Hussein Promises To Eviscerate U.S. Military Capability - Not Kidding

February 29th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

This man must not be allowed to become president. This is the most frightening 52 seconds I have ever spent listening to a politician. Don’t forget, “independent” means “unqulalified civilian beard-pullers”.


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78 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    Praise Allah, vote Barack Hussein Obama!!!

  2. EDinTampa

    Get your bomb shelters ready, just like hamas & hezbullah attack Isreal with those rockets daily, once our defenses are weakened severely the bombs will be coming!


  3. EDinTampa

    iran, north korea, al-queda and all the rest of our enemies must just be beside themselves in hope that this anti-American creep wins in November.

    WTF, we are doomed!

  4. Texas Mom

    We are screwed.

  5. LftBhndAgn

    Proof right here in this video how much of a COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOT Hussein is and the people that vote for him are.

  6. Jimmyb

    Get the fuck outta here…… Is he serious?….. oh shit he really is :shock: and ” the people ” are just eating it up….. this country is doomed, just doomed if this is the actual direction that we collectively choose.

    Ok maybe the sky won’t fall at the exact moment he is sworn in, but what is it they say about casting stones into a pond….. of course we understand the ramifications of these kinds of faulty decisions, but look how many people really want this guy in office….. how do we get this message across to everyone else?…. I don’t know…..I just don’t know…..

  7. kurt(the infidel)

    I felt like i was in a nightmare when i was listening to that, thinking is this some kind of a look alike?

    He just admitted that he will cut out military down to practically nothing. We all feared it but he just actually admitted it.


  8. Cuban Eight

    Holly fucking shit! You weren’t kidding about those being the 52 most horrifying seconds listening to this dickhead talk about how he literally is going to gut the military. Jesus H. Christ were in deep shit if this guy gets elected.

  9. Richard Quinn

    Is it just me or is this guy a black Alfred E. Newman? The resemblance is striking. He shares Mad magazine’s poster boy “What me worry?” trademark and attitude.

    Any candidate looks better after this bullshit

  10. ticticboom

    I could feel the blood draining from my face as I listened.

    To all the survivalists in militas that I’ve made fun of over the years:

    I humbly apologize. Anyone selling any compounds with bomb shelters?

  11. Laura

    Hi :beer: :beer:
    Boy do I need a beer after listening to that!
    As a Canadian, can I say you all are f***ed if Americans elect this guy?
    Whew! Gimme another :beer:

  12. ticticboom

    Bill, here’s your president. Congratu-fucking-lations.

  13. ticticboom


    What do you think of this, another Canadian’s view of Obama?

  14. Birdddog

    OH NO HE DI’NT!!! :gun: :shock:

  15. Lamplighter

    I couldn’t get the video to run, but based on the exchange Obama had with McCain today on Iraq, McCain will teach the guy some old tricks, and beat him like a drum. Obama will not win the Presidency by talking about woulda coulda shoulda. This isn’t an intellectual parlour game where we all get to say how smart we were 4 years ago. I wish these pols would be truthful and say what happened: the Iraq War was a continuation of US policy set in place by Clinton (look at his speeches on the subject) and probably, earlier, by Bush I.

  16. trustme1013

    I think I am going to be sick. That literally is my worst nightmare.

  17. dave

    I don’t think my asshole is big enough to stick my head in it.

  18. Laura

    Hi ticticboom,

    The comparison dead on. :cry:

  19. A. S. Wise- VA

    A Democratic win in November will be the death knell to our way of life.

  20. drillanwr

    Just think of all the money we can save and channel to B. Hussein’s social programs if we just cut spending on law enforcement and fire and rescue!!! :idea: :!:

    I am imagining the general election presidential debates …

    B. Hussein Obama has just answered a military/war question the way he did in the video above.

    MODERATOR: Sen. McCain, you now have two minutes for rebuttal to Sen. Obama …

    SEN. McCAIN (after a long silent dumbfounded glare across the stage at Hussein): You’re fucking kidding, right? {dry chuckle of disbelief} … I mean, you’re either fucking kidding or you’re fucking NUTS!

