Video: Move America Forward’s Melanie Morgan On Their Berkeley Petition

February 1st, 2008 Posted By Bash.


MoveAmericaForward’s Melanie Morgan was on Cavuto today and she talked about the petition they have at their website. I can’t get there to check it out right now, as it seems everybody that watched Cavuto probably went there and to sign the petition and it crashed their server. Here’s the link,, and she also explains it in the vid.

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34 Responses

  1. steve m

    can we force them to secede?…fucking morons

  2. tanicacid

    Isn’t the Solomon Act a law to withold Fed funds from a school if they don’t like the strings attached? Enfore it. How about witholding Fed funds from a city that doesn’t like the strings attached. That dead weight pinko town would close down in a month.

  3. Jeff

    Excellent! Deny funds, shut them up and wipe these freaks out. Remove Berkeley from the United States, declare Berkeley a terrorist support state and attack!

    As a side note, anyone notice that guy standing in the background on the vid? Something not right about him…..besides his anti-Marine stance of course.

  4. DC

    @ Jeff

    It looks like the guy has Huntington’s corea…..
    It’s that, or he’s wired to the hubs on speed!

    Either way…he’s fooked up!

  5. john direito

    what do you expect from berkley,i’m a marine from the south asia campain.they spit on me when I came home.frankly i don’t give a damn.besides my B E in ENGINEERING makes them looks like hooters on a boar hog.once a marine,always a marine.i’ll still be here after their brains are smoked up

  6. Jolly

    You know theres an old lesson learned down south going back to 1861. When you seek to undermine and attack the Union during time of war, you may end up under Federal occupation.

    This Marine recruiting station is an office of the Federal government.

  7. Jolly

    You know what would be really funny.

    That one day of the week, when code pink has the use of that parking spot. Have the Marines show up an hour early and park an M1 Abrams Tank there running its gas Turbine engine… I would die laughing lets see Berkeley cops try having that Towed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Michelle Malkin » Talk back to Berkeley: Sign the petition; Update: Troop-bashers go berzerk, chain themselves to recruitment center; mayor wants to evacuate Marines

    […] City Council crashed earlier today after your blog posting due to the huge traffic surge, plus my appearance on Your World with Neil Cavuto. We have fixed the problem, and our server is now fully capable of […]

  9. POD1

    I remember a news story from a few years ago.
    A farmer in England was being harassed by his local government.
    In protest, the farmer “hosed down” the government office building with his manure spreader. The video of this is absolutely hilarious.

    I wonder if we could hire that farmer for an afternoon.
    I’d love to see those code pink ingrates turned into code brown ingrates.

  10. Texas Mom

    POD1 - Code Brown Ingrates - LOL!

    I hear that crazy Desiree Farooz is back in my hometown living just a few blocks over . . . she is the Code Pinko with the red hands in Condi’s face . . . Code Brown, hum, Code Brown, hum . . . just a few blocks over, hum.

  11. Mad Dog Murf

    I was a soldier and I defended their right to free speech. In defense of Berkeley….poor sheeple. If you want to understand why…….Still no excuse for stupidity!

    War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
    John Stuart Mill
    English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

  12. Jinga

    I am all for withholding ALL Fed funds from this traitorous city. The heck with them. While they are at it JAIL the protesters blocking the door.

    An earthquake cant happen fast enough in Berkley.

  13. Kay

    What I don’t understand is why the Government hasn’t stepped in and done something to stop this?

    See 18 USC 2388 — “Whoever, when the United States is at war, . . . willfully obstructs the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, to the injury of the service or the United States, or attempts to do so shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

    The protesters tried to block anyone from entering into the building.

    Since when is it legal to block a government office entrance for 7 hours?

    Don Spark falls to the ground when he and other anti-war protesters tried to prevent an unidentified man from entering a Marine Corps. recruitment office in Berkeley.

  14. Kay

    What I don’t understand is why the Government hasn’t stepped in and done something to stop this? IT’S ILLEGAL!!

    See 18 USC 2388 — “Whoever, when the United States is at war, . . . willfully obstructs the recruiting or enlistment service of the United States, to the injury of the service or the United States, or attempts to do so shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

    The protesters tried to block anyone from entering into the building.

    Since when is it legal to block a government office entrance for 7 hours?

    Don Spark falls to the ground when he and other anti-war protesters tried to prevent an unidentified man from entering a Marine Corps. recruitment office in Berkeley.

