITH: I do know your long relationship with Fox, but I don’t think it’s fair to just take shots at us because we ask questions. And I think to say that we want to get our babies out of Iraq — last time I checked everybody over there’s at least 18.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    Wow a lib smacking a lib. Oh don’t give me that shit that sheppy is an independent. Go back and review his coverage of Katrina. The guy’s a prig.

    But you know, if someone just gave me a 7 million dollar contract, I’d be a tad touchy if someone criticized my employer too.

    Naomi Wolf? Yeck. Perfect example of what’s wrong with America. She’s cow shit in a pants suit.

  12. cclezel

    I am no fan of Shep but I most congratulate him for smacking her down to earth. Liberals love to talk down to us as if we are somehow intellectually inferior. Way to go Shep! Now can we see more of a Conservative side of you?

  13. jgee


    can someone put a link to that in the “urban dictionary” for “B&$#@ SLAPPED”

  14. jam

    Cat fight…I’ll scratch your eyes out bitch!

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