  21. drillanwr

    :arrow: ticticboom

    GREAT link!

    Canada … if Obama gets into the White House … PLEASE! Invade us??!!?? … eh?

  22. JonnyMordant

    “……..and I will immediately change the name of our Nation to the United States of Mexico, Russia, China, Cuba, Iran and Syria”…

    Now it makes total sense why his Security teams were told to not do their job during his rally!

  23. Infidel

    This man is a fool. That video will sink him. :gun:

  24. Infidel

    Please, where is Jack Ruby? :gun: :mrgreen:

  25. Mike Swann

    What a “puppy”.

    I guess the guy never spent any time at a public school playground?

  26. JCD

    It’s Jimmy the Dhimmi all over again.

  27. Mart (just another infidel)

    Here let me save Hussein the trouble. :gun: :shock:

  28. cnchess

    I am encouraged… He is too clueless to realize that Americans do not want any of those things! People were tired of Iraq when the MSM talked about our hopless loss there… Now that we are winning, not even ending the war in Iraq is all that important. We just shot an errant satellite out of orbit with one shot and he wants to end wasteful spending on this system that does not work?!?!?
    Welcome to the White House, President McCain!

  29. Arthuraria

    Okay I’ll make this quick because I need to wipe my ass after watching that clip.

    If Hussein gets his way, by the time he causes the end of the world in 2012, he’ll have us all living in communes and wearing berets! He’ll turn us into France! I wonder if he realizes that America gained her freedom and has maintained it by being able to whoop the pants off anyone who dares challenge her.

    Mark my words, Hussein with take the Red and the Blue off the Ol’ Gal.

  30. HBarnhill

    slow development of future combat systems? …let russia decide our defenses? ….deep cuts?

    this video better wake up some Americans b/c it sjust did
    for me. this guy needs to be stopped. im going to be sick, i mean we’ve got canadians here who are more in tune with america’s needs than the majority of the citizens in this country. shame

  31. reaganmarine84

    I’ve posted this before and I mean it. This guy is a close brother of the anti-christ. To all christians who read this blog, we must include in our prayers to God Almighty this demon in a suit makes it nowhere near the White house. I don’t like everything about McCain, but on the issue of national security and the continuation of our blessed country I’m on board with him.

    God help us!!!!

  32. pogman

    Buy lots of ammunition

  33. HDZ

    Haha i knew it dont vote for blacky holy fuck this is bullshit

  34. Mark Tanberg

    YO IGGY, quick send the CRUSHER and smash him

  35. HBarnhill

    does anybody else realize that if this fucktard is elected that france will be better-suited to defend the US than the US defending itself?

  36. Eddie in Cali

    Get ready to practice your second Amendment rights…. :gun: cause if this is the way this country is going fuck it.. :???:

  37. Kevin M

    “Here comes the sun, it’s alright…
    Hug a tree today…
    Change makes a man takes things over…
    No more war! Make moon pies, not bombs!”


  38. Mike

    nuff said

  39. Jackal3886

    :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  40. fmder

    time to stock up on ammo… :gun:

  41. Dave M.

    I am at work and don’t have headphones,
    can someone please just summarize it in a couple of sentences?
    I’d thank you a lot.

  42. Steve in NC

    @ Mike

    your link is down, it was a violation, surprise surprise

    get ready folks, if he wins arm yourselves and prepare for the next civil war

  43. azbastard

    even if he doesnt win..prepare for the next civil war

  44. TJ (The Kafir)

    that whole thing was written for him, in fact he studdered at one point. the first time he spoke like a pure amature.

    what a fucking idiot. :oops:

  45. Mike

    The only good thing about this is, The mushroom clouds in the major cities will kill Democrats by the millions. Hopefully Washington will be first.

  46. BILL

    ticticboom: He ain’t my president neither is that bastard McCain!

    Now for a political lesson.

