Video: Motel Clerk With CCW Surprises Robber

February 24th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I’m just scratching my head at how at such a range, there was no kill shot.

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18 Responses

  1. kurt(the infidel)

    store owners, employees and citizens should have a right to protect themselves. but did you see how close he fired that glock near that baby? crazy. could have been camera angle i suppose.

    the Hamilton county prosecutor in cincinnati said the other day on the news that he will not file any criminal charges against store workers who fire on robbers. And the law here actually allows someone to chase them out of the store for a pretty long distance, even when out of danger. pretty cool law

  2. Kevin M

    Everybody who thinks a robber is going to storm into a place where people are carrying weapons, raise your hands, then shove them up your ass and scratch your forehead. :smile:

  3. Howie

    Kurt that is the only type of gun control that I approve of; he did not hit the baby!!

  4. kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: Howie

    Just a little close, wasnt trying to over-emphasize that or anything, just pointing it out.

    Im glad he fired, who the hell knows what kind of danger that kid or the rest of them would have been in had someone not had a gun.

  5. HBarnhill

    hell yea, have you hugged your 2nd amendment today?

    :arrow: kurt(the infidel)

    I’m not disagreeing with you, but i’m from cincinnati and I’ve never heard of that law, nor do i find it plausable, especially with cincy’s shithead council members. I’m getting my permit next month so I guess I’ll find out soon.

  6. kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: HBarnhill

    you’re not disagreeing with me but you dont find it plausible. then you are disagreeing with me :lol:

    I grew up in Cincinnati and just recently moved to barely over the indiana border. it was on channel 9 news on Thursday. It was Joe Deters the Hamilton county prosecutor speaking. I mispoke by calling it a law, its more like just the way it is. And they had a lawyer on there also saying you chase someone pretty far. Just what i heard

  7. kurt(the infidel)

    oh and you’re right about the shit head council too. downtown itself is the perfect example of what happens when democrats hold power. the damn cops arent hardly allowed to shoot anymore since the riots

  8. Mark Tanberg

    If you replay and pause at the firing it looks to me like about 2 feet from child, still the sound for she and mother must have been deafening.
    The point I’d like to make is that the second amendment does allow for the people to protect them selves and this implies that in that action we also police society in so doing.
    (by product)
    This would be in accordance with the notion that our constitution is all about, the power of the people over the power of the states and the power of the states then over the power of the federal government. it’s supposed to be a bottom up power base, not a top down system.

    Didn’t play out that way though did it?
    Maybe Hussain wants to change it back? - - - - not.

  9. kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: HBarnhill

    here is a link to his exact words and the story on 9 news

  10. Zeke Eagle

    Once, on a banzai run to Kansas City, I stopped for fuel somewhere in Indiana or Ohio, when I noticed that everone employed there was packin’ heat, hip, shoulder and belt all armed, even the girl on the register.
    When I asked, Do y’all get robbed a lot?” She replied,” We used to.”

  11. Sandy

    Dude now works at a gun store! :lol:

    The only safe place to be anymore. :wink:

  12. Mr. Standfast

    No kill shot? Dump the girlie gun and get a 45 acp. :twisted: That ought to get a few of you going!!

  13. HBarnhill

    :arrow: kurt

    yea the reason why i said i didnt think it was plausable was b/c i couldnt see shop owners in Mt adams and Mt Lookout or Hyde Park (east side cincy) caring too much about that…but over the rhine hell yes. deters is a good man…along with anyone else willy cunningham is backs

    thanks for the link…good stuff

  14. TJ (The Kafir)

    he seemd so cool headed in the tape. awesome job

  15. kurt(the infidel)

    :arrow: HBarnhill

    I was just messing with you with the whole disagreeing thing.

    and yeah buddy, over the Rhine is a great place to implement this new tactic. Im scared to drive through that neighborhood. and yeah east side of town is definitely more tame. i think over the rhine would be considered the epicenter

  16. JS

    Hey, the guys hit him three times and the dude was moving faster than jack rabbit in a room full of rattlers. I say good shooting.

  17. RJ

    The guy who did the shoot has posted his story online (this is a couple years old). The video makes it look like he was a lot closer to the baby than he actually was. A lot farther than a couple inches as the other clerk incorrectly claims in the video

  18. wesley

    If you notice that guy is moving fast before he starts shooting. Shows the true nature of thugs. Cowards and pussies.

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