Video: Meet Karl Marx

February 23rd, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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6 Responses

  1. PhilNBlanx

    When did Shuster get out of rehab?

  2. jarhead68

    Shuster looks like the kid everybody picked on in school. Bill Keller’s statement about doing stories with anonymous sources would mean he wouldn’t publish “what we KNOW about how our government works” is so ridiculous. So he admits he publishes stories without vetting the sources because he “KNOWS” they are true. Journalistic malpractice. He should be fired. Bye-bye New York Slimes.

  3. drillanwr

    You know what … Even IF the [context] of the NYT’s report were true, what is the underlying element therein?

    That, if true, McCain’s assisstants did their job … saw, basically, the possible seeds of a possible problem for the Senator, allegedly went to him and advised him, and, if the NYT’s piece is true, they did their job and the Senator saved face, so to speak.

    Now, IF that were the truth of the whole fiasco piece … compare THAT to what happened with Bill Clinton. Obviously his advisors stood back, didn’t do their jobs, and let him make shitty choices in his “private moments” that eventually slopped over into his professional/political image.

    IF this IS the case with McCain, I’d say it just might be safe to say the man, as president, would be certain to surround himself with very good people who know their jobs … and are certain to do them well.

    Other than that … as a once upon a time ago journalist myself, at a small market radio station … my news director and program director would have had my head for this … especially if I had run with it, and it had resulted in staining the radio station the way this has the already stained NYTimes … especially with our peers in the media community.

  4. Mark Tanberg

    :arrow: PAT
    Perfect title, control what the people know and you control the people. The Marxist media.
    Good job Pat.

  5. Zeke Eagle

    Matthews is sweet on Shuster. Poor Mrs. Matthews.

  6. John H

    Round 1 was when they committed treason and let it be public knowledge how we were tracking terrorist financing…..

    Heck how many rounds have there been? What about the sleezy ad against General Petraeus?

    If the NYT’s current staff had been around during ww2, would they have published the secrets of RADAR? Or perhaps that we’d broken the Japanese code?

    In any other point in history I’m convinced the editor would already be in jail, or at the very least other papers and real journalists would have clearly showed them to be the black sheep, and traitors they are.

    This was yet another scummy article that shows truth and responsible journalism has long since been lost there, and now it’s simply another front for Move On Dot Org Style partisan politics…….tabloids have more respectable journalists.

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