  15. Storm-Rider

    My definition of courage is one who is willing to stand in harms way in order to defend liberty or innocent life. The U.S. Marine Corps is composed of a great many courageous people who meet this definition. Many U.S. Marines have died to defend our God-given freedom. How many from Code Pink have died defending American life and liberty? None. Until they begin to lay down their lives to defend the innocent lives of others, and to defend our God-given liberty from terrorists and tyrants, they will continue to be cowards.

  16. Kini

    I gladly signed the petition. I’m not a veteran. I was an Air Force brat though.

    What Berzerkly is doing is practicing a form of discrimination. It is the worst kind of discrimination.

    It’s the most vile and heinous discrimination against those who choose to serve their country. Those who choose to defend their rights to act like the fools they are. Those who would give the ultimate sacrifice to protect those who would malign the good men and women who choose to serve our country.

  17. Spyderman

    DO NOT SPEND YOUR MONEY IN BERKELEY! If you must travel to Berkeley or through Berkeley, get gas before you enter city limits or after you leave the city. Eat lunch elsewhere or pack you own lunch, it’s okay to leave your trash in Berkeley, just not your money.

  18. Pepe Ramirez

    This Country is the Greatest Nation the world has ever seen because of the Men and Women that serve this Nation. city of berkely, do you know that the Iraqi and Afghanistan people are now voting freely because of our
    Military Members. Women are not being raped and young men are no longer taken away to serve the terrorists. I wish the city of berkley would leave their safe houses and visit a Third World Country and realize the freedom that our Country has to offer. The city of berkley has not seen the mass graves filled with skulls of women and children because of the terrorist that killed them, nor the joy of the Iraqi and Afghanistan people because of their new found freedom. Great sacrifices are endured daily by our Service
    Members and if it wasn’t for our Service Members, this country would have long perished back in 1775, 1812, Spanish American War.World War I, World War II, Korean War, Cold War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, and now the War on
    Terror. Remember Dec 7, 1941. What about 911? By the way, I deployed to Iraq on three different occasions and have lived and witnessed our Great Troops in combat. Thank the Troops for Our Freedom and God Bless the United States
    Armed Forces. Everyone that supports the Troops, please send your Congresswoman or Congressman a letter to support Sen. DeMint’s resolution.

    Loyal Citizen

  19. Samir

    I support Berkeley because they are opposing an institution that discriminates against gay men and lesbians, in violation of public policy.

    I support the Marines as well but the USA military needs to end its discriminatory policy, instead of pushing its backwards views where they are not wanted.

  20. IT2 Spencer

    These worthless excuses have the right to openly speak there mind. They do not have the right to bend or break the Law. If the Core went to the Code queer Office and vandalized it they would be arrested and prosecuted for it. It is apparent that the only people that get a fair shake in Berkeley are the flaming left wing. If they so choose to not allow the Core to ask its youths to support and defend this great country. Then why should this country continue to give them ANY federal funding. Let’s see who cries the hardest the next time half there state burns, or they have an Earthquake. If they can’t help with the little things what use are they.

  21. james keller

    I don’t understand how someone like Dana Spring can be so misguided

  22. AMERICAN NONSENSE » Exclusive: Melanie Morgan Talks About Berkeley Calling The Marines, the ‘Uninvited and Unwelcome Intruders’–Updated& Bumped, Mayor Apoligizes

    […] Melanie Morgan’s interview on the Neil Cavuto show, found here. […]

  23. Richard

    Berkeley is broken…they need a fix but not with USA taxpayers money…let Castro bail them out

  24. Robert Bush

    I am a WW2 vet, Navy corpsman USN.44′48′..and served with the Marines. I cannot express my anger and sadness with the present trend in society and some “leaders” denigrate our President, our military, & every decision of our govt.! It is un American and an abuse of the first amendment! Criticizing & complaining has become a policy by the left! When San Francisco & Berkeley, are bold enough to insult our nation’s armed forces, to forbid them to enter or a nation, must say “ENOUGH”! Pelosi & Boxer are our representatives. They should be the first to initiate sanctions or penalties and condemn these insulting un American actions!

  25. Mike

    I have stopped trying to understand the liberal mind. It is incomprehensible. I only know liberals like this are my enemies and the enemies of America as surely as any terrorist. The venom that comes from these people is frightening. Liberals preach tolerance but are the least tolerant of all. Let’s see how brave these Berkely officials are when terrorists are about ready to cut their heads off. They’ll be crying like babies and begging for the Marines to save them.

