Video: Obama On The Main Reason Dems Shouldn’t Have DC

February 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Pay attention, people, because reality check time is coming.

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26 Responses

  1. Kurt(the infidel)

    what does he know about foreign policy? screw this guy. empty suit knows nothing and has no realistic ideas

  2. Paslode

    Pffffttt………listen to the Sheeple cheering the Magic Negro.

  3. Paslode

    Here is the Church and here is the steeple, open up the doors and see the Magic Negro folling all teh Sheeple.

  4. drillanwr

    You are either completely crippled and highly contagious in your cluelessness


    Extremely dangerous and massively destructive in your diabolical deception

    Either way, YOU are unforgivably lethal to this country’s security and sovereignty

  5. Jeff

    This guy represents the cancer I fear is coming…..sooner or later.

    If he is elected, I’m afraid it will be the former.

  6. Texas Mom

    Do you hear how they cheer? They don’t care what he says - They like the sound of his voice. The white folks think - WOW, I am so enligtened, I am voting for Obama! That makes me cool.

    This country is full of robots and they are all going to vote for him in November.

    We are doomed.

  7. Paslode

    He is Jimmy Carter reincarnated. And with that in mind I can only imagine how bad he will fuck things up.

  8. T Double Dash

    They’ll do whatever and say whatever it takes to win the popularity contest that is the Presidential Election. Why it comes down to actually taking action, well, obviously this man needs to spend a few more years in politics.

  9. KBoomr113

    I wish Mike Ditka would have run for the seat obama won in 2004. Then we wouldn’t have this problem. This guy scares me. He’s going to pull us out of Iraq so fast it’ll make Dunkirk look good.

  10. Paslode

    @Texas Mom

    The man could pass gas and get a standing ovation. Hell, I bet you could a mint on Ebay for an Obama urine or stool sample.

  11. Kurt(the infidel)

    Yeah thats all that needs to be said. This guy is dangerous choice for this country. And even the world. The little followers are a bunch of worthless zombies hypnotized by his voice

  12. John Goodrow

    This is some scary shit.

  13. drillanwr

    Somebody answer this for me, please?? I mean, I am beginning to get …. I dunno … dumbfounded here.

    How the fuck did this paper doll move in so quickly and strongly on Hillary’s turf (supporters, endorsers, delegates … the damn MEDIA, for cripes sake!)?!?!???

    Something just ain’t right here … just ain’t right. Usually the rotten stench is coming from the Clintons. But THIS???

    Anybody else scratching their head on this?

  14. Kurt(the infidel)

    Drill, if this doesnt make you scratch your head then nothing will. The only thing i can think of is blacks are voting for the first black president and white liberals want to feel enlightened. Its all i can think of. I just dont see him as anything more than a dummy in a suit. no issues, no realistic ways to solve problems. he is just a good speaker and promises “change”.

  15. drillanwr

    Kurt -

    But it’s HILLARY, for cripes sakes! I mean, did we really just build her up into this “boogy-woman” figure out of next to nothing?

    Did we really misOVERestimate her … THAT much?!?

    Holy shit!

  16. drillanwr


    Well, THIS might be one answer to my above head-scratcher question … Drudge is reporting SHE CRIED AGAIN!!!

    MAYBE this time it was for real … but the damage is done. She blew her wad two or three crying jags ago …

  17. Texas Mom

    drill - He is black - Black folks will support a black down any road no matter what - Elite white folks think they are enlightened and cool following a black down any road no matter what . . .

    I used to be the office manager for a black neurosurgeon (the one I told you about previously) - We had black patients come from far and wide just to see the back doctor - didn’t matter if he was any good or not - they would call up and ask for referrals to other black doctors - didn’t matter if they were any good or not - One time it was just me and a receptionist who was also white at the front desk - A black patient angrily told the black neurosurgeon that he did not have enough color on his office staff . . . now I do the black neurosurgeons transcription at home (out of site) and the black neurosurgeon’s entire office is staffed with black personnel . . . it doesn’t matter if they are any good or not.

  18. drillanwr

    That’s it. I’m with Coulter. I’m campaigning for Hillary … At least until the dem primary is over and decided.

  19. Jim C.

    Guys, I’m a Republican. But when I first heard this guy speak, I felt his charisma. Seriously. I thought, “Maybe I could vote for him.” Then I heard his policies.

    I can still feel his charisma, but there’s no way in hell I’ll vote for him.

  20. brian

    this guy wont even face Fox News, but says that a true leader will face his adversary’s and enemies. if this guy becomes president then maybe America deserves to fail and go down the tubes. :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :beer: :beer: :beer:

  21. ticticboom

    Holy. Fucking. Shit.

    In one sentence, he says he’ll surrender to Al Qaeda. In the next, he says he’ll unite us against a common enemy. I’m guessing the enemy he’s referring to is me and the people who post here.

  22. EDinTampa

    That is it exactly tictic… we are the enemy he is referring to and those that support him will willingly convert to Islam, this man is bad news for conservatives and we don’t any conservatives to take him on.

    Right now, I am hoping for Huck to work a miracle and win the GOP nomination.

    Of course I still say that democRATS are the reason we are stuck with McCain as they have had a re-registration drive to convert to Republicans to influence our nomination process.

  23. WarBicycle

    He continues to say he opposed the war in Iraq, he had no say in the invasion of Iraq as he did not become a senator until January 2005.

  24. Paslode

    The MSM and Fat Teddy have wrapped JFK, RFK and MLK into one package of BHO and people have bought into the facade hook, line and sinker.

    And as Texas Mom said, the Blacks to a large degree will pull the lever for color.

    It is going to be interesting.

  25. el Vaquero

    Obama would not be tough to beat by a good Conservative candidate…with McCain it will be tough but not impossible!

  26. jgee

    when I see this guy, I picture Bashar al-Assad, achmadickhead, the al qaeda d-bags, the dirka dirkas in pakistan/afghanistan, chavrz, etc… all wathcing the same thing… spitting their cokes out at the television, laughing their asses off and high-fiving each other… “suuuure let’s talk about things pal!!” “hahaha, f’in idiot Americans”

    neo-con alert (sorry but it makes sense to me):
    Democracies do not go to war against other democracies…
    talking/diplomacy works when two democracies are at the table…

    what happens when a democracy is at the table with a totalitarian state?

    lot’s of agreeing and the people of the democracy are appeased by the rhetoric…

    then the leaders of the totalitarian state leave the meeting, laugh their asses off and high-five each other and then do whatever it is that they want anyway…

    I here this dipshit Obama talk and it’s like, “man, has this guy ever been lied to before?!” Listen pal… go diplomacy all over the place… see what happens

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