Video: O’Reilly & Hunt On Proposed New G.I. Bill “It’s About Damn Time”

February 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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8 Responses

  1. Mark Tanberg


  2. EDinTampa

    Good to see Kerry get his name on something GREAT for the troops. He’s been there how long?

    Finally, and this will do him some good as I think he is on a short list for VP on an Obama/Kerry ticket.

    That is just a thought.

    Glad for the GI bill, way over due.

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah something I can finally congratulate John Kerry on. Something this important allows me to overcome my extreme dislike of him for an instant.

    Great job to all involved

  4. Dbo

    Thank goodness!

  5. Dbo

    Thank goodness for this bill!

    I was a Marine reservist who deployed for Operation Iraqi Freedom twice. I served in combat in Fallujah and on the Syrian Border.

    Didn’t get any money for college whatsoever because “reservists” don’t qualify for the GI Bill unless they serve two consecutive years in a combat zone, which nobody does. Believe it or not, most reserve units have a standard practice to take reservists off their orders before they reach two years. The department of defense doesnt have enough money for reservists, who get paid more typically when they are deployed, to give them free college as well.

    I know one person who made the two years and he had to go UA (or absent without leave) to make his two years. He got reduced to a private but he still got his college money.

    I go to college at a state university in Connecticut because that fine state gives tuition waivers for combat vets (I would not be able to attend school otherwise)- but lets get real, who wants to go to school in the liberal northeast? I cant even talk about my service openly with some of the people around here!

  6. drillanwr

    I was watching/listening to this when it aired. Kerry actually sounded a bit STUNNED when Bill said he, in essence, had his back on this.

    There are several things in this country that need tweeking or remodeling. How we treat and provide for our brave military is one of them … and one of the most important. I hope this goes full-steam ahead, and is retroactive to whatever point to include everyone who was involved in the onset of this GWOT.

  7. Rhonda

    It’s about damned time…I would sacrifice my retirement to our brave Soldiers…God Bless them each and everyone

  8. ticticboom

    I can just picture some Berkley Congressman opening his door and finding Papa Bear and Col. Hunt there. Loss of bladder control is a possibility. O’Reilly’s fricking HUGE.

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