Video: Hordes Of Illegals Fleeing Back To Mexico

February 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


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14 Responses

  1. Jeff

    Been a fan of the good Sheriff for many years.

    Sheriff Joe’s take on Illegal Immigration: “It’s A Crime”

    A man of few words….but he kicks ass. Might write him in come November. Would also be nice to see Chertoff replaced by Joe.

  2. ticticboom

    President Arpaio sounds good to me.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    I love this guy. Wish he would run for President.

  4. hegelbot

    “except for activists and elected officials who compare me to nazi, germany, hitler, KKK” this guy cracks me up, keep up the good work.

  5. Professor Bill

    Best news I’ve heard all day.

  6. Kurt(the infidel)

    good riddance.

    As far as Joe for President, sounds like a winner to me!

  7. Paslode

    Joe rocks! More states should have the ballz to pass laws like this.

  8. (CAPT-DAX)

    Joe Arpaio for President!

  9. Mike

    Joe needs to take McCain’s spot.

  10. JonnyMordant

    Good Job, but I doubt they’re going back to Mexico though! They’re probably just stealing a different Social Security # and moving to California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho and other states that aren’t doing shit about Illegal Aliens besides providing Drivers Licenses and other forms of Amnesty for them!

  11. azbastard

    alot went from arizona to new mexico..this law came down from a democrate governor..go figure

  12. Indy

    Good Job, but I doubt they’re going back to Mexico though! They’re probably just stealing a different Social Security # and moving to California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Idaho and other states that aren’t doing shit about Illegal Aliens besides providing Drivers Licenses and other forms of Amnesty for them!

    Believe it or not, California is also cracking down on employers who hire illegals.

  13. monkeysdad

    Sheriff Joe rules!!! Lived in PHX for many years and nothing but good to say about the Maricopa County Sheriffs Dept. Wish we had a sheriff down here( North Mexico, Brownsville Texas) with half the sack he has. Our previous sheriff has been incarcerated to a federal institution for running drugs.

  14. HDZ

    aint flag burning a crime too or shitting on your goverment why isnt that enforced?

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