    Congress controls spending period. They make up the spending bills and the president signs them or not. President can only cut or increase spending allowed by congress. They would have to make all those cuts before he could do a thing. It ain’t going to happen if we concern ourselves with taking back Congress!


    Under the Article II, Section II of the Constitution, the Senate must advise and consent to ratification of treaties that have been negotiated and agreed to by the President.

    Again, he can’t make any treaties or change them without consent!! The so called conservative dems that won last time that ran on conservatism will not let him do this. His own party (except the extreme) will stop him.

    Everything he said is a load of crap! He said it to appease his base period! If you fall for this fear mongering then so be it. If he tries any of this crap the so called conservtive (moderate) dems won’t side with him neither will the wimpy Republicans. It ain’t going to happen.

    We all heard about how bad it would be if Clinton got in. It would be the end of the world as we know it. Bull Crap! He had a dem controlled congress and lost it. The 94 Republicans kicked his butt from that point on. The same thing will happen again if obamamama gets in. Clinton passed a ten year gun ban and he lost congress because of it!

    Go ahead an vote cowardly for McCain and the conservative wing of the Republican party is done! We will not win congress back period and McCain as he has proven time and again will stick a knife so deep into us that it will come out our chests!

    You people need to get some spine! Quit whining (that is all that I see here) along with a load of crap about getting our guns out and start working for a conservatives in your district and get them elected. Donate to conservatives that are running (I have) put your money where you mouth is!

  47. Marc


  48. Rudemeister

    I would see no problem with his ideas to cut military spending if the world were a nice place where everybody could just get along. We could all just talk it over. We would love one another. Sigh.


  49. Steve in NC

    :arrow: Bill
    ‘We all heard about how bad it would be if Clinton got in. It would be the end of the world as we know it.’

    clinton did real well with the growing threat of violent islam didn’t he? Yea, clinton was not so bad after all. :roll:

  50. drillanwr

    B. Hussein IS friggin’ Barney Fife!

    “Where’d I put my one bullet?”

    The ONLY ad McCain’s campaign needs to put together and buy heavy TV air time for:

    Splice THIS ad together with old clips of a bumbling, misfiring Barney Fife from The Andy Griffith Show … ending the ad with Fife’s indignant and arrogant pinch-faced “sniff” …

  51. Dan (The Infidel)

    VDH lays it out very well in his column.

  52. Goodbye Natalie

    What are we going to do Obama? Pal up with Putin, Ahmadinejad, and Kim sung-il to assure they follow thru?

    This man is a fool, incredibly naive, and dangerous. God help us if the slackers of this nation get this man elected.

  53. Clutch250f

    Did anyone else vomit a little when they heard that or was it just me? I am willing to bet that we will be attacked but more terrorists if not another nation if he gets into office. We are deeply screwed.

  54. eatmerightwingers

    Maybe if you stupid fucking right wingers weren’t so busy creating enemies you wouldn’t be scared of a president down grading our already powerful nuclear arsenal. Way to go on taking words out of context once again. Last time I checked we were attacked on Bush’s watch. So I guess it’s convienent for all of you now to spin this bull shit Obama, and say it’s going to be the demise of the U.S. One more point, have we stopped looking for the so called culprit of 9/11?? Isn’t he the true threat?

  55. RTLM

    This pissant Obama is a tie dyed in the wool, vegan euro-socialist. A totally laughable candidate to anyone but the absolute worthless shit-for-brains MTV demographic. And there’s a whole lot of’em. The MTV Libtard sycophants jumped to fawn all over the Obama eunuch. But like any other free loader set, they’ll lose interest just as quickly.

    Luckily for the rest of us their attention spans are exactly as long as their needle dicks.

    BTW eatmerightwingers, stick to gape-gazing at Bravo Network, dipshit.

    Its what you’re good at.

  56. BT


    I have listened to that bullshit for too fucking long. All of the set up work was done under Billy “touch me feel me” Clinton. For all the faults of President Bush, the proper form of address for the president, no other attacks have happend since.

