Video: Gobal Warming Lightbulbs Found To Suck

February 14th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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8 Responses

  1. Jeff

    Yeah, they don’t put out a lot of light but these suckers last forever so it’s not all bad. I used to replace my overhead light every month. With these, I’ve been using the same one for 6 months.

    To make up for the lost light, I added a second bulb, using twice the energy which effectively canceled out any benefit to global warming. :lol:

  2. JimmyB

    She may be a slightly mis-guided wannabe tree-hugger, but………. I’d hit it….. :lol:

  3. Dave M.

    The danger comes if you break one, especially if it is lit up,
    in that case you will probably inhale enough elemental mercury
    to make you feel crap for a couple of months. It only takes
    a couple of micrograms. Mercury is a potent central nervous
    system poison and is poorly gotten rid of by the body.
    I know this because I broke one.
    If your kids inhale mercury, they won’t be able to tell you
    they feel crap, but they will be affected.
    I won’t have another of these CFL bulbs in my home.
    Yeah, sure, people used to have fluorescent tubes in their kitchens,
    like way back a century or two ago!!
    The official enviro argument here is that the amount of mercury
    released by breaking one of these things is less than the amount
    of mercury that would be put out by a coal fired power plant
    supplying enough electricity to an ordinary light bulb that
    gives out an equivalent amount of light over the life of the enviro-
    bulb. Huh?
    Dude, the power plant emits mercury, but not inside my house.

  4. Steve in NC

    We humans can control the Earth!!

    God is no longer relevant, it is us the descendants of apes who can control this world


  5. JonnyMordant

    :idea: :roll: :idea: :neutral: :idea: :???: :idea: :cry: :idea: :sad: :idea: :mad: :idea: :evil: —— :mrgreen:

  6. Shortfuse

    Damn, another demshit, tree hugger, EPA fuckup. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

  7. Jarhead68

    I work in the commercial real estate field. In our buildings where we have incandescent light fixtures in the common areas (basements, utility rooms, etc.) I use the compact flourescent bulbs. One: they last a looooooong time. Two: they are just as bright as the bulbs I replaced. They DO take a minute or so to get to their maximum brightness but, on balance, I’d say they are fine.

    Given that they have mercury in them, why are the whackos rushing to ban incandescents? We have witnessed the death of reason over the past decade. Liberals are, quite frankly, retarded. It must be all the soy milk and bean curd they eat. Or could it be the disgusting Starbuck’s they drink? Perhaps it’s the news outlets they rely on for their indoctrinations? Whatever it is, they’s be retarded.

  8. John H

    Ya know I’m all for all bulbs always being available on the market, and letting people buy what THEY want.

    That said I love the new compact florescent bulbs. Reports and complainst that their light isn’t as good or is off color are hogwash. I don’t buy them to be green. I buy them becuase their cheaper in the long run, they help lower my electricty bill, they last longer, and here’s the biggest reason….they give better light.

    People can talk all they want about which light they prefer, but the Camera doesn’t lie, it picks up colors in light your human eye will automatically adjust for. I have done a bit of commercial photography, and I have learned quite a bit about light…..and MANY product photographers are embracing fluresent compacts and for good reason.

    Sure a standard flurescent causes green light, just as a standard incandescent causes yellow light. However I buy Natural light bulbs that have filter coatings to give off as close to pure white light as possible. I can see true colors when cooking, when photographing in my home studio, and I can do it all cheaper….You can get such coatings on either light style, but it costs you more, but over time is less on a bulb that lasts 5+ years vs a bulb that last 4-6 months.

    If that makes someone happy for being “Green” well that great…..I just do it because I’m a cheap miser on the electric bill, and I’m picky about my light.

    I actually like some parts of the green movement….not because I’m a “green” person….but hell any movement that encourages Nuclear Power, and thus finding a way to tell the oil producing Islamic nations, and Oil Producing Communist South American nations to go fuck themselves……well that makes me happy……so if it sticks it to Chavez I encourage tree humping.

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