Video: Kerry Blames Tornadoes On Global Warming

February 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


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16 Responses

  1. Mike W

    Also a scientific fact that what comes out of a normal persons anus is exactly the same thing that comes out of John Kerry`s mouth.

  2. Vanessa

    Kerry actually has caused all this global warming bloviating
    his version of reality to us little people.

    Assh*le. I cannot stand him.

  3. drillanwr

    Denying The Almighty “props”, huh, John? … Way to go, JF(ucking)K!

    EXACTLY WHAT was the purpose of having this ass-clown on MSDNC to discuss the weather?

    Anyone? Bueller?

    Shit, that’s like having Olberman do news and commentary.

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    There you John, exploit our fellow countrymen’s bad situation to push your pseudo-scientific theories. global warming, just ask china about global “warming”

  5. dave

    Dhimi’s asked you shut the fuck up once, we conservatives ask you to shut the fuck up again and eat Hines.

  6. tedders

    Uhm,…… was a COLD front that spurred the tornadoes.

  7. dad3-7

    not sure on these stats, but,,,,,the ave # of below zero days we have here is 12,,last yr due to global warming we had 8 so far this yr we have had 16 and maybe 2 more this week-end… hmmm i wonder what that averages out to?????

  8. Goodbye Natalie

    Ask China what they think of the global warming theory about right now.

    Kerry has two major problems: he’s a traitor; he’s stupid.

  9. Brian

    i have decided to blame everything that happens and all of my misfortunes on Bush for now on. i have been waiting for someone to either blame global warming or bush for the tornadoes, and this idiot has finally come through for me. the scary thing is that this is the party that could end up running this country. and im sad to say that i finally have to agree with michael moore one on thing. americans really are stupid.

  10. Brian

    i should clarify my last comment. Americans in general arent stupid, just the ones that voted for that jackass, and the ones voting for the two dem pres hopefuls.

  11. biteman

    Kerry is such a dumbass.. we really dodged a bullet not getting him in the Whitehouse. i don’t know i we will be as lucky keeping a dumbass out this time.

  12. TO

    Kerry is a walking, breathing billboard who advertises the utter stupidity of Liberals. I Googled Tornados …. try March 18, 1925. Kerry is such a fraud.

  13. DENTON

    These people are idiots. They keep telling their lies. Huricane number and intensity goes through natural cycles of high and low. Look at the last two years. As for tornadoes, how the f..k does he know they are more intense and greater in number. A hundred years ago, these tornadoes would have gone through unpopulated areas. Radar, satellite and instant communications are just picking up tornadoes that always happened - we just didn’t know about them.

  14. Gary in Midwest

    Josef Goebels; “Tell a lie long enough and loud enough and people will believe its true.”

  15. Marc

    When are people going to come to their senses and stop listening to talking heads like Kerry, aka experts about nothing?

    Johnny go back to windsurfing and trips to Davos on your G5, sorry your old lady’s G5, and opposing the wind farm off Nantucket for your buddy Ted “The Ladykiller” Kennedy and leave us poor folks alone.

  16. Dan (The Infidel)

    Nice try Lurch. Go back to your tree goofy.

    “Tornado experts said there was no evidence that the deadly outbreak was related to global warming or anything other than the clash of contrasting cold and warm air masses that usually precedes such events.

    Dr. Harold Brooks, a meteorologist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Okla., said there has been a long history of midwinter storms exacting a deadly toll. The most lethal February was in 1971, when tornadoes ripped across Louisiana and Mississippi. Altogether, according to the severe storms center’s archives, 134 people died in tornadoes in February that year.

    The number of deaths is as much a function of chance and location as the number of tornadoes, he added. Brooks noted that the biggest midwinter outbreak of twisters on record, on Jan. 21-22, 1999, saw 134 tornadoes altogether, but nine deaths. “

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