    This fucking ad says, “ooooh, please come hump me hard”. This is not my idea to preserve my country for my children, or yours for that matter. We didn’t create enemies, they opted for that status due to their own fucking words and actions.

    The world is a dangerous fucking place, and fuck-holes like you make it more so. Thinking that it is the fault of The United States of America, that people wish us harm is, at the least, bullshit and at the worst should be punishable by flogging.

    :evil: Have a Nice Day and Fuck You Very Much :evil:

  57. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: eatmerightwingers Let me break it down for YA! BITCH!

    1) “stupid fucking right wingers”?

    O.K. lets talk facts and see who’s “Stupid Fuckin’”, A’ight… Biotch?

    2) “if right wingers weren’t so busy creating enemies”?

    Last time I checked Ronald Reagan didn’t create “Communism” (the concept that wants to destroy capitalism and freedom by giving everything to the Gov’t to distribute to the Proletariat) and George Bush didn’t create “Islam” (the religion that wants to destroy everything that doesn’t follow it, that finds Child molestation an acceptable practice and Stoning, Beheading, Burning alive, Chopping off limbs, Vaginal circumcision, Beating your wife, etc, etc… All acceptable and especially when it’s happening to the weakest people in society, not to mention usually the victim). Both of these “enemies” were trying to destroy us long before we ever took notice and elected Men capable of dealing with their attacks on the freedoms and liberties in this Sovereign Nation!

    3) “wouldn’t be scared of a president down grading our already powerful nuclear arsenal”?

    You obviously aren’t aware of how much maintenance goes into our defense projects, not to mention that keeping ahead of the competition is kind of… well, actually of Major importance when dealing with a world full of Dictators that Pinkos like you are just begging to bend over for!

    4) “Way to go on taking words out of context once again.”

    LMFAOAYB! Here you don’t even bother to give your own context, let alone mention what was taken out of context in your opinion! This is the part where I say, “What? Are you, like 15 or something? Like, grow up already!”

    5) “Last time I checked we were attacked on Bush’s watch.”

    Wow, you have stated the obvious… How fucking brilliant, You really should be a Rhodes scholar by now (Surely you must be at least 15 and a 1/2)!

    Yes, W. was President when he inherited a lot of (all of) the shit that Bill Clitoris ignored, remember it was only 8 months after W. entered office that 9/11 occurred… What was “Puff Daddy Bill” doing whilst these attacks were being planned? He sure as fuck wasn’t caring about American People! What you need to remember is that Bill Clinton was living in a White house that hadn’t seen a Terrorist attack in nearly 5 years… That’s right Gorge H.W.Bush dealt with terrorism just like Ronald Reagan had “He never surrendered to it!”… I might also mention that they never had an attack on U.S. soil… Whereas Billy Bob Clinton had 3 Terrorist attacks on U.S. soil…

    Let’s look at the scoreboard now (I know, this is why you aren’t a sports fan… Because you get tired of being a Loser!) Now back to that scoreboard:

    Carter: Nothing to say here but an utter failure on every level and we are still feeling the effects of his friendship with Terrorist organizations!

    Reagan: Inherited Carters failed Presidency that gave Islam a platform from which to launch attacks against the U.S. and the rest of the world. Reagan took on Carters gift of Terrorism and never appeased the Terrorists. Oh, and he Defeated Communism at the same time(I know that Defeating Communism thing isn’t a plus for you because you’re a superior 15 and a 1/2 year old being)!

    George H.W.Bush: Inherited Reagan’s hugely successful Presidency and kept us free from Terrorist attacks for the next 4 years!

    Bill Clinton: Inherited a Presidency that hadn’t seen a Terrorist attack in nearly 5 years… Bill Clinton’s record is 9 Terrorist attacks in 8 years, 3 of them on U.S. soil.

    George W. Bush: Inherited 8 years of Bill Clinton’s messes to clean up, Clinton fucked the American military/defense budgets every chance he got, which getting back to the subject… is exactly what AL-Obama wants to do.

    6) “So I guess it’s convienent for all of you now to spin this bull shit Obama, and say it’s going to be the demise of the U.S.”