  26. Julene Pritchett

    God has been so good to our country and our military. My dad served in the Army in Italy during WWII, I had friends from high school who went to Viet Nam and Korea — some did not come back. I cried when our troups came home to be denounced and shamed because they stood for the cause of freedom. I am appalled that Congress and those running for office, have no guts to stand for right. I have known people who lived through the holocaust that some are trying to deny happened, and my heart is breaking. I wish I was in a place where I could support them in a meaningful way. I do what I can — When I see a military person no matter what branch — I go to them, shake their hand or hug them, and tell them they are much appreciated and loved and prayed for: because that is what I can do. Berkeley is doing now what was done to our brave Americans in Viet Nam. Now is the time to take a stand for freedom and put anarchy in its place. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND OUR MILITARY — OUR FREEDOM DEPENDS ON THEM!!!

  27. Brad

    Don’t forget to add funding for the Berkley PD to the list of Federal Funds to be pulled. The PD is not there to be “neutral”, they are there to enforce the law. If they are merely puppets of the City Council and don’t enforce the laws, then they don’t deserve the funding.
    The “City” that forgets it’s heroes will soon be forgotten itself.

  28. Linda

    Love is the only reality there is. Peace is the one goal; forgiveness is the one function. Speak from your heart. Everybody’s got one.

  29. Michael

    Im sorry….. this is crazy… im a democrat and this disheartens me….. Im a proud member of the United States Army and have served 2 tours in Iraq to fight for what this country stands for…. i have lost friends… and it shames me that people can stop free choice.. if some want to deter our fight for AMERICA a land i love so much that they would stoop to chaining themselves to the recruiter’s door its sad… Dont get me wrong i might disgree with them but i respect their opinion to opose the war and voice their opinions. Its actually one of the founding principles of this great country.. but to stop our nations heros from recruting our next generation of heros to a fight not just for themselves but also for the very principles of the constitution…. its saddening… Its not a left thing or a republican thing… its a Wrong thing or the right thing…. I will comend any brave kid of our generation to walk into the recruting office and know that he is doing his country a service in an ALL VOLUNTEER military… I will glady fight by his/her side honerably to defend this nation… no mater what silly people we have in it

    God Bless
    SGT Michael Smith USARMY

  30. Everett Kipp

    You have to hit them in the pocketbook. All State and Federal funds must be withheld, including payments to that anti-American university and it’s nutty professors. Cal-Trans should stop repairing roads and bridges within the city limits. Freeway off-ramps to the area should be closed; parents should be urged not to send their sons and daughters to be brain-washed at Cal. The Major calls the schools “our” schools, so let them pay for them. Do everything we can to isolate that hole until the big earthquake gives them justice. When that happens, let them get out of it by themselves.

  31. Brach

    I can’t understand why no prosecutions have occurred…
    Just giving 600k to terrorists is treason… Death sentence is a given. For the protesters no less than 20 years in prison would be fair. As for Berkeley loss of ALL federal funding.

    This is a given…

    If Move America Forward had attacked Code Pink in a physical confrontation you could bet they’d be in jail right now. Yet some reports I heard stated it was indeed Code Pink starting physical altercations with their opposites, and that the police did nothing.

  32. Vicki

    What I would love to see is everyone in California who would like to enlist in the Marines gets sent to Berkeley. Imagine the looks on Code Pink’s faces when buses full of recruits shows up. See how brave they are then.

  33. Lonnie Walker

    I’ve already signed the petition. I am disgusted. Obviously the people at Berkley are too stupid to understand that those marines are Americans first. So in essence, they are saying American citizens are considered unwelcomed uninvited guests. I’ve also sent email to my congressman and my senator stating my views on this issue. In fact, my congressman has mentioned a new bill, H.R. 5462 The Military Freedom Act, which would also take action against any entity that intentionally prohibits or prevents the efforts of military recruiters.

    I just hope there are penalties in the bill for law enforcement that decides not to enforce the law and penalties for the city that tells them not to enforce laws.
    As a military veteran, I support this new house resolution. We have to do something to discourage groups like Code Pink/Code Stink.

    I’ve convinced that if there were a emergency in Berkley, the same idiots that rallied against the marines would be screaming for the military to come help them. Our servicemen and women will be forced to go there and tend to the hypocrits because obviously they still need the government and federal funds to aleviate whatever emergency they have. My answer would be to send code stink in there to help them since they are good buddies in crime. While we’re at it, maybe we should send worthless celebrities in there too. Maybe Rosie can help them better than our military as we only fight wars and kill innocent people.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  34. Chris

    If wanted to get into that recruitment office and a bunch of morons tried to block my way, I’d get heavy duty chain cutters and let them have it! Where is the landlord of that building? Why hasn’t he or she requested that the police remove these obstructor from the property?


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