    Spin? “All we know are the facts the Ma’am, Just the facts”!

    History shows us that Liberal Pussies like Obama, are the ones handing free countries over to Terrorists…

    7) “One more point, have we stopped looking for the so called culprit of 9/11?? Isn’t he the true threat?”

    The U.S. IS actively seeking Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan/Pakistan and will go wherever he is, it remains a matter of time, but he will be brought to justice and tilled into the soil. As for being “the true threat”, you say it like there can only be one threat! Bin Laden is only one of many “True” threats. Bin Laden is the “Most Wanted” terrorist, but other Terrorists are no less “True” a threat than Bin Laden!

    Thanks for stopping by to share your points and receive your ass whoopin’, now get your Pink ass back over to dailycos, fucking Troll!

  58. drillanwr

    :arrow: JonnyMordant

    Nicely done, Sir! I salute you! Ha-Za! :beer: :beer:

  59. Steve in NC

    :arrow: JonnyMordant

    Nicely done, although I am not sure even trying to counter such ignorance will be effective, somebody who is stupid enough to write that is beyond clear thought anyway.
    Problem is someone that stupid has the right to vote.

  60. Jarhead68

    @ BILL: Thanks for giving the civics lesson. You saved me the time. Most people do not know that the Congress spends and the President negotiates changes to the budget. Technically, the President does not have to submit a budget. It’s not his job but, for some reason, they have been doing it for decades.

  61. LftBhndAgn

    BT & JonnyMordant

    Thank you for saving me the time on responding to the little troll bitch boy. :wink: :beer:

    eatmerightwingers forgot to add FISTS to the end of his name.

  62. Tom

    With politicians like these, who needs enemies.

  63. Tom in CO

    lol @ libtard trolls that think it’s the US’ fault first and always. Go die in a fire! :D

  64. KBar

    Three cheers and a cigar to JonnyMordant & BT!

    I would have added:

    :arrow: eatmerightwingers,
    As a very young kid during Jimmy Carter’s administration, I would sit with my dad and watch the evening news. And every night, there was a US flag burning somewhere in the mideast, whether it was Iran, Libya, Syria, or Lebanon. And President Carter did NOTHING! He sat back while hostages sat in Tehran for 444 days and were only released when Ronald Reagan took office. His anemic presidency paved the way for the explosion of terrorism against the US and it’s people.

    It was Carter who “brokered” the Camp David Peace Accord between Israel and Egypt. But he did it by offering both sides monetary aid. What’s worse, the US was now seen in the arab world as siding with Israel, even though we were providing money to BOTH sides. Suddenly, the US became a target for terrorists. There were plenty of terror attacks carried out prior (Munich in ‘72, etc) but little if any on us. Go back and see for yourself. We did not begin to suffer terror attacks until AFTER the Camp David Accord. Anwar Sadat, the president of Egypt, died at the hands of terrorists in 1981.

    You say Conservatives / Republicans created this climate of hatred of the US? This hatred of the United States began in the late 1970’s, and it was set in motion (although I’m sure not intentionally) by James Earl Carter. He was seen as weak. The surest way to invite trouble is to be seen as weak.

    Throughout the 1980’s, we had to deal with terrorism (Flight 800, the Achille Loro, high-jacking after high-jacking, and so on…). As JonnyMordant mentioned in his post, Ronald Reagan inherited this mess, but by then, Pandora’s Box was open. Even President Reagan made some big mistakes, but they were at least assertive and for the most part a step in the right direction.

    And it didn’t stop in the 1990s either. Kidnappings, the first WTC bombing in ‘93, the embassy bombings in Africa, the USS Cole, and 9/11. So how did we cause the “whole world” as you left-wingers like to say, to hate us? The attacks I just mentioned occurred during President Clinton’s administration.

    Now, I AM NOT SAYING Bill Clinton drove a speedboat loaded with TNT into the side of a US Navy Frigate. I don’t believe he would intentionally compromise national security, and he (and President Carter) did what they thought was best for the country. And therein lies the problem. What they perceived is best for the country, is what those that DO hate us perceive as weakness.

    Obama is no different.

  65. Ang

    If we do not end this properly all those who have given their lives there will have done it in vain. We can not allow this to happen. As some here know my son was in Iraq.. Last Sunday he gave his life and in doing so save five of his team. I will NOT allow this to be in vain. :evil:

  66. EDinTampa

    So where is “eatmerightwingers” answer to JonnyMordant? I was looking for another Mordant response. :beer:

  67. mchevere

    This is the most frightening thing I have ever seen! The link is at The American people must see this before November.

    Please help get this out! I have been sending this out to friends, blogs and the media. I hope you all will pick this up and keep it going till it gets where it needs to go (Major Media). If we don’t get the truth out this man will be President. That is a fact.

  68. mchevere

    This is the most frightening thing I have ever seen. The link is The American people must see this before November.

    Please help get this out! I have been sending this out to friends and media. I hope you all will pick this up and keep it going till it gets where it needs to go (Major Media). If we don’t get the truth out this man will be President.

  69. JonnyMordant

    :arrow: Dollard Nation… Thanks for showin’ some Love! I’m all choked up, it makes me want to go slay another Hippie! :gun:

    :arrow: KBar… Sweeet points, You brought back memories of watching the news with my parents during that same time frame when I was a kid. I gotta give Ross Perot credit for taking a more proactive stance than Carter and also mention that the proof of what your statement about “perception of weakness” is that as soon as Reagan was sworn in our hostages were released. I’d say the Terrorists didn’t want the Gipper up in their asses precisely because they knew he wouldn’t buckle under to them!

    :arrow: mchevere
    “The URL contained a malformed video ID.”

    What’s the title of the video?

  70. mchevere

    The title on You Tube is “IN 52 SECS WHY BARACK OBAMA CANNOT WIN A GENERAL ELECTION”. I hope the title is correct, but I think he will win if we don’t find a way to stop him.

  71. JonnyMordant

    Try this link:

  72. mchevere

    Here is another link too. I just wanted to post it to see if it worked. Obviously we have the link right here too. I just thought the shorter url would be simpler.

  73. JonnyMordant

    I was thinking that linking it here would bring a few whiners around to get Punched in the Mouth! :wink: LOL!

    Oh, and maybe learn something… I always forget that part!

  74. mchevere

    yeah. your probably right.

  75. LordBLB

    Sad that you people take these words Barack says out of context so badly.

    -He’s right on cutting the missile defense systems over the U.S., Unproven, never used, waste of money…

    -Nothing wrong with NOT weaponizing space…

    -Nothing wrong with having a board to oversee how we spend money on new weaponry…

    -AND nothing wrong with cutting back on our nuclear arsenal (150,000+ is a bit much if you ask me)…

    I fail to see your point with this video and I remain a supporter…good day.

  76. Harley

    In answer to your rationalizations LordBLB 1 His words as many others may be taken out of context but they are HIS words. When we chose words me must look at how they will be interpreted. I believe that his focus on getting us out of Iraq is so narrow that he means what he says. If you have other facts please let me know.
    2 The missile defense system was recently proved to work yes there are bugs but the system worked when our navy successfully shot down a satellite before it could cause damage on the ground as it burned in to the atmosphere. Jobs lost by contractors will cause more unemployment.
    3 I too would not mind if space was not weaponized but to unilaterally make those decisions without first ensuring the other nations did likewise is foolish at best. Besides the Russians have already done that too. 4. A board has been in existence for sometime to oversee the weapons contracts he is (by my interpretation) going to add red tape to the process of bringing critical weapons through the R & D process and strip the board of its decision making ability. 5. You are correct we have enough nuclear weapons to destroy this planet but that threat has kept other nations in line for years.
    His plans sound unilateral without ensuring that others follow suit. At any rate striping our country of its power before we negotiate with others is out of the question.

  77. Mike F


  78. Mary

    Wake up America, before it is too late…….

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